gRPC C# on Xamarin ======================== EXPERIMENTAL ONLY ------------- Support of the Xamarin platform is currently experimental. The example depends on experimental Grpc.Core nuget package that hasn't been officially released and is only available via the [daily builds]( source. HINT: To download the package, please manually download the latest `.nupkg` packages from "Daily Builds" in []( into a local directory. Then add a nuget source that points to that directory (That can be [done in Visual Studio]( or Visual Studio for Mac via "Configure nuget sources"). After that, nuget will also explore that directory when looking for packages. BACKGROUND ------------- The example project supports `Xamarin.Android` and `Xamarin.iOS`. For this sample, we've already generated the server and client stubs from [helloworld.proto][]. PREREQUISITES ------------- - The latest version Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio for Mac with Xamarin support installed. BUILD ------- - Open the `HelloworldXamarin.sln` in Visual Studio (or Visual Studio for Mac) - Build the solution (Build -> Build All) Try it! ------- You can deploy the example apps directly through Visual Studio IDE. Deployments can target both Android and iOS (both support physical device deployment as well as simulator). [helloworld.proto]:../../protos/helloworld.proto