import time import grpc import demo_pb2_grpc import demo_pb2 SERVER_ADDRESS = "localhost:23333" CLIENT_ID = 1 # 一元模式(在一次调用中, 客户端只能向服务器传输一次请求数据, 服务器也只能返回一次响应) # unary-unary(In a single call, the client can only send request once, and the server can # only respond once.) def simple_method(stub): print("--------------Call SimpleMethod Begin--------------") request = demo_pb2.Request( client_id=CLIENT_ID, request_data="called by Python client") response = stub.SimpleMethod(request) print("resp from server(%d), the message=%s" % (response.server_id, response.response_data)) print("--------------Call SimpleMethod Over---------------") # 客户端流模式(在一次调用中, 客户端可以多次向服务器传输数据, 但是服务器只能返回一次响应) # stream-unary (In a single call, the client can transfer data to the server several times, # but the server can only return a response once.) def client_streaming_method(stub): print("--------------Call ClientStreamingMethod Begin--------------") # 创建一个生成器 # create a generator def request_messages(): for i in range(5): request = demo_pb2.Request( client_id=CLIENT_ID, request_data=("called by Python client, message:%d" % i)) yield request response = stub.ClientStreamingMethod(request_messages()) print("resp from server(%d), the message=%s" % (response.server_id, response.response_data)) print("--------------Call ClientStreamingMethod Over---------------") # 服务端流模式(在一次调用中, 客户端只能一次向服务器传输数据, 但是服务器可以多次返回响应) # unary-stream (In a single call, the client can only transmit data to the server at one time, # but the server can return the response many times.) def server_streaming_method(stub): print("--------------Call ServerStreamingMethod Begin--------------") request = demo_pb2.Request( client_id=CLIENT_ID, request_data="called by Python client") response_iterator = stub.ServerStreamingMethod(request) for response in response_iterator: print("recv from server(%d), message=%s" % (response.server_id, response.response_data)) print("--------------Call ServerStreamingMethod Over---------------") # 双向流模式 (在一次调用中, 客户端和服务器都可以向对方多次收发数据) # stream-stream (In a single call, both client and server can send and receive data # to each other multiple times.) def bidirectional_streaming_method(stub): print( "--------------Call BidirectionalStreamingMethod Begin---------------") # 创建一个生成器 # create a generator def request_messages(): for i in range(5): request = demo_pb2.Request( client_id=CLIENT_ID, request_data=("called by Python client, message: %d" % i)) yield request time.sleep(1) response_iterator = stub.BidirectionalStreamingMethod(request_messages()) for response in response_iterator: print("recv from server(%d), message=%s" % (response.server_id, response.response_data)) print("--------------Call BidirectionalStreamingMethod Over---------------") def main(): with grpc.insecure_channel(SERVER_ADDRESS) as channel: stub = demo_pb2_grpc.GRPCDemoStub(channel) simple_method(stub) client_streaming_method(stub) server_streaming_method(stub) bidirectional_streaming_method(stub) if __name__ == '__main__': main()