#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Utilities for manipulating JSON data that represents microbenchmark results. import os # template arguments and dynamic arguments of individual benchmark types # Example benchmark name: "BM_UnaryPingPong/0/0" _BM_SPECS = { 'BM_UnaryPingPong': { 'tpl': ['fixture', 'client_mutator', 'server_mutator'], 'dyn': ['request_size', 'response_size'], }, 'BM_PumpStreamClientToServer': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': ['request_size'], }, 'BM_PumpStreamServerToClient': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': ['request_size'], }, 'BM_StreamingPingPong': { 'tpl': ['fixture', 'client_mutator', 'server_mutator'], 'dyn': ['request_size', 'request_count'], }, 'BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs': { 'tpl': ['fixture', 'client_mutator', 'server_mutator'], 'dyn': ['request_size'], }, 'BM_PumpStreamServerToClient_Trickle': { 'tpl': [], 'dyn': ['request_size', 'bandwidth_kilobits'], }, 'BM_PumpUnbalancedUnary_Trickle': { 'tpl': [], 'dyn': ['cli_req_size', 'svr_req_size', 'bandwidth_kilobits'], }, 'BM_ErrorStringOnNewError': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_ErrorStringRepeatedly': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_ErrorGetStatus': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_ErrorGetStatusCode': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_ErrorHttpError': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_HasClearGrpcStatus': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_IsolatedFilter': { 'tpl': ['fixture', 'client_mutator'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_HpackEncoderEncodeHeader': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': ['end_of_stream', 'request_size'], }, 'BM_HpackParserParseHeader': { 'tpl': ['fixture', 'on_header'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_CallCreateDestroy': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_Zalloc': { 'tpl': [], 'dyn': ['request_size'], }, 'BM_PollEmptyPollset_SpeedOfLight': { 'tpl': [], 'dyn': ['request_size', 'request_count'], }, 'BM_StreamCreateSendInitialMetadataDestroy': { 'tpl': ['fixture'], 'dyn': [], }, 'BM_TransportStreamSend': { 'tpl': [], 'dyn': ['request_size'], }, 'BM_TransportStreamRecv': { 'tpl': [], 'dyn': ['request_size'], }, 'BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi': { 'tpl': ['fixture', 'client_mutator', 'server_mutator'], 'dyn': ['request_size', 'request_count', 'end_of_stream'], }, 'BM_Base16SomeStuff': { 'tpl': [], 'dyn': ['request_size'], } } def numericalize(s): """Convert abbreviations like '100M' or '10k' to a number.""" if not s: return '' if s[-1] == 'k': return float(s[:-1]) * 1024 if s[-1] == 'M': return float(s[:-1]) * 1024 * 1024 if 0 <= (ord(s[-1]) - ord('0')) <= 9: return float(s) assert 'not a number: %s' % s def parse_name(name): cpp_name = name if '<' not in name and '/' not in name and name not in _BM_SPECS: return {'name': name, 'cpp_name': name} rest = name out = {} tpl_args = [] dyn_args = [] if '<' in rest: tpl_bit = rest[rest.find('<') + 1:rest.rfind('>')] arg = '' nesting = 0 for c in tpl_bit: if c == '<': nesting += 1 arg += c elif c == '>': nesting -= 1 arg += c elif c == ',': if nesting == 0: tpl_args.append(arg.strip()) arg = '' else: arg += c else: arg += c tpl_args.append(arg.strip()) rest = rest[:rest.find('<')] + rest[rest.rfind('>') + 1:] if '/' in rest: s = rest.split('/') rest = s[0] dyn_args = s[1:] name = rest assert name in _BM_SPECS, '_BM_SPECS needs to be expanded for %s' % name assert len(dyn_args) == len(_BM_SPECS[name]['dyn']) assert len(tpl_args) == len(_BM_SPECS[name]['tpl']) out['name'] = name out['cpp_name'] = cpp_name out.update( dict((k, numericalize(v)) for k, v in zip(_BM_SPECS[name]['dyn'], dyn_args))) out.update(dict(list(zip(_BM_SPECS[name]['tpl'], tpl_args)))) return out def expand_json(js, js2=None): if not js and not js2: raise StopIteration() if not js: js = js2 for bm in js['benchmarks']: if bm['name'].endswith('_stddev') or bm['name'].endswith('_mean'): continue context = js['context'] if 'label' in bm: labels_list = [ s.split(':') for s in bm['label'].strip().split(' ') if len(s) and s[0] != '#' ] for el in labels_list: el[0] = el[0].replace('/iter', '_per_iteration') labels = dict(labels_list) else: labels = {} row = { 'jenkins_build': os.environ.get('BUILD_NUMBER', ''), 'jenkins_job': os.environ.get('JOB_NAME', ''), } row.update(context) row.update(bm) row.update(parse_name(row['name'])) row.update(labels) if js2: for bm2 in js2['benchmarks']: if bm['name'] == bm2['name'] and 'already_used' not in bm2: row['cpu_time'] = bm2['cpu_time'] row['real_time'] = bm2['real_time'] row['iterations'] = bm2['iterations'] bm2['already_used'] = True break yield row