Language: Cpp
BasedOnStyle: Google
DerivePointerAlignment: false
PointerAlignment: Left
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
  # ruby.h is even more first if it's included
  - Regex: '^<ruby/ruby.h>'
    Priority: -200
  # Some platforms (namely msys) need wchar to be included BEFORE
  # anything else, especially strsafe.h.
  - Regex: '^<wchar.h>'
    Priority: 5
  # use priority 100+ for grpc headers so they sort last
  # 'system' headers - include things that have " in the names to make them
  # stand out and get fixed
  - Regex: '^(<|")grpc'
    Priority: 100
  # similary using include/ to get system headers should stand out and get
  # fixed
  - Regex: '^"include/'
    Priority: 100
  # source headers go last
  - Regex: '^"(src|test)/'
    Priority: 101
  # not-grpc headers follow
  # first, non system headers that are included like <> - these are all
  # local carveouts, and get sorted below c++ but before non grpc "" files
  - Regex: '^<(openssl/|uv\.h|ares\.h|address_sorting/|gmock/|gtest/|zlib|zconf|benchmark/|google/)'
    Priority: 30
  # first C system headers - they have a . in the filename
  - Regex: '^<.*\.'
    Priority: 10
  # then C++ system headers - no ., the only thing that will match now
  - Regex: '^<'
    Priority: 20
  # finally other "" includes go between system headers and our headers
  - Regex: '^"'
    Priority: 40
Language: ObjC
BasedOnStyle: Google
ColumnLimit: 100
ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2
Language: Proto
BasedOnStyle: Google
ColumnLimit: 100