#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Creates test cases for a language by running run_interop_test in manual mode # and save the generated output under ./testcases/<lang>__<release>. # # Params: # LANG - The language. # SKIP_TEST - If set, skip running the test cases for sanity. # RELEASE - Create testcase for specific release, default to 'master'. # KEEP_IMAGE - Do not clean local docker image created for the test cases. set -e cd $(dirname $0)/../.. GRPC_ROOT=$(pwd) CMDS_SH="${GRPC_ROOT}/interop_client_cmds.sh" TESTCASES_DIR=${GRPC_ROOT}/tools/interop_matrix/testcases echo "Create '$LANG' test cases for gRPC release '${RELEASE:=master}'" # Clean up function cleanup { [ -z "$testcase" ] && testcase=$CMDS_SH echo "testcase: $testcase" if [ -e $testcase ]; then # The script should generate a line with "${docker_image:=...}". eval docker_image=$(grep -oe '${docker_image:=.*}' $testcase) if [ -z "$KEEP_IMAGE" ]; then echo "Clean up docker_image $docker_image" docker rmi -f $docker_image else echo "Kept docker_image $docker_image" fi fi [ -e "$CMDS_SH" ] && rm $CMDS_SH } function createtests { # Invoke run_interop_test in manual mode. # TODO(adelez): Add cloud_gateways when we figure out how to skip them if not # running in GCE. if [ $1 == "cxx" ]; then client_lang="c++" else client_lang=$1 fi echo $client_lang ${GRPC_ROOT}/tools/run_tests/run_interop_tests.py -l $client_lang --use_docker \ --cloud_to_prod --prod_servers default gateway_v4 --manual_run --custom_credentials_type tls trap cleanup EXIT # TODO(adelez): add test auth tests but do not run if not testing on GCE. # Running the testcases as sanity unless we are asked to skip. [ -z "$SKIP_TEST" ] && (echo "Running test cases: $CMDS_SH"; sh $CMDS_SH) mkdir -p $TESTCASES_DIR testcase=$TESTCASES_DIR/$1__$RELEASE if [ -e $testcase ]; then echo "Updating: $testcase" diff $testcase $CMDS_SH || true fi mv $CMDS_SH $testcase chmod a+x $testcase echo "Test cases created: $testcase" } if [ $LANG == "csharp" ]; then createtests "csharp" createtests "csharpcoreclr" else createtests $LANG fi