// // // Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // #include "test/cpp/util/proto_file_parser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/memory/memory.h" #include "absl/strings/str_split.h" namespace grpc { namespace testing { namespace { // Match the user input method string to the full_name from method descriptor. bool MethodNameMatch(const std::string& full_name, const std::string& input) { std::string clean_input = input; std::replace(clean_input.begin(), clean_input.end(), '/', '.'); if (clean_input.size() > full_name.size()) { return false; } return full_name.compare(full_name.size() - clean_input.size(), clean_input.size(), clean_input) == 0; } } // namespace class ErrorPrinter : public protobuf::compiler::MultiFileErrorCollector { public: explicit ErrorPrinter(ProtoFileParser* parser) : parser_(parser) {} void RecordError(absl::string_view filename, int line, int column, absl::string_view message) override { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "error " << filename << " " << line << " " << column << " " << message << "\n"; parser_->LogError(oss.str()); } void RecordWarning(absl::string_view filename, int line, int column, absl::string_view message) override { std::cerr << "warning " << filename << " " << line << " " << column << " " << message << std::endl; } private: ProtoFileParser* parser_; // not owned }; ProtoFileParser::ProtoFileParser(const std::shared_ptr& channel, const std::string& proto_path, const std::string& protofiles) : has_error_(false), dynamic_factory_(new protobuf::DynamicMessageFactory()) { std::vector service_list; if (channel) { reflection_db_ = std::make_unique(channel); reflection_db_->GetServices(&service_list); } std::unordered_set known_services; if (!protofiles.empty()) { for (const absl::string_view single_path : absl::StrSplit( proto_path, GRPC_CLI_PATH_SEPARATOR, absl::AllowEmpty())) { source_tree_.MapPath("", std::string(single_path)); } error_printer_ = std::make_unique(this); importer_ = std::make_unique( &source_tree_, error_printer_.get()); std::string file_name; std::stringstream ss(protofiles); while (std::getline(ss, file_name, ',')) { const auto* file_desc = importer_->Import(file_name); if (file_desc) { for (int i = 0; i < file_desc->service_count(); i++) { service_desc_list_.push_back(file_desc->service(i)); known_services.insert(file_desc->service(i)->full_name()); } } else { std::cerr << file_name << " not found" << std::endl; } } file_db_ = std::make_unique(*importer_->pool()); } if (!reflection_db_ && !file_db_) { LogError("No available proto database"); return; } if (!reflection_db_) { desc_db_ = std::move(file_db_); } else if (!file_db_) { desc_db_ = std::move(reflection_db_); } else { desc_db_ = std::make_unique( reflection_db_.get(), file_db_.get()); } desc_pool_ = std::make_unique(desc_db_.get()); for (auto it = service_list.begin(); it != service_list.end(); it++) { if (known_services.find(*it) == known_services.end()) { if (const protobuf::ServiceDescriptor* service_desc = desc_pool_->FindServiceByName(*it)) { service_desc_list_.push_back(service_desc); known_services.insert(*it); } } } } ProtoFileParser::~ProtoFileParser() {} std::string ProtoFileParser::GetFullMethodName(const std::string& method) { has_error_ = false; if (known_methods_.find(method) != known_methods_.end()) { return known_methods_[method]; } const protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method_descriptor = nullptr; for (auto it = service_desc_list_.begin(); it != service_desc_list_.end(); it++) { const auto* service_desc = *it; for (int j = 0; j < service_desc->method_count(); j++) { const auto* method_desc = service_desc->method(j); if (MethodNameMatch(method_desc->full_name(), method)) { if (method_descriptor) { std::ostringstream error_stream; error_stream << "Ambiguous method names: "; error_stream << method_descriptor->full_name() << " "; error_stream << method_desc->full_name(); LogError(error_stream.str()); } method_descriptor = method_desc; } } } if (!method_descriptor) { LogError("Method name not found"); } if (has_error_) { return ""; } known_methods_[method] = method_descriptor->full_name(); return method_descriptor->full_name(); } std::string ProtoFileParser::GetFormattedMethodName(const std::string& method) { has_error_ = false; std::string formatted_method_name = GetFullMethodName(method); if (has_error_) { return ""; } size_t last_dot = formatted_method_name.find_last_of('.'); if (last_dot != std::string::npos) { formatted_method_name[last_dot] = '/'; } formatted_method_name.insert(formatted_method_name.begin(), '/'); return formatted_method_name; } std::string ProtoFileParser::GetMessageTypeFromMethod(const std::string& method, bool is_request) { has_error_ = false; std::string full_method_name = GetFullMethodName(method); if (has_error_) { return ""; } const protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method_desc = desc_pool_->FindMethodByName(full_method_name); if (!method_desc) { LogError("Method not found"); return ""; } return is_request ? method_desc->input_type()->full_name() : method_desc->output_type()->full_name(); } bool ProtoFileParser::IsStreaming(const std::string& method, bool is_request) { has_error_ = false; std::string full_method_name = GetFullMethodName(method); if (has_error_) { return false; } const protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method_desc = desc_pool_->FindMethodByName(full_method_name); if (!method_desc) { LogError("Method not found"); return false; } return is_request ? method_desc->client_streaming() : method_desc->server_streaming(); } std::string ProtoFileParser::GetSerializedProtoFromMethod( const std::string& method, const std::string& formatted_proto, bool is_request, bool is_json_format) { has_error_ = false; std::string message_type_name = GetMessageTypeFromMethod(method, is_request); if (has_error_) { return ""; } return GetSerializedProtoFromMessageType(message_type_name, formatted_proto, is_json_format); } std::string ProtoFileParser::GetFormattedStringFromMethod( const std::string& method, const std::string& serialized_proto, bool is_request, bool is_json_format) { has_error_ = false; std::string message_type_name = GetMessageTypeFromMethod(method, is_request); if (has_error_) { return ""; } return GetFormattedStringFromMessageType(message_type_name, serialized_proto, is_json_format); } std::string ProtoFileParser::GetSerializedProtoFromMessageType( const std::string& message_type_name, const std::string& formatted_proto, bool is_json_format) { has_error_ = false; std::string serialized; const protobuf::Descriptor* desc = desc_pool_->FindMessageTypeByName(message_type_name); if (!desc) { LogError("Message type not found"); return ""; } std::unique_ptr msg( dynamic_factory_->GetPrototype(desc)->New()); bool ok; if (is_json_format) { ok = grpc::protobuf::json::JsonStringToMessage(formatted_proto, msg.get()) .ok(); if (!ok) { LogError("Failed to convert json format to proto."); return ""; } } else { ok = protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(formatted_proto, msg.get()); if (!ok) { LogError("Failed to convert text format to proto."); return ""; } } ok = msg->SerializeToString(&serialized); if (!ok) { LogError("Failed to serialize proto."); return ""; } return serialized; } std::string ProtoFileParser::GetFormattedStringFromMessageType( const std::string& message_type_name, const std::string& serialized_proto, bool is_json_format) { has_error_ = false; const protobuf::Descriptor* desc = desc_pool_->FindMessageTypeByName(message_type_name); if (!desc) { LogError("Message type not found"); return ""; } std::unique_ptr msg( dynamic_factory_->GetPrototype(desc)->New()); if (!msg->ParseFromString(serialized_proto)) { LogError("Failed to deserialize proto."); return ""; } std::string formatted_string; if (is_json_format) { grpc::protobuf::json::JsonPrintOptions jsonPrintOptions; jsonPrintOptions.add_whitespace = true; if (!grpc::protobuf::json::MessageToJsonString(*msg, &formatted_string, jsonPrintOptions) .ok()) { LogError("Failed to print proto message to json format"); return ""; } } else { if (!protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*msg, &formatted_string)) { LogError("Failed to print proto message to text format"); return ""; } } return formatted_string; } void ProtoFileParser::LogError(const std::string& error_msg) { if (!error_msg.empty()) { std::cerr << error_msg << std::endl; } has_error_ = true; } } // namespace testing } // namespace grpc