# Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load("//bazel:grpc_build_system.bzl", "grpc_cc_binary", "grpc_cc_library", "grpc_cc_test", "grpc_package") licenses(["notice"]) # Apache v2 grpc_package( name = "test/core/util", visibility = "public", ) grpc_cc_library( name = "grpc_test_util_base", srcs = [ "cmdline.cc", "fuzzer_util.cc", "grpc_profiler.cc", "histogram.cc", "memory_counters.cc", "mock_endpoint.cc", "parse_hexstring.cc", "passthru_endpoint.cc", "port.cc", "port_isolated_runtime_environment.cc", "port_server_client.cc", "reconnect_server.cc", "resolve_localhost_ip46.cc", "slice_splitter.cc", "subprocess_posix.cc", "subprocess_windows.cc", "test_config.cc", "test_tcp_server.cc", "tracer_util.cc", "trickle_endpoint.cc", ], hdrs = [ "cmdline.h", "fuzzer_util.h", "grpc_profiler.h", "histogram.h", "memory_counters.h", "mock_endpoint.h", "mock_eval_args_endpoint.h", "parse_hexstring.h", "passthru_endpoint.h", "port.h", "port_server_client.h", "reconnect_server.h", "resolve_localhost_ip46.h", "slice_splitter.h", "subprocess.h", "test_config.h", "test_tcp_server.h", "tracer_util.h", "trickle_endpoint.h", ], data = [ "lsan_suppressions.txt", "tsan_suppressions.txt", "ubsan_suppressions.txt", ], external_deps = [ "absl/debugging:failure_signal_handler", "absl/debugging:symbolize", ], language = "C++", deps = [ ":stack_tracer", "//:gpr", "//:grpc_base_c", "//:grpc_common", ], ) grpc_cc_library( name = "grpc_test_util", srcs = ["tls_utils.cc"], hdrs = ["tls_utils.h"], language = "C++", deps = [ ":grpc_test_util_base", "//:grpc", ], ) grpc_cc_library( name = "grpc_test_util_unsecure", srcs = [], hdrs = [], language = "C++", deps = [ ":grpc_test_util_base", "//:grpc_unsecure", ], ) grpc_cc_test( name = "cmdline_test", srcs = ["cmdline_test.cc"], language = "C++", uses_polling = False, deps = [ ":grpc_test_util", "//:gpr", ], ) grpc_cc_library( name = "fuzzer_corpus_test", testonly = 1, srcs = ["fuzzer_corpus_test.cc"], external_deps = [ "absl/flags:flag", "gtest", ], linkstatic = True, tags = ["no_windows"], deps = [ ":grpc_test_util", "//:grpc", "//test/cpp/util:test_config", ], ) grpc_cc_test( name = "histogram_test", srcs = ["histogram_test.cc"], language = "C++", uses_polling = False, deps = [ ":grpc_test_util", "//:gpr", ], ) sh_library( name = "fuzzer_one_entry_runner", srcs = ["fuzzer_one_entry_runner.sh"], ) sh_library( name = "run_with_poller_sh", srcs = ["run_with_poller.sh"], ) grpc_cc_library( name = "stack_tracer", srcs = [ "stack_tracer.cc", ], hdrs = [ "stack_tracer.h", ], external_deps = [ "absl/debugging:stacktrace", "absl/debugging:symbolize", ], language = "C++", deps = [ "//:grpc_common", ], ) grpc_cc_test( name = "stack_tracer_test", srcs = [ "stack_tracer_test.cc", ], external_deps = [ "absl/debugging:symbolize", "gtest", ], language = "C++", # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/24627): Disable this on Windows tags = ["no_windows"], uses_polling = False, deps = [ ":grpc_test_util", ":stack_tracer", ], ) grpc_cc_library( name = "test_lb_policies", testonly = 1, srcs = ["test_lb_policies.cc"], hdrs = ["test_lb_policies.h"], deps = [ "//:grpc", ], )