gRPC in 3 minutes (C#)

For this sample, we've already generated the server and client stubs from [helloworld.proto][].

Example projects depend on the [Grpc](
and [Google.Protobuf]( NuGet packages
which have been already added to the project for you.

- .NET 4.5+
- Visual Studio 2013 or 2015

- Mono
- Monodevelop 5.9 with NuGet Add-in installed

**Mac OS X**
- Xamarin Studio (with NuGet plugin installed)
- [homebrew][]



- Open solution `Greeter.sln` with Visual Studio

- Build the solution (this will automatically download NuGet dependencies)

**Linux (Debian)**

- Install gRPC C core and C# native extension using [How to use gRPC C#][] instructions

- Open solution `Greeter.sln` in MonoDevelop.

- Build the solution (you need to manually restore dependencies by using `mono nuget.exe restore` if you don't have NuGet add-in)

**Mac OS X**

- Install gRPC C core and C# native extension using [How to use gRPC C#][] instructions

- Open solution `Greeter.sln` with Xamarin Studio

- Build the solution (this will automatically download NuGet dependencies)

Try it!

- Run the server

  > cd GreeterServer/bin/Debug
  > GreeterServer.exe

- Run the client

  > cd GreeterClient/bin/Debug
  > GreeterClient.exe

You can also run the server and client directly from Visual Studio.

On Linux or Mac, use `mono GreeterServer.exe` and `mono GreeterClient.exe` to run the server and client.


You can find a more detailed tutorial in [gRPC Basics: C#][]

[How to use gRPC C#]:../../../src/csharp#how-to-use
[gRPC Basics: C#]: