// // // Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // #include "test/cpp/qps/driver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/log/check.h" #include "google/protobuf/timestamp.pb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/crash.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/env.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/host_port.h" #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/worker_service.grpc.pb.h" #include "test/core/util/port.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" #include "test/cpp/qps/client.h" #include "test/cpp/qps/histogram.h" #include "test/cpp/qps/qps_worker.h" #include "test/cpp/qps/stats.h" #include "test/cpp/util/test_credentials_provider.h" using std::deque; using std::list; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; namespace grpc { namespace testing { static std::string get_host(const std::string& worker) { absl::string_view host; absl::string_view port; grpc_core::SplitHostPort(worker.c_str(), &host, &port); return std::string(host.data(), host.size()); } static deque get_workers(const string& env_name) { deque out; auto env = grpc_core::GetEnv(env_name.c_str()).value_or(""); const char* p = env.c_str(); if (!env.empty()) { for (;;) { const char* comma = strchr(p, ','); if (comma) { out.emplace_back(p, comma); p = comma + 1; } else { out.emplace_back(p); break; } } } if (out.empty()) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Environment variable \"%s\" does not contain a list of QPS " "workers to use. Set it to a comma-separated list of " "hostname:port pairs, starting with hosts that should act as " "servers. E.g. export " "%s=\"serverhost1:1234,clienthost1:1234,clienthost2:1234\"", env_name.c_str(), env_name.c_str()); } return out; } std::string GetCredType( const std::string& worker_addr, const std::map& per_worker_credential_types, const std::string& credential_type) { auto it = per_worker_credential_types.find(worker_addr); if (it != per_worker_credential_types.end()) { return it->second; } return credential_type; } // helpers for postprocess_scenario_result static double WallTime(const ClientStats& s) { return s.time_elapsed(); } static double SystemTime(const ClientStats& s) { return s.time_system(); } static double UserTime(const ClientStats& s) { return s.time_user(); } static double CliPollCount(const ClientStats& s) { return s.cq_poll_count(); } static double SvrPollCount(const ServerStats& s) { return s.cq_poll_count(); } static double ServerSystemTime(const ServerStats& s) { return s.time_system(); } static double ServerUserTime(const ServerStats& s) { return s.time_user(); } static double ServerTotalCpuTime(const ServerStats& s) { return s.total_cpu_time(); } static double ServerIdleCpuTime(const ServerStats& s) { return s.idle_cpu_time(); } static int Cores(int n) { return n; } static bool IsSuccess(const Status& s) { if (s.ok()) return true; // Since we shutdown servers and clients at the same time, they both can // observe cancellation. Thus, we consider CANCELLED as good status. if (static_cast(s.error_code()) == StatusCode::CANCELLED) { return true; } // Since we shutdown servers and clients at the same time, server can close // the socket before the client attempts to do that, and vice versa. Thus // receiving a "Socket closed" error is fine. if (s.error_message() == "Socket closed") return true; return false; } // Postprocess ScenarioResult and populate result summary. static void postprocess_scenario_result(ScenarioResult* result) { // Get latencies from ScenarioResult latencies histogram and populate to // result summary. Histogram histogram; histogram.MergeProto(result->latencies()); result->mutable_summary()->set_latency_50(histogram.Percentile(50)); result->mutable_summary()->set_latency_90(histogram.Percentile(90)); result->mutable_summary()->set_latency_95(histogram.Percentile(95)); result->mutable_summary()->set_latency_99(histogram.Percentile(99)); result->mutable_summary()->set_latency_999(histogram.Percentile(99.9)); // Calculate qps and cpu load for each client and then aggregate results for // all clients double qps = 0; double client_system_cpu_load = 0, client_user_cpu_load = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result->client_stats_size(); i++) { auto client_stat = result->client_stats(i); qps += client_stat.latencies().count() / client_stat.time_elapsed(); client_system_cpu_load += client_stat.time_system() / client_stat.time_elapsed(); client_user_cpu_load += client_stat.time_user() / client_stat.time_elapsed(); } // Calculate cpu load for each server and then aggregate results for all // servers double server_system_cpu_load = 0, server_user_cpu_load = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result->server_stats_size(); i++) { auto server_stat = result->server_stats(i); server_system_cpu_load += server_stat.time_system() / server_stat.time_elapsed(); server_user_cpu_load += server_stat.time_user() / server_stat.time_elapsed(); } result->mutable_summary()->set_qps(qps); // Populate the percentage of cpu load to result summary. result->mutable_summary()->set_server_system_time(100 * server_system_cpu_load); result->mutable_summary()->set_server_user_time(100 * server_user_cpu_load); result->mutable_summary()->set_client_system_time(100 * client_system_cpu_load); result->mutable_summary()->set_client_user_time(100 * client_user_cpu_load); // For Non-linux platform, get_cpu_usage() is not implemented. Thus, // ServerTotalCpuTime and ServerIdleCpuTime are both 0. if (average(result->server_stats(), ServerTotalCpuTime) == 0) { result->mutable_summary()->set_server_cpu_usage(0); } else { auto server_cpu_usage = 100 - 100 * average(result->server_stats(), ServerIdleCpuTime) / average(result->server_stats(), ServerTotalCpuTime); result->mutable_summary()->set_server_cpu_usage(server_cpu_usage); } // Calculate and populate successful request per second and failed requests // per seconds to result summary. auto time_estimate = average(result->client_stats(), WallTime); if (result->request_results_size() > 0) { int64_t successes = 0; int64_t failures = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result->request_results_size(); i++) { const RequestResultCount& rrc = result->request_results(i); if (rrc.status_code() == 0) { successes += rrc.count(); } else { failures += rrc.count(); } } result->mutable_summary()->set_successful_requests_per_second( successes / time_estimate); result->mutable_summary()->set_failed_requests_per_second(failures / time_estimate); } // Fill in data for other metrics required in result summary auto qps_per_server_core = qps / sum(result->server_cores(), Cores); result->mutable_summary()->set_qps_per_server_core(qps_per_server_core); result->mutable_summary()->set_client_polls_per_request( sum(result->client_stats(), CliPollCount) / histogram.Count()); result->mutable_summary()->set_server_polls_per_request( sum(result->server_stats(), SvrPollCount) / histogram.Count()); auto server_queries_per_cpu_sec = histogram.Count() / (sum(result->server_stats(), ServerSystemTime) + sum(result->server_stats(), ServerUserTime)); auto client_queries_per_cpu_sec = histogram.Count() / (sum(result->client_stats(), SystemTime) + sum(result->client_stats(), UserTime)); result->mutable_summary()->set_server_queries_per_cpu_sec( server_queries_per_cpu_sec); result->mutable_summary()->set_client_queries_per_cpu_sec( client_queries_per_cpu_sec); } struct ClientData { unique_ptr stub; unique_ptr> stream; }; struct ServerData { unique_ptr stub; unique_ptr> stream; }; static void FinishClients(const std::vector& clients, const ClientArgs& client_mark) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Finishing clients"); for (size_t i = 0, i_end = clients.size(); i < i_end; i++) { auto client = &clients[i]; if (!client->stream->Write(client_mark)) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Couldn't write mark to client %zu", i)); } if (!client->stream->WritesDone()) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Failed WritesDone for client %zu", i)); } } } static void ReceiveFinalStatusFromClients( const std::vector& clients, Histogram& merged_latencies, std::unordered_map& merged_statuses, ScenarioResult& result) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Receiving final status from clients"); ClientStatus client_status; for (size_t i = 0, i_end = clients.size(); i < i_end; i++) { auto client = &clients[i]; // Read the client final status if (client->stream->Read(&client_status)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Received final status from client %zu", i); const auto& stats = client_status.stats(); merged_latencies.MergeProto(stats.latencies()); for (int i = 0; i < stats.request_results_size(); i++) { merged_statuses[stats.request_results(i).status_code()] += stats.request_results(i).count(); } result.add_client_stats()->CopyFrom(stats); // Check that final status was should be the last message on the client // stream. // TODO(jtattermusch): note that that waiting for Read to return can take // long on some scenarios (e.g. unconstrained streaming_from_server). See // https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/3bd0cd208ea549760a2daf595f79b91b247fe240/test/cpp/qps/server_async.cc#L176 // where the shutdown delay pretty much determines the wait here. CHECK(!client->stream->Read(&client_status)); } else { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Couldn't get final status from client %zu", i)); } } } static void ShutdownClients(const std::vector& clients, ScenarioResult& result) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Shutdown clients"); for (size_t i = 0, i_end = clients.size(); i < i_end; i++) { auto client = &clients[i]; Status s = client->stream->Finish(); // Since we shutdown servers and clients at the same time, clients can // observe cancellation. Thus, we consider both OK and CANCELLED as good // status. const bool success = IsSuccess(s); result.add_client_success(success); if (!success) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Client %zu had an error %s", i, s.error_message().c_str())); } } } static void FinishServers(const std::vector& servers, const ServerArgs& server_mark) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Finishing servers"); for (size_t i = 0, i_end = servers.size(); i < i_end; i++) { auto server = &servers[i]; if (!server->stream->Write(server_mark)) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Couldn't write mark to server %zu", i)); } if (!server->stream->WritesDone()) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Failed WritesDone for server %zu", i)); } } } static void ReceiveFinalStatusFromServer(const std::vector& servers, ScenarioResult& result) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Receiving final status from servers"); ServerStatus server_status; for (size_t i = 0, i_end = servers.size(); i < i_end; i++) { auto server = &servers[i]; // Read the server final status if (server->stream->Read(&server_status)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Received final status from server %zu", i); result.add_server_stats()->CopyFrom(server_status.stats()); result.add_server_cores(server_status.cores()); // That final status should be the last message on the server stream CHECK(!server->stream->Read(&server_status)); } else { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Couldn't get final status from server %zu", i)); } } } static void ShutdownServers(const std::vector& servers, ScenarioResult& result) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Shutdown servers"); for (size_t i = 0, i_end = servers.size(); i < i_end; i++) { auto server = &servers[i]; Status s = server->stream->Finish(); // Since we shutdown servers and clients at the same time, servers can // observe cancellation. Thus, we consider both OK and CANCELLED as good // status. const bool success = IsSuccess(s); result.add_server_success(success); if (!success) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Server %zu had an error %s", i, s.error_message().c_str())); } } } std::vector* g_inproc_servers = nullptr; std::unique_ptr RunScenario( const ClientConfig& initial_client_config, size_t num_clients, const ServerConfig& initial_server_config, size_t num_servers, int warmup_seconds, int benchmark_seconds, int spawn_local_worker_count, const std::string& qps_server_target_override, const std::string& credential_type, const std::map& per_worker_credential_types, bool run_inproc, int32_t median_latency_collection_interval_millis) { if (run_inproc) { g_inproc_servers = new std::vector; } // Log everything from the driver gpr_set_log_verbosity(GPR_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG); // ClientContext allocations (all are destroyed at scope exit) list contexts; auto alloc_context = [](list* contexts) { contexts->emplace_back(); auto context = &contexts->back(); context->set_wait_for_ready(true); return context; }; // To be added to the result, containing the final configuration used for // client and config (including host, etc.) ClientConfig result_client_config; // Get client, server lists; ignore if inproc test auto workers = (!run_inproc) ? get_workers("QPS_WORKERS") : deque(); ClientConfig client_config = initial_client_config; // Spawn some local workers if desired vector> local_workers; for (int i = 0; i < abs(spawn_local_worker_count); i++) { // act as if we're a new test -- gets a good rng seed static bool called_init = false; if (!called_init) { char args_buf[100]; strcpy(args_buf, "some-benchmark"); char* args[] = {args_buf}; int argc = 1; grpc_test_init(&argc, args); called_init = true; } char addr[256]; // we use port # of -1 to indicate inproc int driver_port = (!run_inproc) ? grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die() : -1; local_workers.emplace_back(new QpsWorker(driver_port, 0, credential_type)); sprintf(addr, "localhost:%d", driver_port); if (spawn_local_worker_count < 0) { workers.push_front(addr); } else { workers.push_back(addr); } } CHECK(!workers.empty()); // if num_clients is set to <=0, do dynamic sizing: all workers // except for servers are clients if (num_clients <= 0) { num_clients = workers.size() - num_servers; } // TODO(ctiller): support running multiple configurations, and binpack // client/server pairs // to available workers CHECK_GE(workers.size(), num_clients + num_servers); // Trim to just what we need workers.resize(num_clients + num_servers); // Start servers std::vector servers(num_servers); std::unordered_map> hosts_cores; ChannelArguments channel_args; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_servers; i++) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Starting server on %s (worker #%" PRIuPTR ")", workers[i].c_str(), i); if (!run_inproc) { servers[i].stub = WorkerService::NewStub(grpc::CreateTestChannel( workers[i], GetCredType(workers[i], per_worker_credential_types, credential_type), nullptr /* call creds */, {} /* interceptor creators */)); } else { servers[i].stub = WorkerService::NewStub( local_workers[i]->InProcessChannel(channel_args)); } const ServerConfig& server_config = initial_server_config; if (server_config.core_limit() != 0) { grpc_core::Crash("server config core limit is set but ignored by driver"); } ServerArgs args; *args.mutable_setup() = server_config; servers[i].stream = servers[i].stub->RunServer(alloc_context(&contexts)); if (!servers[i].stream->Write(args)) { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Could not write args to server %zu", i)); } ServerStatus init_status; if (!servers[i].stream->Read(&init_status)) { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Server %zu did not yield initial status", i)); } if (run_inproc) { std::string cli_target(INPROC_NAME_PREFIX); cli_target += std::to_string(i); client_config.add_server_targets(cli_target); } else { std::string host = get_host(workers[i]); std::string cli_target = grpc_core::JoinHostPort(host.c_str(), init_status.port()); client_config.add_server_targets(cli_target.c_str()); } } if (qps_server_target_override.length() > 0) { // overriding the qps server target only makes since if there is <= 1 // servers CHECK_LE(num_servers, 1u); client_config.clear_server_targets(); client_config.add_server_targets(qps_server_target_override); } client_config.set_median_latency_collection_interval_millis( median_latency_collection_interval_millis); // Targets are all set by now result_client_config = client_config; // Start clients std::vector clients(num_clients); size_t channels_allocated = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) { const auto& worker = workers[i + num_servers]; gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Starting client on %s (worker #%" PRIuPTR ")", worker.c_str(), i + num_servers); if (!run_inproc) { clients[i].stub = WorkerService::NewStub(grpc::CreateTestChannel( worker, GetCredType(worker, per_worker_credential_types, credential_type), nullptr /* call creds */, {} /* interceptor creators */)); } else { clients[i].stub = WorkerService::NewStub( local_workers[i + num_servers]->InProcessChannel(channel_args)); } ClientConfig per_client_config = client_config; if (initial_client_config.core_limit() != 0) { grpc_core::Crash("client config core limit set but ignored"); } // Reduce channel count so that total channels specified is held regardless // of the number of clients available size_t num_channels = (client_config.client_channels() - channels_allocated) / (num_clients - i); channels_allocated += num_channels; gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Client %" PRIdPTR " gets %" PRIdPTR " channels", i, num_channels); per_client_config.set_client_channels(num_channels); ClientArgs args; *args.mutable_setup() = per_client_config; clients[i].stream = clients[i].stub->RunClient(alloc_context(&contexts)); if (!clients[i].stream->Write(args)) { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Could not write args to client %zu", i)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) { ClientStatus init_status; if (!clients[i].stream->Read(&init_status)) { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Client %zu did not yield initial status", i)); } } // Send an initial mark: clients can use this to know that everything is ready // to start gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Initiating"); ServerArgs server_mark; server_mark.mutable_mark()->set_reset(true); ClientArgs client_mark; client_mark.mutable_mark()->set_reset(true); ServerStatus server_status; ClientStatus client_status; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) { auto client = &clients[i]; if (!client->stream->Write(client_mark)) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Couldn't write mark to client %zu", i)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) { auto client = &clients[i]; if (!client->stream->Read(&client_status)) { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Couldn't get status from client %zu", i)); } } // Let everything warmup gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Warming up"); gpr_timespec start = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); gpr_sleep_until( gpr_time_add(start, gpr_time_from_seconds(warmup_seconds, GPR_TIMESPAN))); // Start a run gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Starting"); auto start_time = time(nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_servers; i++) { auto server = &servers[i]; if (!server->stream->Write(server_mark)) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Couldn't write mark to server %zu", i)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) { auto client = &clients[i]; if (!client->stream->Write(client_mark)) { grpc_core::Crash(absl::StrFormat("Couldn't write mark to client %zu", i)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_servers; i++) { auto server = &servers[i]; if (!server->stream->Read(&server_status)) { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Couldn't get status from server %zu", i)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) { auto client = &clients[i]; if (!client->stream->Read(&client_status)) { grpc_core::Crash( absl::StrFormat("Couldn't get status from client %zu", i)); } } // Wait some time gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Running"); // Use gpr_sleep_until rather than this_thread::sleep_until to support // compilers that don't work with this_thread gpr_sleep_until(gpr_time_add( start, gpr_time_from_seconds(warmup_seconds + benchmark_seconds, GPR_TIMESPAN))); // Finish a run std::unique_ptr result(new ScenarioResult); Histogram merged_latencies; std::unordered_map merged_statuses; // For the case where clients lead the test such as UNARY and // STREAMING_FROM_CLIENT, clients need to finish completely while a server // is running to prevent the clients from being stuck while waiting for // the result. bool client_finish_first = (client_config.rpc_type() != STREAMING_FROM_SERVER); auto end_time = time(nullptr); FinishClients(clients, client_mark); if (!client_finish_first) { FinishServers(servers, server_mark); } ReceiveFinalStatusFromClients(clients, merged_latencies, merged_statuses, *result); ShutdownClients(clients, *result); if (client_finish_first) { FinishServers(servers, server_mark); } ReceiveFinalStatusFromServer(servers, *result); ShutdownServers(servers, *result); delete g_inproc_servers; merged_latencies.FillProto(result->mutable_latencies()); for (std::unordered_map::iterator it = merged_statuses.begin(); it != merged_statuses.end(); ++it) { RequestResultCount* rrc = result->add_request_results(); rrc->set_status_code(it->first); rrc->set_count(it->second); } // Fill in start and end time for the test scenario result->mutable_summary()->mutable_start_time()->set_seconds(start_time); result->mutable_summary()->mutable_end_time()->set_seconds(end_time); postprocess_scenario_result(result.get()); return result; } bool RunQuit( const std::string& credential_type, const std::map& per_worker_credential_types) { // Get client, server lists bool result = true; auto workers = get_workers("QPS_WORKERS"); if (workers.empty()) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) { auto stub = WorkerService::NewStub(grpc::CreateTestChannel( workers[i], GetCredType(workers[i], per_worker_credential_types, credential_type), nullptr /* call creds */, {} /* interceptor creators */)); Void phony; grpc::ClientContext ctx; ctx.set_wait_for_ready(true); Status s = stub->QuitWorker(&ctx, phony, &phony); if (!s.ok()) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Worker %zu could not be properly quit because %s", i, s.error_message().c_str()); result = false; } } return result; } } // namespace testing } // namespace grpc