# xDS Kubernetes Interop Tests Proxyless Security Mesh Interop Tests executed on Kubernetes. ### Experimental Work in progress. Internal APIs may and will change. Please refrain from making changes to this codebase at the moment. ### Stabilization roadmap - [x] Replace retrying with tenacity - [x] Generate namespace for each test to prevent resource name conflicts and allow running tests in parallel - [x] Security: run server and client in separate namespaces - [ ] Make framework.infrastructure.gcp resources [first-class citizen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-class_citizen), support simpler CRUD - [x] Security: manage `roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser` role grant lifecycle for dynamically-named namespaces - [x] Restructure `framework.test_app` and `framework.xds_k8s*` into a module containing xDS-interop-specific logic - [ ] Address inline TODOs in code - [x] Improve README.md documentation, explain helpers in bin/ folder ## Installation #### Requirements 1. Python v3.7+ 2. [Google Cloud SDK](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install) 3. `kubectl` `kubectl` can be installed via `gcloud components install kubectl`, or system package manager: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl ##### Getting Started 1. If you haven't, [initialize](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install-sdk) gcloud SDK 2. Activate gcloud [configuration](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/configurations) with your project 3. Enable gcloud services: ```shell gcloud services enable \ compute.googleapis.com \ container.googleapis.com \ networksecurity.googleapis.com \ networkservices.googleapis.com \ secretmanager.googleapis.com \ trafficdirector.googleapis.com ``` #### Configure GKE cluster This is an example outlining minimal requirements to run the [baseline tests](xds-baseline-tests). Update gloud sdk: ```shell gcloud -q components update ``` Pre-populate environment variables for convenience. To find project id, refer to [Identifying projects](https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/creating-managing-projects#identifying_projects). ```shell export PROJECT_ID="your-project-id" export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe "${PROJECT_ID}" --format="value(projectNumber)") # Compute Engine default service account export GCE_SA="${PROJECT_NUMBER}-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com" # The prefix to name GCP resources used by the framework export RESOURCE_PREFIX="xds-k8s-interop-tests" # The zone name your cluster, f.e. xds-k8s-test-cluster export CLUSTER_NAME="${RESOURCE_PREFIX}-cluster" # The zone of your cluster, f.e. us-central1-a export ZONE="us-central1-a" # Dedicated GCP Service Account to use with workload identity. export WORKLOAD_SA_NAME="${RESOURCE_PREFIX}" export WORKLOAD_SA_EMAIL="${WORKLOAD_SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" ``` ##### Create the cluster Minimal requirements: [VPC-native](https://cloud.google.com/traffic-director/docs/security-proxyless-setup) cluster with [Workload Identity](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-identity) enabled. ```shell gcloud container clusters create "${CLUSTER_NAME}" \ --scopes=cloud-platform \ --zone="${ZONE}" \ --enable-ip-alias \ --workload-pool="${PROJECT_ID}.svc.id.goog" \ --workload-metadata=GKE_METADATA \ --tags=allow-health-checks ``` For security tests you also need to create CAs and configure the cluster to use those CAs as described [here](https://cloud.google.com/traffic-director/docs/security-proxyless-setup#configure-cas). ##### Create the firewall rule Allow [health checking mechanisms](https://cloud.google.com/traffic-director/docs/set-up-proxyless-gke#creating_the_health_check_firewall_rule_and_backend_service) to query the workloads health. This step can be skipped, if the driver is executed with `--ensure_firewall`. ```shell gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${RESOURCE_PREFIX}-allow-health-checks" \ --network=default --action=allow --direction=INGRESS \ --source-ranges="," \ --target-tags=allow-health-checks \ --rules=tcp:8080-8100 ``` ##### Setup GCP Service Account Create dedicated GCP Service Account to use with [workload identity](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-identity). ```shell gcloud iam service-accounts create "${WORKLOAD_SA_NAME}" \ --display-name="xDS K8S Interop Tests Workload Identity Service Account" ``` Enable the service account to [access the Traffic Director API](https://cloud.google.com/traffic-director/docs/prepare-for-envoy-setup#enable-service-account). ```shell gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${PROJECT_ID}" \ --member="serviceAccount:${WORKLOAD_SA_EMAIL}" \ --role="roles/trafficdirector.client" ``` ##### Allow access to images The test framework needs read access to the client and server images and the bootstrap generator image. You may have these images in your project but if you want to use these from the grpc-testing project you will have to grant the necessary access to these images using https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/access-control#grant or a gsutil command. For example, to grant access to images stored in `grpc-testing` project GCR, run: ```sh gsutil iam ch "serviceAccount:${GCE_SA}:objectViewer" gs://artifacts.grpc-testing.appspot.com/ ``` ##### Allow test driver to configure workload identity automatically Test driver will automatically grant `roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser` to allow the Kubernetes service account to impersonate the dedicated GCP workload service account (corresponds to the step 5 of [Authenticating to Google Cloud](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-identity#authenticating_to)). This action requires the test framework to have `iam.serviceAccounts.create` permission on the project. If you're running test framework locally, and you have `roles/owner` to your project, **you can skip this step**. If you're configuring the test framework to run on a CI: use `roles/owner` account once to allow test framework to grant `roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser`. ```shell # Assuming CI is using Compute Engine default service account. gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${PROJECT_ID}" \ --member="serviceAccount:${GCE_SA}" \ --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin" \ --condition-from-file=<(cat <<-END --- title: allow_workload_identity_only description: Restrict serviceAccountAdmin to granting role iam.workloadIdentityUser expression: |- api.getAttribute('iam.googleapis.com/modifiedGrantsByRole', []) .hasOnly(['roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser']) END ) ``` ##### Configure GKE cluster access ```shell # Unless you're using GCP VM with preconfigured Application Default Credentials, acquire them for your user gcloud auth application-default login # Configuring GKE cluster access for kubectl gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --zone "${ZONE}" # Save generated kube context name export KUBE_CONTEXT="$(kubectl config current-context)" ``` #### Install python dependencies ```shell # Create python virtual environment python3.7 -m venv venv # Activate virtual environment . ./venv/bin/activate # Install requirements pip install -r requirements.lock # Generate protos python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=../../../ \ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. \ src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.proto \ src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.proto \ src/proto/grpc/testing/test.proto ``` # Basic usage ## Local development This test driver allows running tests locally against remote GKE clusters, right from your dev environment. You need: 1. Follow [installation](#installation) instructions 2. Authenticated `gcloud` 3. `kubectl` context (see [Configure GKE cluster access](#configure-gke-cluster-access)) 4. Run tests with `--debug_use_port_forwarding` argument. The test driver will automatically start and stop port forwarding using `kubectl` subprocesses. (experimental) ### Making changes to the driver 1. Install additional dev packages: `pip install -r requirements-dev.txt` 2. Use `./bin/yapf.sh` and `./bin/isort.sh` helpers to auto-format code. ### Updating Python Dependencies We track our Python-level dependencies using three different files: - `requirements.txt` - `dev-requirements.txt` - `requirements.lock` `requirements.txt` lists modules without specific versions supplied, though versions ranges may be specified. `requirements.lock` is generated from `requirements.txt` and _does_ specify versions for every dependency in the transitive dependency tree. When updating `requirements.txt`, you must also update `requirements.lock`. To do this, navigate to this directory and run `./bin/freeze.sh`. ### Setup test configuration There are many arguments to be passed into the test run. You can save the arguments to a config file ("flagfile") for your development environment. Use [`config/local-dev.cfg.example`](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/tools/run_tests/xds_k8s_test_driver/config/local-dev.cfg.example) as a starting point: ```shell cp config/local-dev.cfg.example config/local-dev.cfg ``` If you exported environment variables in the above sections, you can template them into the local config (note this recreates the config): ```shell envsubst < config/local-dev.cfg.example > config/local-dev.cfg ``` Learn more about flagfiles in [abseil documentation](https://abseil.io/docs/python/guides/flags#a-note-about---flagfile). ## Test suites See the full list of available test suites in the [`tests/`](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/tools/run_tests/xds_k8s_test_driver/tests) folder. ### xDS Baseline Tests Test suite meant to confirm that basic xDS features work as expected. Executing it before other test suites will help to identify whether test failure related to specific features under test, or caused by unrelated infrastructure disturbances. ```shell # Help python -m tests.baseline_test --help python -m tests.baseline_test --helpfull # Run the baseline test with local-dev.cfg settings python -m tests.baseline_test --flagfile="config/local-dev.cfg" # Same as above, but using the helper script ./run.sh tests/baseline_test.py ``` ### xDS Security Tests Test suite meant to verify mTLS/TLS features. Note that this requires additional environment configuration. For more details, and for the setup for the security tests, see ["Setting up Traffic Director service security with proxyless gRPC"](https://cloud.google.com/traffic-director/docs/security-proxyless-setup) user guide. ```shell # Run the security test with local-dev.cfg settings python -m tests.security_test --flagfile="config/local-dev.cfg" # Same as above, but using the helper script ./run.sh tests/security_test.py ``` ## Helper scripts You can use interop xds-k8s [`bin/`](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/tools/run_tests/xds_k8s_test_driver/bin) scripts to configure TD, start k8s instances step-by-step, and keep them alive for as long as you need. * To run helper scripts using local config: * `python -m bin.script_name --flagfile=config/local-dev.cfg` * `./run.sh bin/script_name.py` automatically appends the flagfile * Use `--help` to see script-specific argument * Use `--helpfull` to see all available argument #### Overview ```shell # Helper tool to configure Traffic Director with different security options python -m bin.run_td_setup --help # Helper tools to run the test server, client (with or without security) python -m bin.run_test_server --help python -m bin.run_test_client --help # Helper tool to verify different security configurations via channelz python -m bin.run_channelz --help ``` #### `./run.sh` helper Use `./run.sh` to execute helper scripts and tests with `config/local-dev.cfg`. ```sh USAGE: ./run.sh script_path [arguments] script_path: path to python script to execute, relative to driver root folder arguments ...: arguments passed to program in sys.argv ENVIRONMENT: XDS_K8S_CONFIG: file path to the config flagfile, relative to driver root folder. Default: config/local-dev.cfg Will be appended as --flagfile="config_absolute_path" argument XDS_K8S_DRIVER_VENV_DIR: the path to python virtual environment directory Default: $XDS_K8S_DRIVER_DIR/venv DESCRIPTION: This tool performs the following: 1) Ensures python virtual env installed and activated 2) Exports test driver root in PYTHONPATH 3) Automatically appends --flagfile="\$XDS_K8S_CONFIG" argument EXAMPLES: ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --help ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --helpfull XDS_K8S_CONFIG=./path-to-flagfile.cfg ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --resource_suffix=override-suffix ./run.sh tests/baseline_test.py ./run.sh tests/security_test.py --verbosity=1 --logger_levels=__main__:DEBUG,framework:DEBUG ./run.sh tests/security_test.py SecurityTest.test_mtls --nocheck_local_certs ``` ## Partial setups ### Regular workflow ```shell # Setup Traffic Director ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py # Start test server ./run.sh bin/run_test_server.py # Add test server to the backend service ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --cmd=backends-add # Start test client ./run.sh bin/run_test_client.py ``` ### Secure workflow ```shell # Setup Traffic Director in mtls. See --help for all options ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --security=mtls # Start test server in a secure mode ./run.sh bin/run_test_server.py --secure # Add test server to the backend service ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --cmd=backends-add # Start test client in a secure more --secure ./run.sh bin/run_test_client.py --secure ``` ### Sending RPCs #### Start port forwarding ```shell # Client: all services always on port 8079 kubectl port-forward deployment.apps/psm-grpc-client 8079 # Server regular mode: all grpc services on port 8080 kubectl port-forward deployment.apps/psm-grpc-server 8080 # OR # Server secure mode: TestServiceImpl is on 8080, kubectl port-forward deployment.apps/psm-grpc-server 8080 # everything else (channelz, healthcheck, CSDS) on 8081 kubectl port-forward deployment.apps/psm-grpc-server 8081 ``` #### Send RPCs with grpccurl ```shell # 8081 if security enabled export SERVER_ADMIN_PORT=8080 # List server services using reflection grpcurl --plaintext$SERVER_ADMIN_PORT list # List client services using reflection grpcurl --plaintext list # List channels via channelz grpcurl --plaintext$SERVER_ADMIN_PORT grpc.channelz.v1.Channelz.GetTopChannels grpcurl --plaintext grpc.channelz.v1.Channelz.GetTopChannels # Send GetClientStats to the client grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"num_rpcs": 10, "timeout_sec": 30}' \ grpc.testing.LoadBalancerStatsService.GetClientStats ``` ### Cleanup * First, make sure to stop port forwarding, if any * Run `./bin/cleanup.sh` ##### Partial cleanup You can run commands below to stop/start, create/delete resources however you want. Generally, it's better to remove resources in the opposite order of their creation. Cleanup regular resources: ```shell # Cleanup TD resources ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --cmd=cleanup # Stop test client ./run.sh bin/run_test_client.py --cmd=cleanup # Stop test server, and remove the namespace ./run.sh bin/run_test_server.py --cmd=cleanup --cleanup_namespace ``` Cleanup regular and security-specific resources: ```shell # Cleanup TD resources, with security ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --cmd=cleanup --security=mtls # Stop test client (secure) ./run.sh bin/run_test_client.py --cmd=cleanup --secure # Stop test server (secure), and remove the namespace ./run.sh bin/run_test_server.py --cmd=cleanup --cleanup_namespace --secure ``` In addition, here's some other helpful partial cleanup commands: ```shell # Remove all backends from the backend services ./run.sh bin/run_td_setup.py --cmd=backends-cleanup # Stop the server, but keep the namespace ./run.sh bin/run_test_server.py --cmd=cleanup --nocleanup_namespace ``` ### Known errors #### Error forwarding port If you stopped a test with `ctrl+c`, while using `--debug_use_port_forwarding`, you might see an error like this: > `framework.infrastructure.k8s.PortForwardingError: Error forwarding port, unexpected output Unable to listen on port 8081: Listeners failed to create with the following errors: [unable to create listener: Error listen tcp4 bind: address already in use]` Unless you're running `kubectl port-forward` manually, it's likely that `ctrl+c` interrupted python before it could clean up subprocesses. You can do `ps aux | grep port-forward` and then kill the processes by id, or with `killall kubectl`