# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This is for the gRPC build system. This isn't intended to be used outsite of # the BUILD file for gRPC. It contains the mapping for the template system we # use to generate other platform's build system files. # # Please consider that there should be a high bar for additions and changes to # this file. # Each rule listed must be re-written for Google's internal build system, and # each change must be ported from one to the other. # load("//bazel:cc_grpc_library.bzl", "cc_grpc_library") # The set of pollers to test against if a test exercises polling POLLERS = ["epollex", "epoll1", "poll", "poll-cv"] def if_not_windows(a): return select({ "//:windows": [], "//:windows_msvc": [], "//conditions:default": a, }) def _get_external_deps(external_deps): ret = [] for dep in external_deps: if dep == "address_sorting": ret += ["//third_party/address_sorting"] elif dep == "cares": ret += select({ "//:grpc_no_ares": [], "//conditions:default": ["//external:cares"], }) else: ret += ["//external:" + dep] return ret def _maybe_update_cc_library_hdrs(hdrs): ret = [] hdrs_to_update = { "third_party/objective_c/Cronet/bidirectional_stream_c.h": "//third_party:objective_c/Cronet/bidirectional_stream_c.h", } for h in hdrs: if h in hdrs_to_update.keys(): ret.append(hdrs_to_update[h]) else: ret.append(h) return ret def grpc_cc_library( name, srcs = [], public_hdrs = [], hdrs = [], external_deps = [], deps = [], standalone = False, language = "C++", testonly = False, visibility = None, alwayslink = 0, data = [], copts = [], linkopts = []): if language.upper() == "C": copts = copts + if_not_windows(["-std=c99"]) native.cc_library( name = name, srcs = srcs, defines = select({ "//:grpc_no_ares": ["GRPC_ARES=0"], "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ "//:remote_execution": ["GRPC_PORT_ISOLATED_RUNTIME=1"], "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ "//:grpc_allow_exceptions": ["GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=1"], "//:grpc_disallow_exceptions": ["GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=0"], "//conditions:default": [], }), hdrs = _maybe_update_cc_library_hdrs(hdrs + public_hdrs), deps = deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps), copts = copts, visibility = visibility, testonly = testonly, linkopts = linkopts + if_not_windows(["-pthread"]), includes = [ "include", ], alwayslink = alwayslink, data = data, ) def grpc_proto_plugin(name, srcs = [], deps = []): native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, deps = deps, ) def grpc_proto_library( name, srcs = [], deps = [], well_known_protos = False, has_services = True, use_external = False, generate_mocks = False): cc_grpc_library( name = name, srcs = srcs, deps = deps, well_known_protos = well_known_protos, proto_only = not has_services, use_external = use_external, generate_mocks = generate_mocks, ) def grpc_cc_test(name, srcs = [], deps = [], external_deps = [], args = [], data = [], uses_polling = True, language = "C++", size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], copts = [], linkopts = []): if language.upper() == "C": copts = copts + if_not_windows(["-std=c99"]) args = { "name": name, "srcs": srcs, "args": args, "data": data, "deps": deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps), "copts": copts, "linkopts": linkopts + if_not_windows(["-pthread"]), "size": size, "timeout": timeout, "exec_compatible_with": exec_compatible_with, } if uses_polling: native.cc_test(testonly = True, tags = ["manual"], **args) for poller in POLLERS: native.sh_test( name = name + "@poller=" + poller, data = [name] + data, srcs = [ "//test/core/util:run_with_poller_sh", ], size = size, timeout = timeout, args = [ poller, "$(location %s)" % name, ] + args["args"], tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, ) else: native.cc_test(**args) def grpc_cc_binary(name, srcs = [], deps = [], external_deps = [], args = [], data = [], language = "C++", testonly = False, linkshared = False, linkopts = []): copts = [] if language.upper() == "C": copts = ["-std=c99"] native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, testonly = testonly, linkshared = linkshared, deps = deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps), copts = copts, linkopts = if_not_windows(["-pthread"]) + linkopts, ) def grpc_generate_one_off_targets(): pass def grpc_sh_test(name, srcs, args = [], data = []): native.sh_test( name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, ) def grpc_sh_binary(name, srcs, data = []): native.sh_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, data = data, ) def grpc_py_binary(name, srcs, data = [], deps = [], external_deps = [], testonly = False): native.py_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, testonly = testonly, data = data, deps = deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps), ) def grpc_package(name, visibility = "private", features = []): if visibility == "tests": visibility = ["//test:__subpackages__"] elif visibility == "public": visibility = ["//visibility:public"] elif visibility == "private": visibility = [] else: fail("Unknown visibility " + visibility) if len(visibility) != 0: native.package( default_visibility = visibility, features = features, )