grpc | |
CallOpGenericRecvMessageHelper | |
DeserializeFunc | |
DeserializeFuncType | |
protobuf | |
io | |
testing | |
ClientReader | |
ClientWriter | |
ClientReaderWriter | |
ClientAsyncReader | |
ClientAsyncWriter | |
ClientAsyncReaderWriter | |
ClientAsyncResponseReader | |
Channel | Channels represent a connection to an endpoint. Created by CreateChannel |
PropagationOptions | Options for ClientContext::FromServerContext specifying which traits from the ServerContext to propagate (copy) from it into a new ClientContext |
ClientContext | |
ServerReader | |
ServerWriter | |
ServerReaderWriter | Server-side interface for bi-directional streaming |
RpcMethodHandler | |
ClientStreamingHandler | |
ServerStreamingHandler | |
BidiStreamingHandler | |
CompletionQueue | A thin wrapper around grpc_completion_queue (see / src/core/surface/completion_queue.h) |
CompletionQueueTag | An interface allowing implementors to process and filter event tags |
ServerCompletionQueue | A specific type of completion queue used by the processing of notifications by servers |
GenericServerContext | |
AsyncGenericService | |
GenericStub | |
WriteOptions | Per-message write options |
CallNoOp | Default argument for CallOpSet |
CallOpSendInitialMetadata | |
CallOpSendMessage | |
CallOpRecvMessage | |
CallOpGenericRecvMessage | |
CallOpClientSendClose | |
CallOpServerSendStatus | |
CallOpRecvInitialMetadata | |
CallOpClientRecvStatus | |
CallOpSetInterface | An abstract collection of call ops, used to generate the grpc_call_op structure to pass down to the lower layers, and as it is-a CompletionQueueTag, also massages the final completion into the correct form for consumption in the C++ API |
CallOpSet | Primary implementaiton of CallOpSetInterface |
SneakyCallOpSet | A CallOpSet that does not post completions to the completion queue |
CallHook | |
Call | |
GrpcLibrary | |
SerializationTraits< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< grpc::protobuf::Message, T >::value >::type > | |
RpcMethod | |
MethodHandler | |
HandlerParameter | |
UnknownMethodHandler | |
RpcServiceMethod | |
RpcService | |
SerializationTraits | Defines how to serialize and deserialize some type |
SynchronousService | |
ServerAsyncStreamingInterface | |
AsynchronousService | |
lock_guard | |
mutex | |
unique_lock | |
condition_variable | |
thread | |
AuthPropertyIterator | |
AuthContext | Class encapsulating the Authentication Information |
AuthMetadataProcessor | |
Credentials | A credentials object encapsulates all the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server and make various assertions, e.g., about the client’s identity, role, or whether it is authorized to make a particular call |
SslCredentialsOptions | Options used to build SslCredentials |
ServerCredentials | |
SslServerCredentialsOptions | Options to create ServerCredentials with SSL |
PemKeyCertPair | |
Server | Models a gRPC server |
ShutdownRequest | |
SyncRequest | |
CallData | |
UnimplementedAsyncRequest | |
UnimplementedAsyncRequestContext | |
UnimplementedAsyncResponse | |
ServerBuilder | A builder class for the creation and startup of grpc::Server instances |
ServerAsyncReader | |
ServerAsyncWriter | |
ServerAsyncResponseWriter | |
ServerAsyncReaderWriter | Server-side interface for asynchronous bi-directional streaming |
ServerContext | |
CompletionOp | |
ClientAsyncStreamingInterface | Common interface for all client side asynchronous streaming |
AsyncReaderInterface | An interface that yields a sequence of messages of type R |
AsyncWriterInterface | An interface that can be fed a sequence of messages of type W |
ClientAsyncReaderInterface | |
ClientAsyncWriterInterface | Common interface for client side asynchronous writing |
ClientAsyncReaderWriterInterface | Client-side interface for asynchronous bi-directional streaming |
ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface | |
ByteBuffer | A sequence of bytes |
SerializationTraits< ByteBuffer, void > | |
ChannelArguments | Options for channel creation |
Slice | A wrapper around grpc_slice |
Status | Did it work? If it didn't, why? |
string_ref | This class is a non owning reference to a string |
StubOptions | |
ClientStreamingInterface | Common interface for all synchronous client side streaming |
ReaderInterface | An interface that yields a sequence of messages of type R |
WriterInterface | An interface that can be fed a sequence of messages of type W |
ClientReaderInterface | Client-side interface for streaming reads of message of type R |
ClientWriterInterface | Client-side interface for streaming writes of message of type W |
ClientReaderWriterInterface | Client-side interface for bi-directional streaming |
TimePoint | |
TimePoint< gpr_timespec > | |
TimePoint< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point > | |
SecureCredentials | |
SecureAuthContext | |
AuthMetadataProcessorAyncWrapper | |
SecureServerCredentials | |
DynamicThreadPool | |
FixedSizeThreadPool | |
ThreadPoolInterface | |
GrpcBufferReader | |
GrpcBufferWriter | |