#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Builds selected testing docker images and pushes them to artifact registry. # NOTE: These images are not intended to be used by gRPC end users, # they simply provide an easily reproducible environment for running gRPC # tests. set -e cd $(dirname $0)/../.. git_root=$(pwd) cd - # Recognized env variables that can be used as params. # LOCAL_ONLY_MODE: if set (e.g. LOCAL_ONLY_MODE=true), script will only operate locally and it won't query artifact registry and won't upload to it. # CHECK_MODE: if set, the script will check that all the .current_version files are up-to-date (used by sanity tests). # SKIP_UPLOAD: if set, script won't push docker images it built to artifact registry. # TRANSFER_FROM_DOCKERHUB: if set, will attempt to grab docker images missing in artifact registry from dockerhub instead of building them from scratch locally. # How to configure docker before running this script for the first time: # Configure docker: # $ gcloud auth configure-docker us-docker.pkg.dev # Login with gcloud: # $ gcloud auth login # Various check that the environment is setup correctly. # The enviroment checks are skipped when running as a sanity check on CI. if [ "${CHECK_MODE}" == "" ] then # Check that docker is installed and sudoless docker works. docker run --rm -it debian:11 bash -c 'echo "sudoless docker run works!"' || \ (echo "Error: docker not installed or sudoless docker doesn't work?" && exit 1) # Some of the images we build are for arm64 architecture and the easiest # way of allowing them to build locally on x64 machine is to use # qemu binfmt-misc hook that automatically runs arm64 binaries under # an emulator. # Perform a check that "qemu-user-static" with binfmt-misc hook # is installed, to give an early warning (otherwise building arm64 images won't work) docker run --rm -it arm64v8/debian:11 bash -c 'echo "able to run arm64 docker images with an emulator!"' || \ (echo "Error: can't run arm64 images under an emulator. Have you run 'sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static'?" && exit 1) fi ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX=us-docker.pkg.dev/grpc-testing/testing-images-public # all dockerfile definitions we use for testing and for which we push an image to the registry ALL_DOCKERFILE_DIRS=( tools/dockerfile/test/* tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_* tools/dockerfile/interoptest/* tools/dockerfile/distribtest/* third_party/rake-compiler-dock/*/ ) CHECK_FAILED="" for DOCKERFILE_DIR in "${ALL_DOCKERFILE_DIRS[@]}" do # Generate image name based on Dockerfile checksum. That works well as long # as can count on dockerfiles being written in a way that changing the logical # contents of the docker image always changes the SHA (e.g. using "ADD file" # cmd in the dockerfile in not ok as contents of the added file will not be # reflected in the SHA). DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=$(basename $DOCKERFILE_DIR) if [ ! -e "$DOCKERFILE_DIR/Dockerfile" ]; then continue else DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=$(sha1sum $DOCKERFILE_DIR/Dockerfile | cut -f1 -d\ ) fi echo "Visiting ${DOCKERFILE_DIR}" if [ "${LOCAL_ONLY_MODE}" == "" ] then DOCKER_IMAGE_DIGEST_REMOTE=$(gcloud artifacts docker images describe "${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" --format=json | jq -r '.image_summary.digest') if [ "${DOCKER_IMAGE_DIGEST_REMOTE}" != "" ] then # skip building the image if it already exists in the destination registry echo "Docker image ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} already exists in artifact registry at the right version (tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG})." VERSION_FILE_OUT_OF_DATE="" grep "^${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}@${DOCKER_IMAGE_DIGEST_REMOTE}$" ${DOCKERFILE_DIR}.current_version >/dev/null || VERSION_FILE_OUT_OF_DATE="true" if [ "${VERSION_FILE_OUT_OF_DATE}" == "" ] then echo "Version file for ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} is in sync with info from artifact registry." continue fi if [ "${CHECK_MODE}" != "" ] then echo "CHECK FAILED: Version file ${DOCKERFILE_DIR}.current_version is not in sync with info from artifact registry." CHECK_FAILED=true continue fi # update info on what we consider to be the current version of the docker image (which will be used to run tests) # we consider the sha256 image digest info from the artifact registry to be the canonical one echo -n "${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}@${DOCKER_IMAGE_DIGEST_REMOTE}" >${DOCKERFILE_DIR}.current_version continue fi if [ "${CHECK_MODE}" != "" ] then echo "CHECK FAILED: Docker image ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} not found in artifact registry." CHECK_FAILED=true continue fi else echo "Skipped querying artifact registry (running in local-only mode)." fi # if the .current_version file doesn't exist or it doesn't contain the right SHA checksum, # it is out of date and we will need to rebuild the docker image locally. LOCAL_BUILD_REQUIRED="" grep "^${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}@sha256:.*" ${DOCKERFILE_DIR}.current_version >/dev/null || LOCAL_BUILD_REQUIRED=true if [ "${LOCAL_BUILD_REQUIRED}" == "" ] then echo "Dockerfile for ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} hasn't changed. Will skip 'docker build'." continue fi if [ "${CHECK_MODE}" != "" ] then echo "CHECK FAILED: Dockerfile for ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} has changed, but the ${DOCKERFILE_DIR}.current_version is not up to date." CHECK_FAILED=true continue fi if [ "${TRANSFER_FROM_DOCKERHUB}" == "" ] then echo "Running 'docker build' for ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}" echo "==========" docker build -t ${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} ${DOCKERFILE_DIR} echo "==========" else # TRANSFER_FROM_DOCKERHUB is a temporary feature that pulls the corresponding image from dockerhub instead # of building it from scratch locally. This should simplify the dockerhub -> artifact registry migration. # TODO(jtattermusch): remove this feature in Q1 2023. DOCKERHUB_ORGANIZATION=grpctesting # pull image from dockerhub docker pull ${DOCKERHUB_ORGANIZATION}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} # add the artifact registry tag docker tag ${DOCKERHUB_ORGANIZATION}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} ${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} fi DOCKER_IMAGE_DIGEST_LOCAL=$(docker image inspect "${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" | jq -e -r '.[0].Id') # update info on what we consider to be the current version of the docker image (which will be used to run tests) echo -n "${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}@${DOCKER_IMAGE_DIGEST_LOCAL}" >${DOCKERFILE_DIR}.current_version if [ "${SKIP_UPLOAD}" == "" ] && [ "${LOCAL_ONLY_MODE}" != "" ] then docker push ${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} fi done if [ "${CHECK_MODE}" != "" ] then # TODO(jtattermusch): check there are no extra current_version files (for which there isn't a corresponding Dockerfile) true fi if [ "${CHECK_FAILED}" != "" ] then echo "ERROR: Some checks have failed." exit 1 fi echo "All done."