#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2018 The gRPC Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -ex shopt -s nullglob cd "$(dirname "$0")/../../.." GRPC_VERSION=$(grep -e "^ *version: " build_handwritten.yaml | head -n 1 | sed 's/.*: //') INPUT_ARTIFACTS=$KOKORO_GFILE_DIR/github/grpc/artifacts INDEX_FILENAME=index.xml BUILD_ID=${KOKORO_BUILD_ID:-$(uuidgen)} BUILD_BRANCH_NAME=master BUILD_GIT_COMMIT=${KOKORO_GIT_COMMIT:-unknown} BUILD_TIMESTAMP=$(date -Iseconds) BUILD_RELPATH=$(date "+%Y/%m")/$BUILD_GIT_COMMIT-$BUILD_ID/ GCS_ROOT=gs://packages.grpc.io/ GCS_ARCHIVE_PREFIX=archive/ GCS_ARCHIVE_ROOT=$GCS_ROOT$GCS_ARCHIVE_PREFIX GCS_INDEX=$GCS_ROOT$INDEX_FILENAME LOCAL_STAGING_TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) LOCAL_BUILD_ROOT=$LOCAL_STAGING_TEMPDIR/$BUILD_RELPATH LOCAL_BUILD_INDEX=$LOCAL_BUILD_ROOT$INDEX_FILENAME mkdir -p "$LOCAL_BUILD_ROOT" find "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS" -type f # protoc Plugins PROTOC_PLUGINS_ZIPPED_PACKAGES=$(mktemp -d) for zip_dir in protoc_windows_{x86,x64} do zip -jr "$PROTOC_PLUGINS_ZIPPED_PACKAGES/grpc-$zip_dir-$GRPC_VERSION.zip" "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS/$zip_dir/"* done for tar_dir in protoc_linux_{x86,x64} protoc_macos_x64 do chmod +x "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS/$tar_dir"/* tar -cvzf "$PROTOC_PLUGINS_ZIPPED_PACKAGES/grpc-$tar_dir-$GRPC_VERSION.tar.gz" -C "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS/$tar_dir" . done PROTOC_PACKAGES=( "$PROTOC_PLUGINS_ZIPPED_PACKAGES"/grpc-protoc_windows_{x86,x64}-"$GRPC_VERSION.zip" "$PROTOC_PLUGINS_ZIPPED_PACKAGES"/grpc-protoc_linux_{x86,x64}-"$GRPC_VERSION.tar.gz" "$PROTOC_PLUGINS_ZIPPED_PACKAGES"/grpc-protoc_macos_x64-"$GRPC_VERSION.tar.gz" ) # C# UNZIPPED_CSHARP_PACKAGES=$(mktemp -d) # the "_multiplatform" suffix is to fix https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/32179 unzip "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS/csharp_nugets_windows_dotnetcli_multiplatform.zip" -d "$UNZIPPED_CSHARP_PACKAGES" CSHARP_PACKAGES=( "$UNZIPPED_CSHARP_PACKAGES"/* "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpc_unity_package.[0-9]*.zip ) # Python PYTHON_GRPCIO_PACKAGES=( "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpcio-[0-9]*.tar.gz "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpcio-[0-9]*.whl "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/python_linux_extra_arm*/grpcio-[0-9]*.whl ) PYTHON_GRPCIO_TOOLS_PACKAGES=( "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpcio-tools-[0-9]*.tar.gz "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpcio_tools-[0-9]*.whl "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/python_linux_extra_arm*/grpcio_tools-[0-9]*.whl ) PYTHON_GRPCIO_HEALTH_CHECKING_PACKAGES=( "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpcio-health-checking-[0-9]*.tar.gz ) PYTHON_GRPCIO_REFLECTION_PACKAGES=( "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpcio-reflection-[0-9]*.tar.gz ) PYTHON_GRPCIO_TESTING_PACKAGES=( "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpcio-testing-[0-9]*.tar.gz ) # PHP PHP_PACKAGES=( "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpc-[0-9]*.tgz ) # Ruby RUBY_PACKAGES=( "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpc-[0-9]*.gem "$INPUT_ARTIFACTS"/grpc-tools-[0-9]*.gem ) function add_to_manifest() { local artifact_type=$1 local artifact_file=$2 local artifact_prefix=$3 local artifact_name artifact_name=$(basename "$artifact_file") local artifact_size artifact_size=$(stat -c%s "$artifact_file") local artifact_sha256 artifact_sha256=$(openssl sha256 -r "$artifact_file" | cut -d " " -f 1) local artifact_target=$LOCAL_BUILD_ROOT/$artifact_type/$artifact_prefix mkdir -p "$artifact_target" cp "$artifact_file" "$artifact_target" cat < EOF } { cat < gRPC https://github.com/grpc/grpc $BUILD_BRANCH_NAME $BUILD_GIT_COMMIT EOF for pkg in "${PROTOC_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest protoc "$pkg"; done for pkg in "${CSHARP_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest csharp "$pkg"; done for pkg in "${PHP_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest php "$pkg"; done for pkg in "${PYTHON_GRPCIO_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest python "$pkg" grpcio/; done for pkg in "${PYTHON_GRPCIO_TOOLS_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest python "$pkg" grpcio-tools/; done for pkg in "${PYTHON_GRPCIO_HEALTH_CHECKING_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest python "$pkg" grpcio-health-checking/; done for pkg in "${PYTHON_GRPCIO_REFLECTION_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest python "$pkg" grpcio-reflection/; done for pkg in "${PYTHON_GRPCIO_TESTING_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest python "$pkg" grpcio-testing/; done for pkg in "${RUBY_PACKAGES[@]}"; do add_to_manifest ruby "$pkg"; done cat < EOF }> "$LOCAL_BUILD_INDEX" LOCAL_BUILD_INDEX_SIZE=$(stat -c%s "$LOCAL_BUILD_INDEX") LOCAL_BUILD_INDEX_SHA256=$(openssl sha256 -r "$LOCAL_BUILD_INDEX" | cut -d " " -f 1) OLD_INDEX=$(mktemp) NEW_INDEX=$(mktemp) # Download the current /index.xml into $OLD_INDEX gsutil cp "$GCS_INDEX" "$OLD_INDEX" { # we want to add an entry as the first child under tag # we can get by without a real XML parser by rewriting the header, # injecting our new tag, and then dumping the rest of the file as is. cat < EOF tail --lines=+5 "$OLD_INDEX" }> "$NEW_INDEX" function generate_directory_index() { local target_dir=$1 local current_directory_name current_directory_name=$(basename "$target_dir") cat < Index of $current_directory_name - packages.grpc.io

Index of $current_directory_name

  • .
  • ..
  • EOF ( cd "$target_dir" find * -maxdepth 0 -type d -print | sort | while read -r line do echo "
  • $line/
  • " done find * -maxdepth 0 -type f -print | sort | while read -r line do echo "
  • $line
  • " done ) cat < EOF } # Upload the current build artifacts gsutil -m cp -r "$LOCAL_STAGING_TEMPDIR/${BUILD_RELPATH%%/*}" "$GCS_ARCHIVE_ROOT" # Upload directory indices for subdirectories ( cd "$LOCAL_BUILD_ROOT" find * -type d | while read -r directory do generate_directory_index "$directory" | gsutil -h 'Content-Type:text/html' cp - "$GCS_ARCHIVE_ROOT$BUILD_RELPATH$directory/$INDEX_FILENAME" done ) # Upload the new /index.xml gsutil -h "Content-Type:application/xml" cp "$NEW_INDEX" "$GCS_INDEX" # Upload C# nugets to the dev nuget feed pushd "$UNZIPPED_CSHARP_PACKAGES" docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:2.1 for nugetfile in *.nupkg do echo "Going to push $nugetfile" # use nuget from a docker container to push the nupkg set +x # IMPORTANT: avoid revealing the nuget api key by the command echo docker run -v "$(pwd):/nugets:ro" --rm=true mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:2.1 bash -c "dotnet nuget push /nugets/$nugetfile -k $(cat ${KOKORO_GFILE_DIR}/artifactory_grpc_nuget_dev_api_key) --source https://grpc.jfrog.io/grpc/api/nuget/v3/grpc-nuget-dev" set -ex done popd