/* * * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "test/cpp/qps/driver.h" #include "test/cpp/qps/report.h" #include "test/cpp/util/benchmark_config.h" DEFINE_int32(num_clients, 1, "Number of client binaries"); DEFINE_int32(num_servers, 1, "Number of server binaries"); DEFINE_int32(warmup_seconds, 5, "Warmup time (in seconds)"); DEFINE_int32(benchmark_seconds, 30, "Benchmark time (in seconds)"); DEFINE_int32(local_workers, 0, "Number of local workers to start"); // Server config DEFINE_int32(async_server_threads, 1, "Number of threads for async servers"); DEFINE_string(server_type, "SYNC_SERVER", "Server type"); DEFINE_int32(server_core_limit, -1, "Limit on server cores to use"); // Client config DEFINE_string(rpc_type, "UNARY", "Type of RPC: UNARY or STREAMING"); DEFINE_int32(outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, 1, "Number of outstanding rpcs per channel"); DEFINE_int32(client_channels, 1, "Number of client channels"); DEFINE_int32(simple_req_size, -1, "Simple proto request payload size"); DEFINE_int32(simple_resp_size, -1, "Simple proto response payload size"); DEFINE_int32(bbuf_req_size, -1, "Byte-buffer request payload size"); DEFINE_int32(bbuf_resp_size, -1, "Byte-buffer response payload size"); DEFINE_string(client_type, "SYNC_CLIENT", "Client type"); DEFINE_int32(async_client_threads, 1, "Async client threads"); DEFINE_double(poisson_load, -1.0, "Poisson offered load (qps)"); DEFINE_double(uniform_lo, -1.0, "Uniform low interarrival time (us)"); DEFINE_double(uniform_hi, -1.0, "Uniform high interarrival time (us)"); DEFINE_double(determ_load, -1.0, "Deterministic offered load (qps)"); DEFINE_double(pareto_base, -1.0, "Pareto base interarrival time (us)"); DEFINE_double(pareto_alpha, -1.0, "Pareto alpha value"); DEFINE_int32(client_core_limit, -1, "Limit on client cores to use"); DEFINE_bool(secure_test, false, "Run a secure test"); DEFINE_bool(quit, false, "Quit the workers"); using grpc::testing::ClientConfig; using grpc::testing::ServerConfig; using grpc::testing::ClientType; using grpc::testing::ServerType; using grpc::testing::RpcType; using grpc::testing::SecurityParams; namespace grpc { namespace testing { static void QpsDriver() { if (FLAGS_quit) { RunQuit(); return; } RpcType rpc_type; GPR_ASSERT(RpcType_Parse(FLAGS_rpc_type, &rpc_type)); ClientType client_type; ServerType server_type; GPR_ASSERT(ClientType_Parse(FLAGS_client_type, &client_type)); GPR_ASSERT(ServerType_Parse(FLAGS_server_type, &server_type)); ClientConfig client_config; client_config.set_client_type(client_type); client_config.set_outstanding_rpcs_per_channel( FLAGS_outstanding_rpcs_per_channel); client_config.set_client_channels(FLAGS_client_channels); // Decide which type to use based on the response type if (FLAGS_simple_resp_size >= 0) { auto params = client_config.mutable_payload_config()->mutable_simple_params(); params->set_resp_size(FLAGS_simple_resp_size); if (FLAGS_simple_req_size >= 0) { params->set_req_size(FLAGS_simple_req_size); } } else if (FLAGS_bbuf_resp_size >= 0) { auto params = client_config.mutable_payload_config()->mutable_bytebuf_params(); params->set_resp_size(FLAGS_bbuf_resp_size); if (FLAGS_bbuf_req_size >= 0) { params->set_req_size(FLAGS_bbuf_req_size); } } else { // set a reasonable default: proto but no payload client_config.mutable_payload_config()->mutable_simple_params(); } client_config.set_async_client_threads(FLAGS_async_client_threads); client_config.set_rpc_type(rpc_type); // set up the load parameters if (FLAGS_poisson_load > 0.0) { auto poisson = client_config.mutable_load_params()->mutable_poisson(); poisson->set_offered_load(FLAGS_poisson_load); } else if (FLAGS_uniform_lo > 0.0) { auto uniform = client_config.mutable_load_params()->mutable_uniform(); uniform->set_interarrival_lo(FLAGS_uniform_lo / 1e6); uniform->set_interarrival_hi(FLAGS_uniform_hi / 1e6); } else if (FLAGS_determ_load > 0.0) { auto determ = client_config.mutable_load_params()->mutable_determ(); determ->set_offered_load(FLAGS_determ_load); } else if (FLAGS_pareto_base > 0.0) { auto pareto = client_config.mutable_load_params()->mutable_pareto(); pareto->set_interarrival_base(FLAGS_pareto_base / 1e6); pareto->set_alpha(FLAGS_pareto_alpha); } else { client_config.mutable_load_params()->mutable_closed_loop(); // No further load parameters to set up for closed loop } client_config.mutable_histogram_params()->set_resolution( Histogram::default_resolution()); client_config.mutable_histogram_params()->set_max_possible( Histogram::default_max_possible()); if (FLAGS_client_core_limit > 0) { client_config.set_core_limit(FLAGS_client_core_limit); } ServerConfig server_config; server_config.set_server_type(server_type); server_config.set_async_server_threads(FLAGS_async_server_threads); if (FLAGS_server_core_limit > 0) { server_config.set_core_limit(FLAGS_server_core_limit); } if (FLAGS_bbuf_resp_size >= 0) { *server_config.mutable_payload_config() = client_config.payload_config(); } if (FLAGS_secure_test) { // Set up security params SecurityParams security; security.set_use_test_ca(true); security.set_server_host_override("foo.test.google.fr"); client_config.mutable_security_params()->CopyFrom(security); server_config.mutable_security_params()->CopyFrom(security); } // Make sure that if we are performing a generic (bytebuf) test // that we are also using async streaming GPR_ASSERT(!client_config.payload_config().has_bytebuf_params() || (client_config.client_type() == ASYNC_CLIENT && client_config.rpc_type() == STREAMING && server_config.server_type() == ASYNC_GENERIC_SERVER)); const auto result = RunScenario( client_config, FLAGS_num_clients, server_config, FLAGS_num_servers, FLAGS_warmup_seconds, FLAGS_benchmark_seconds, FLAGS_local_workers); GetReporter()->ReportQPS(*result); GetReporter()->ReportQPSPerCore(*result); GetReporter()->ReportLatency(*result); GetReporter()->ReportTimes(*result); } } // namespace testing } // namespace grpc int main(int argc, char** argv) { grpc::testing::InitBenchmark(&argc, &argv, true); grpc::testing::QpsDriver(); return 0; }