using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Grpc.Core; using Helloworld; namespace GreeterServer { class GreeterImpl : Greeter.IGreeter { // Server side handler of the SayHello RPC public Task SayHello(HelloRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { return Task.FromResult(new HelloReply { Message = "Hello " + request.Name }); } } class Program { const int Port = 50051; public static void Main(string[] args) { Server server = new Server { Services = { Greeter.BindService(new GreeterImpl()) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } }; server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Greeter server listening on port " + Port); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the server..."); Console.ReadKey(); server.ShutdownAsync().Wait(); } } }