#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Build and upload docker images to Google Container Registry per matrix.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import atexit import multiprocessing import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile # Language Runtime Matrix import client_matrix python_util_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../run_tests/python_utils") ) sys.path.append(python_util_dir) import dockerjob import jobset _IMAGE_BUILDER = "tools/run_tests/dockerize/build_interop_image.sh" _LANGUAGES = list(client_matrix.LANG_RUNTIME_MATRIX.keys()) # All gRPC release tags, flattened, deduped and sorted. _RELEASES = sorted( list( set( release for release_dict in list(client_matrix.LANG_RELEASE_MATRIX.values()) for release in list(release_dict.keys()) ) ) ) # Destination directory inside docker image to keep extra info from build time. _BUILD_INFO = "/var/local/build_info" argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run interop tests.") argp.add_argument( "--gcr_path", default="gcr.io/grpc-testing", help="Path of docker images in Google Container Registry", ) argp.add_argument( "--release", default="master", choices=["all", "master"] + _RELEASES, help=( "github commit tag to checkout. When building all " 'releases defined in client_matrix.py, use "all". Valid only ' "with --git_checkout." ), ) argp.add_argument( "-l", "--language", choices=["all"] + sorted(_LANGUAGES), nargs="+", default=["all"], help="Test languages to build docker images for.", ) argp.add_argument( "--git_checkout", action="store_true", help=( "Use a separate git clone tree for building grpc stack. " "Required when using --release flag. By default, current" "tree and the sibling will be used for building grpc stack." ), ) argp.add_argument( "--git_checkout_root", default="/export/hda3/tmp/grpc_matrix", help=( "Directory under which grpc-go/java/main repo will be " "cloned. Valid only with --git_checkout." ), ) argp.add_argument( "--keep", action="store_true", help="keep the created local images after uploading to GCR", ) argp.add_argument( "--reuse_git_root", default=False, action="store_const", const=True, help=( "reuse the repo dir. If False, the existing git root " "directory will removed before a clean checkout, because " "reusing the repo can cause git checkout error if you switch " "between releases." ), ) argp.add_argument( "--upload_images", action="store_true", help=( "If set, images will be uploaded to container registry after building." ), ) args = argp.parse_args() def add_files_to_image(image, with_files, label=None): """Add files to a docker image. image: docker image name, i.e. grpc_interop_java:26328ad8 with_files: additional files to include in the docker image. label: label string to attach to the image. """ tag_idx = image.find(":") if tag_idx == -1: jobset.message( "FAILED", "invalid docker image %s" % image, do_newline=True ) sys.exit(1) orig_tag = "%s_" % image subprocess.check_output(["docker", "tag", image, orig_tag]) lines = ["FROM " + orig_tag] if label: lines.append("LABEL %s" % label) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() atexit.register(lambda: subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", temp_dir])) # Copy with_files inside the tmp directory, which will be the docker build # context. for f in with_files: shutil.copy(f, temp_dir) lines.append("COPY %s %s/" % (os.path.basename(f), _BUILD_INFO)) # Create a Dockerfile. with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, "Dockerfile"), "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(lines)) jobset.message("START", "Repackaging %s" % image, do_newline=True) build_cmd = ["docker", "build", "--rm", "--tag", image, temp_dir] subprocess.check_output(build_cmd) dockerjob.remove_image(orig_tag, skip_nonexistent=True) def build_image_jobspec(runtime, env, gcr_tag, stack_base): """Build interop docker image for a language with runtime. runtime: a <lang><version> string, for example go1.8. env: dictionary of env to passed to the build script. gcr_tag: the tag for the docker image (i.e. v1.3.0). stack_base: the local gRPC repo path. """ basename = "grpc_interop_%s" % runtime tag = "%s/%s:%s" % (args.gcr_path, basename, gcr_tag) build_env = {"INTEROP_IMAGE": tag, "BASE_NAME": basename} build_env.update(env) image_builder_path = _IMAGE_BUILDER if client_matrix.should_build_docker_interop_image_from_release_tag(lang): image_builder_path = os.path.join(stack_base, _IMAGE_BUILDER) build_job = jobset.JobSpec( cmdline=[image_builder_path], environ=build_env, shortname="build_docker_%s" % runtime, timeout_seconds=30 * 60, ) build_job.tag = tag return build_job def build_all_images_for_lang(lang): """Build all docker images for a language across releases and runtimes.""" if not args.git_checkout: if args.release != "master": print( "Cannot use --release without also enabling --git_checkout.\n" ) sys.exit(1) releases = [args.release] else: if args.release == "all": releases = client_matrix.get_release_tags(lang) else: # Build a particular release. if args.release not in ["master"] + client_matrix.get_release_tags( lang ): jobset.message( "SKIPPED", "%s for %s is not defined" % (args.release, lang), do_newline=True, ) return [] releases = [args.release] images = [] for release in releases: images += build_all_images_for_release(lang, release) jobset.message( "SUCCESS", "All docker images built for %s at %s." % (lang, releases), do_newline=True, ) return images def build_all_images_for_release(lang, release): """Build all docker images for a release across all runtimes.""" docker_images = [] build_jobs = [] env = {} # If we not using current tree or the sibling for grpc stack, do checkout. stack_base = "" if args.git_checkout: stack_base = checkout_grpc_stack(lang, release) var = { "go": "GRPC_GO_ROOT", "java": "GRPC_JAVA_ROOT", "node": "GRPC_NODE_ROOT", }.get(lang, "GRPC_ROOT") env[var] = stack_base for runtime in client_matrix.get_runtimes_for_lang_release(lang, release): job = build_image_jobspec(runtime, env, release, stack_base) docker_images.append(job.tag) build_jobs.append(job) jobset.message("START", "Building interop docker images.", do_newline=True) print("Jobs to run: \n%s\n" % "\n".join(str(j) for j in build_jobs)) num_failures, _ = jobset.run( build_jobs, newline_on_success=True, maxjobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count() ) if num_failures: jobset.message( "FAILED", "Failed to build interop docker images.", do_newline=True ) docker_images_cleanup.extend(docker_images) sys.exit(1) jobset.message( "SUCCESS", "All docker images built for %s at %s." % (lang, release), do_newline=True, ) if release != "master": commit_log = os.path.join(stack_base, "commit_log") if os.path.exists(commit_log): for image in docker_images: add_files_to_image(image, [commit_log], "release=%s" % release) return docker_images def cleanup(): if not args.keep: for image in docker_images_cleanup: dockerjob.remove_image(image, skip_nonexistent=True) docker_images_cleanup = [] atexit.register(cleanup) def maybe_apply_patches_on_git_tag(stack_base, lang, release): files_to_patch = [] release_info = client_matrix.LANG_RELEASE_MATRIX[lang].get(release) if release_info: files_to_patch = release_info.patch if not files_to_patch: return patch_file_relative_path = "patches/%s_%s/git_repo.patch" % (lang, release) patch_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), patch_file_relative_path) ) if not os.path.exists(patch_file): jobset.message( "FAILED", "expected patch file |%s| to exist" % patch_file ) sys.exit(1) subprocess.check_output( ["git", "apply", patch_file], cwd=stack_base, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) # TODO(jtattermusch): this really would need simplification and refactoring # - "git add" and "git commit" can easily be done in a single command # - it looks like the only reason for the existence of the "files_to_patch" # entry is to perform "git add" - which is clumsy and fragile. # - we only allow a single patch with name "git_repo.patch". A better design # would be to allow multiple patches that can have more descriptive names. for repo_relative_path in files_to_patch: subprocess.check_output( ["git", "add", repo_relative_path], cwd=stack_base, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) subprocess.check_output( [ "git", "commit", "-m", "Hack performed on top of %s git " "tag in order to build and run the %s " "interop tests on that tag." % (lang, release), ], cwd=stack_base, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) def checkout_grpc_stack(lang, release): """Invokes 'git check' for the lang/release and returns directory created.""" assert args.git_checkout and args.git_checkout_root if not os.path.exists(args.git_checkout_root): os.makedirs(args.git_checkout_root) repo = client_matrix.get_github_repo(lang) # Get the subdir name part of repo # For example, 'git@github.com:grpc/grpc-go.git' should use 'grpc-go'. repo_dir = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(repo))[0] stack_base = os.path.join(args.git_checkout_root, repo_dir) # Clean up leftover repo dir if necessary. if not args.reuse_git_root and os.path.exists(stack_base): jobset.message("START", "Removing git checkout root.", do_newline=True) shutil.rmtree(stack_base) if not os.path.exists(stack_base): subprocess.check_call( ["git", "clone", "--recursive", repo], cwd=os.path.dirname(stack_base), ) # git checkout. jobset.message( "START", "git checkout %s from %s" % (release, stack_base), do_newline=True, ) # We should NEVER do checkout on current tree !!! assert not os.path.dirname(__file__).startswith(stack_base) output = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "checkout", release], cwd=stack_base, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) maybe_apply_patches_on_git_tag(stack_base, lang, release) commit_log = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", "-1"], cwd=stack_base) jobset.message( "SUCCESS", "git checkout", "%s: %s" % (str(output), commit_log), do_newline=True, ) # git submodule update jobset.message( "START", "git submodule update --init at %s from %s" % (release, stack_base), do_newline=True, ) subprocess.check_call( ["git", "submodule", "update", "--init"], cwd=stack_base, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) jobset.message( "SUCCESS", "git submodule update --init", "%s: %s" % (str(output), commit_log), do_newline=True, ) # Write git log to commit_log so it can be packaged with the docker image. with open(os.path.join(stack_base, "commit_log"), "wb") as f: f.write(commit_log) return stack_base languages = args.language if args.language != ["all"] else _LANGUAGES for lang in languages: docker_images = build_all_images_for_lang(lang) for image in docker_images: if args.upload_images: jobset.message("START", "Uploading %s" % image, do_newline=True) # docker image name must be in the format <gcr_path>/<image>:<gcr_tag> assert image.startswith(args.gcr_path) and image.find(":") != -1 # Add a tag to exclude the image from the GCP Vulnerability Scanner. (image_name, tag_name) = image.rsplit(":", 1) alternate_image = ( f"{image_name}:infrastructure-public-image-{tag_name}" ) subprocess.call(["docker", "image", "tag", image, alternate_image]) subprocess.call(["gcloud", "docker", "--", "push", image]) subprocess.call(["gcloud", "docker", "--", "push", alternate_image]) else: # Uploading (and overwriting images) by default can easily break things. print( "Not uploading image %s, run with --upload_images to upload." % image )