#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tool to get build statistics from Jenkins and upload to BigQuery.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import jenkinsapi from jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions import JenkinsAPIException from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins import json import os import re import sys import urllib gcp_utils_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '../gcp/utils')) sys.path.append(gcp_utils_dir) import big_query_utils _PROJECT_ID = 'grpc-testing' _HAS_MATRIX = True _BUILDS = {'gRPC_interop_master': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_linux': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_macos': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_windows': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_performance_master': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_portability_master_linux': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_portability_master_windows': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_asanitizer_c': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_asanitizer_cpp': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_msan_c': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_tsanitizer_c': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_master_tsan_cpp': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_interop_pull_requests': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_performance_pull_requests': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_portability_pull_requests_linux': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_portability_pr_win': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pull_requests_linux': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pull_requests_macos': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pr_win': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pull_requests_asan_c': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pull_requests_asan_cpp': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pull_requests_msan_c': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pull_requests_tsan_c': not _HAS_MATRIX, 'gRPC_pull_requests_tsan_cpp': not _HAS_MATRIX, } _URL_BASE = 'https://grpc-testing.appspot.com/job' # This is a dynamic list where known and active issues should be added. # Fixed ones should be removed. # Also try not to add multiple messages from the same failure. _KNOWN_ERRORS = [ 'Failed to build workspace Tests with scheme AllTests', 'Build timed out', 'TIMEOUT: tools/run_tests/pre_build_node.sh', 'TIMEOUT: tools/run_tests/pre_build_ruby.sh', 'FATAL: Unable to produce a script file', 'FAILED: build_docker_c\+\+', 'cannot find package \"cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata\"', 'LLVM ERROR: IO failure on output stream.', 'MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist.', 'fatal: git fetch_pack: expected ACK/NAK', 'Failed to fetch from http://github.com/grpc/grpc.git', ('hudson.remoting.RemotingSystemException: java.io.IOException: ' 'Backing channel is disconnected.'), 'hudson.remoting.ChannelClosedException', 'Could not initialize class hudson.Util', 'Too many open files in system', 'FAILED: bins/tsan/qps_openloop_test GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY=epoll', 'FAILED: bins/tsan/qps_openloop_test GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY=legacy', 'FAILED: bins/tsan/qps_openloop_test GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY=poll', ('tests.bins/asan/h2_proxy_test streaming_error_response ' 'GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY=legacy'), ] _NO_REPORT_FILES_FOUND_ERROR = 'No test report files were found. Configuration error?' _UNKNOWN_ERROR = 'Unknown error' _DATASET_ID = 'build_statistics' def _scrape_for_known_errors(html): error_list = [] known_error_count = 0 for known_error in _KNOWN_ERRORS: errors = re.findall(known_error, html) this_error_count = len(errors) if this_error_count > 0: known_error_count += this_error_count error_list.append({'description': known_error, 'count': this_error_count}) print('====> %d failures due to %s' % (this_error_count, known_error)) return error_list, known_error_count def _no_report_files_found(html): return _NO_REPORT_FILES_FOUND_ERROR in html def _get_last_processed_buildnumber(build_name): query = 'SELECT max(build_number) FROM [%s:%s.%s];' % ( _PROJECT_ID, _DATASET_ID, build_name) query_job = big_query_utils.sync_query_job(bq, _PROJECT_ID, query) page = bq.jobs().getQueryResults( pageToken=None, **query_job['jobReference']).execute(num_retries=3) if page['rows'][0]['f'][0]['v']: return int(page['rows'][0]['f'][0]['v']) return 0 def _process_matrix(build, url_base): matrix_list = [] for matrix in build.get_matrix_runs(): matrix_str = re.match('.*\\xc2\\xbb ((?:[^,]+,?)+) #.*', matrix.name).groups()[0] matrix_tuple = matrix_str.split(',') json_url = '%s/config=%s,language=%s,platform=%s/testReport/api/json' % ( url_base, matrix_tuple[0], matrix_tuple[1], matrix_tuple[2]) console_url = '%s/config=%s,language=%s,platform=%s/consoleFull' % ( url_base, matrix_tuple[0], matrix_tuple[1], matrix_tuple[2]) matrix_dict = {'name': matrix_str, 'duration': matrix.get_duration().total_seconds()} matrix_dict.update(_process_build(json_url, console_url)) matrix_list.append(matrix_dict) return matrix_list def _process_build(json_url, console_url): build_result = {} error_list = [] try: html = urllib.urlopen(json_url).read() test_result = json.loads(html) print('====> Parsing result from %s' % json_url) failure_count = test_result['failCount'] build_result['pass_count'] = test_result['passCount'] build_result['failure_count'] = failure_count # This means Jenkins failure occurred. build_result['no_report_files_found'] = _no_report_files_found(html) # Only check errors if Jenkins failure occurred. if build_result['no_report_files_found']: error_list, known_error_count = _scrape_for_known_errors(html) if not error_list: error_list.append({'description': _UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'count': 1}) except Exception as e: print('====> Got exception for %s: %s.' % (json_url, str(e))) print('====> Parsing errors from %s.' % console_url) html = urllib.urlopen(console_url).read() build_result['pass_count'] = 0 build_result['failure_count'] = 1 error_list, _ = _scrape_for_known_errors(html) if error_list: error_list.append({'description': _UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'count': 0}) else: error_list.append({'description': _UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'count': 1}) if error_list: build_result['error'] = error_list else: build_result['error'] = [{'description': '', 'count': 0}] return build_result # parse command line argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get build statistics.') argp.add_argument('-u', '--username', default='jenkins') argp.add_argument('-b', '--builds', choices=['all'] + sorted(_BUILDS.keys()), nargs='+', default=['all']) args = argp.parse_args() J = Jenkins('https://grpc-testing.appspot.com', args.username, 'apiToken') bq = big_query_utils.create_big_query() for build_name in _BUILDS.keys() if 'all' in args.builds else args.builds: print('====> Build: %s' % build_name) # Since get_last_completed_build() always fails due to malformatted string # error, we use get_build_metadata() instead. job = None try: job = J[build_name] except Exception as e: print('====> Failed to get build %s: %s.' % (build_name, str(e))) continue last_processed_build_number = _get_last_processed_buildnumber(build_name) last_complete_build_number = job.get_last_completed_buildnumber() # To avoid processing all builds for a project never looked at. In this case, # only examine 10 latest builds. starting_build_number = max(last_processed_build_number+1, last_complete_build_number-9) for build_number in xrange(starting_build_number, last_complete_build_number+1): print('====> Processing %s build %d.' % (build_name, build_number)) build = None try: build = job.get_build_metadata(build_number) except KeyError: print('====> Build %s is missing. Skip.' % build_number) continue build_result = {'build_number': build_number, 'timestamp': str(build.get_timestamp())} url_base = json_url = '%s/%s/%d' % (_URL_BASE, build_name, build_number) if _BUILDS[build_name]: # The build has matrix, such as gRPC_master. build_result['matrix'] = _process_matrix(build, url_base) else: json_url = '%s/testReport/api/json' % url_base console_url = '%s/consoleFull' % url_base build_result['duration'] = build.get_duration().total_seconds() build_result.update(_process_build(json_url, console_url)) rows = [big_query_utils.make_row(build_number, build_result)] if not big_query_utils.insert_rows(bq, _PROJECT_ID, _DATASET_ID, build_name, rows): print('====> Error uploading result to bigquery.') sys.exit(1)