getName(); if (!$name) { $name_str = "no feature"; } else { $name_str = "feature called $name"; } print sprintf("Found %s \n at %f, %f\n", $name_str, $feature->getLocation()->getLatitude() / COORD_FACTOR, $feature->getLocation()->getLongitude() / COORD_FACTOR); } /** * Run the getFeature demo. Calls getFeature with a point known to have a * feature and a point known not to have a feature. */ function runGetFeature() { print "Running GetFeature...\n"; global $client; $point = new routeguide\Point(); $points = array( array(409146138, -746188906), array(0, 0), ); foreach ($points as $p) { $point->setLatitude($p[0]); $point->setLongitude($p[1]); // make a unary grpc call list($feature, $status) = $client->GetFeature($point)->wait(); printFeature($feature); } } /** * Run the listFeatures demo. Calls listFeatures with a rectangle * containing all of the features in the pre-generated * database. Prints each response as it comes in. */ function runListFeatures() { print "Running ListFeatures...\n"; global $client; $lo_point = new routeguide\Point(); $hi_point = new routeguide\Point(); $lo_point->setLatitude(400000000); $lo_point->setLongitude(-750000000); $hi_point->setLatitude(420000000); $hi_point->setLongitude(-730000000); $rectangle = new routeguide\Rectangle(); $rectangle->setLo($lo_point); $rectangle->setHi($hi_point); // start the server streaming call $call = $client->ListFeatures($rectangle); // an iterator over the server streaming responses $features = $call->responses(); foreach ($features as $feature) { printFeature($feature); } } /** * Run the recordRoute demo. Sends several randomly chosen points from the * pre-generated feature database with a variable delay in between. Prints * the statistics when they are sent from the server. */ function runRecordRoute() { print "Running RecordRoute...\n"; global $client, $argv; // start the client streaming call $call = $client->RecordRoute(); $db = json_decode(file_get_contents($argv[1]), true); $num_points_in_db = count($db); $num_points = 10; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_points; $i++) { $point = new routeguide\Point(); $index = rand(0, $num_points_in_db - 1); $lat = $db[$index]['location']['latitude']; $long = $db[$index]['location']['longitude']; $feature_name = $db[$index]['name']; $point->setLatitude($lat); $point->setLongitude($long); print sprintf("Visiting point %f, %f,\n with feature name: %s\n", $lat / COORD_FACTOR, $long / COORD_FACTOR, $feature_name ? $feature_name : ''); usleep(rand(300000, 800000)); $call->write($point); } list($route_summary, $status) = $call->wait(); print sprintf("Finished trip with %d points\nPassed %d features\n". "Travelled %d meters\nIt took %d seconds\n", $route_summary->getPointCount(), $route_summary->getFeatureCount(), $route_summary->getDistance(), $route_summary->getElapsedTime()); } /** * Run the routeChat demo. Send some chat messages, and print any chat * messages that are sent from the server. */ function runRouteChat() { print "Running RouteChat...\n"; global $client; // start the bidirectional streaming call $call = $client->RouteChat(); $notes = array( array(1, 1, 'first message'), array(1, 2, 'second message'), array(2, 1, 'third message'), array(1, 1, 'fourth message'), array(1, 1, 'fifth message'), ); foreach ($notes as $n) { $point = new routeguide\Point(); $point->setLatitude($lat = $n[0]); $point->setLongitude($long = $n[1]); $route_note = new routeguide\RouteNote(); $route_note->setLocation($point); $route_note->setMessage($message = $n[2]); print sprintf("Sending message: '%s' at (%d, %d)\n", $message, $lat, $long); // send a bunch of messages to the server $call->write($route_note); } $call->writesDone(); // read from the server until there's no more while ($route_note_reply = $call->read()) { print sprintf("Previous left message at (%d, %d): '%s'\n", $route_note_reply->getLocation()->getLatitude(), $route_note_reply->getLocation()->getLongitude(), $route_note_reply->getMessage()); } } /** * Run all of the demos in order */ function main() { runGetFeature(); runListFeatures(); runRecordRoute(); runRouteChat(); } if (empty($argv[1])) { print "Usage: php -d route_guide_client.php " . "\n"; exit(1); } main();