FROM dockcross/manylinux2010-x64 # Docker file for building gRPC manylinux-based Ruby artifacts. # Updated: 2020-07-03 # install packages which rvm will require RUN yum install -y autoconf gcc-c++ libtool readline-devel ruby sqlite-devel openssl-devel xz # install rvm, RVM 1.26.0+ has signed releases, source rvm for usage outside of package scripts RUN gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB && \ (curl -L | sudo bash) RUN echo "source /etc/profile.d/" >> /etc/rubybashrc RUN bash -c " \ source /etc/rubybashrc && \ rvm cleanup all " # Import patch files for ruby and gems COPY build/patches /work/patches/ ENV BASH_ENV /etc/rubybashrc # install rubies and fix permissions on RUN bash -c " \ export CFLAGS='-s -O3 -fno-fast-math -fPIC' && \ for v in 2.5.7 ; do \ rvm install \$v --patch \$(echo /work/patches/ruby-\$v/* | tr ' ' ','); \ done && \ rvm cleanup all && \ find /usr/local/rvm -type d -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod g+sw " # Install rake-compiler and typical gems in all Rubies # do not generate documentation for gems RUN echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" >> ~/.gemrc && \ bash -c " \ rvm all do gem update --system --no-document && \ rvm all do gem install --no-document bundler 'bundler:~>1.16' rake-compiler:1.1.0 hoe:3.20.0 mini_portile rubygems-tasks mini_portile2 && \ find /usr/local/rvm -type d -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod g+sw " # Install rake-compiler's cross rubies in global dir instead of /root RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/rake-compiler && \ ln -s /usr/local/rake-compiler ~/.rake-compiler RUN bash -c " \ rvm alias create default 2.5.7 && \ rvm use default " # Patch rake-compiler and hoe package COPY build/patches2 /work/patches/ RUN cd /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.7/gems/rake-compiler-1.1.0 && \ ( git apply /work/patches/rake-compiler-1.1.0/*.patch || true ) RUN cd /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.7/gems/hoe-3.20.0 && \ ( git apply /work/patches/hoe-3.20.0/*.patch || true ) # Patch ruby-2.7.0 for cross build RUN curl -SL | tar -xJC /root/ && \ cd /root/ruby-2.7.0 && \ git apply /work/patches/ruby-2.7.0/*.patch && \ cd .. && \ mkdir -p /usr/local/rake-compiler/sources/ && \ tar cjf /usr/local/rake-compiler/sources/ruby-2.7.0.tar.bz2 ruby-2.7.0 && \ rm -rf /root/ruby-2.7.0 ENV XRUBIES 2.7.0:2.6.0:2.5.0:2.4.0:2.3.0:2.2.2 # Build all xruby versions in parallel # Then cleanup all build artifacts RUN bash -c " \ export CFLAGS='-s -O1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-fast-math' && \ export MAKE='make V=0' && \ rake-compiler cross-ruby VERSION=$XRUBIES HOST=x86_64-linux-gnu && \ rm -rf ~/.rake-compiler/builds ~/.rake-compiler/sources && \ find /usr/local/rvm -type d -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod g+sw " # Avoid linking against libruby shared object. # See also RUN find /usr/local/rake-compiler/ruby/*linux*/ -name | xargs rm RUN find /usr/local/rake-compiler/ruby/*linux*/ -name libruby-static.a | while read f ; do cp $f `echo $f | sed s/-static//` ; done RUN find /usr/local/rake-compiler/ruby/*linux*/ -name libruby.a | while read f ; do ar t $f | xargs ar d $f ; done RUN find /usr/local/rake-compiler/ruby/*linux*/ -name mkmf.rb | while read f ; do sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/TRY_LINK = [^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n[^\n]*LOCAL_LIBS)/& -lruby-static/' $f ; done # Fix paths in rake-compiler/config.yml and add rvm and mingw-tools to the global bashrc RUN sed -i -- "s:/root/.rake-compiler:/usr/local/rake-compiler:g" /usr/local/rake-compiler/config.yml && \ echo "source /etc/profile.d/" >> /etc/bash.bashrc # Install SIGINT forwarder COPY build/sigfw.c /root/ RUN gcc $HOME/sigfw.c -o /usr/local/bin/sigfw # Install COPY build/ /usr/local/bin/ ENV RUBY_CC_VERSION 2.7.0:2.6.0:2.5.0:2.4.0:2.3.0:2.2.2