# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This is for the gRPC build system. This isn't intended to be used outsite of # the BUILD file for gRPC. It contains the mapping for the template system we # use to generate other platform's build system files. # # Please consider that there should be a high bar for additions and changes to # this file. # Each rule listed must be re-written for Google's internal build system, and # each change must be ported from one to the other. # """ Contains macros used throughout the repo. """ load("//bazel:cc_grpc_library.bzl", "cc_grpc_library") load("//bazel:copts.bzl", "GRPC_DEFAULT_COPTS") load("//bazel:experiments.bzl", "EXPERIMENTS", "EXPERIMENT_ENABLES") load("//bazel:test_experiments.bzl", "TEST_EXPERIMENTS", "TEST_EXPERIMENT_ENABLES") load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:ios.bzl", "ios_unit_test") load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple/testing/default_runner:ios_test_runner.bzl", "ios_test_runner") load("@com_google_protobuf//bazel:upb_proto_library.bzl", "upb_proto_library", "upb_proto_reflection_library") # The set of pollers to test against if a test exercises polling POLLERS = ["epoll1", "poll"] # The set of known EventEngines to test EVENT_ENGINES = {"default": {"tags": []}} def if_not_windows(a): return select({ "//:windows": [], "//:windows_msvc": [], "//conditions:default": a, }) def if_windows(a): return select({ "//:windows": a, "//:windows_msvc": a, "//conditions:default": [], }) def _get_external_deps(external_deps): ret = [] for dep in external_deps: if dep == "address_sorting": ret.append("//third_party/address_sorting") elif dep == "xxhash": ret.append("//third_party/xxhash") elif dep == "cares": ret += select({ "//:grpc_no_ares": [], "//conditions:default": ["//external:cares"], }) elif dep == "cronet_c_for_grpc": ret.append("//third_party/objective_c/Cronet:cronet_c_for_grpc") elif dep.startswith("absl/"): ret.append("@com_google_absl//" + dep) elif dep.startswith("google/"): ret.append("@com_google_googleapis//" + dep) elif dep.startswith("otel/"): ret.append(dep.replace("otel/", "@io_opentelemetry_cpp//")) elif dep.startswith("google_cloud_cpp"): ret.append(dep.replace("google_cloud_cpp", "@google_cloud_cpp//")) else: ret.append("//external:" + dep) return ret def _update_visibility(visibility): if visibility == None: return None # Visibility rules prefixed with '@grpc:' are used to flag different visibility rule # classes upstream. PUBLIC = ["//visibility:public"] PRIVATE = ["//:__subpackages__"] VISIBILITY_TARGETS = { "alt_grpc++_base_legacy": PRIVATE, "alt_grpc_base_legacy": PRIVATE, "alt_grpc++_base_unsecure_legacy": PRIVATE, "alts_frame_protector": PRIVATE, "channelz": PRIVATE, "client_channel": PRIVATE, "cli": PRIVATE, "debug_location": PRIVATE, "endpoint_tests": PRIVATE, "exec_ctx": PRIVATE, "grpclb": PRIVATE, "grpc_experiments": PRIVATE, "grpc_opencensus_plugin": PUBLIC, "grpcpp_gcp_observability": PUBLIC, "grpc_resolver_fake": PRIVATE, "grpc++_test": PRIVATE, "http": PRIVATE, "httpcli": PRIVATE, "iomgr_timer": PRIVATE, "iomgr_internal_errqueue": PRIVATE, "iomgr_buffer_list": PRIVATE, "json_reader_legacy": PRIVATE, "public": PUBLIC, "ref_counted_ptr": PRIVATE, "tcp_tracer": PRIVATE, "trace": PRIVATE, "tsi_interface": PRIVATE, "tsi": PRIVATE, "xds": PRIVATE, "xds_client_core": PRIVATE, "grpc_python_observability": PRIVATE, } final_visibility = [] for rule in visibility: if rule.startswith("@grpc:"): for replacement in VISIBILITY_TARGETS[rule[len("@grpc:"):]]: final_visibility.append(replacement) else: final_visibility.append(rule) return [x for x in final_visibility] def grpc_cc_library( name, srcs = [], public_hdrs = [], hdrs = [], external_deps = [], defines = [], deps = [], select_deps = None, standalone = False, language = "C++", testonly = False, visibility = None, alwayslink = 0, data = [], tags = [], linkopts = [], linkstatic = False): """An internal wrapper around cc_library. Args: name: The name of the library. srcs: The source files. public_hdrs: The public headers. hdrs: The headers. external_deps: External depdendencies to be resolved. defines: Build defines to use. deps: cc_library deps. select_deps: deps included conditionally. standalone: Unused. language: The language of the library, e.g. C, C++. testonly: Whether the target is for tests only. visibility: The visibility of the target. alwayslink: Whether to enable alwayslink on the cc_library. data: Data dependencies. tags: Tags to apply to the rule. linkopts: Extra libraries to link. linkstatic: Whether to enable linkstatic on the cc_library. """ visibility = _update_visibility(visibility) copts = [] if language.upper() == "C": copts = copts + if_not_windows(["-std=c11"]) linkopts = linkopts + if_not_windows(["-pthread"]) + if_windows(["-defaultlib:ws2_32.lib"]) if select_deps: for select_deps_entry in select_deps: deps += select(select_deps_entry) native.cc_library( name = name, srcs = srcs, defines = defines + select({ "//:grpc_no_ares": ["GRPC_ARES=0"], "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ "//:remote_execution": ["GRPC_PORT_ISOLATED_RUNTIME=1"], "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ "//:grpc_allow_exceptions": ["GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=1"], "//:grpc_disallow_exceptions": ["GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=0"], "//conditions:default": [], }), hdrs = hdrs + public_hdrs, deps = deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps), copts = GRPC_DEFAULT_COPTS + copts, visibility = visibility, testonly = testonly, linkopts = linkopts, includes = [ "api/include", "include", "src/core/ext/upb-gen", # Once upb code-gen issue is resolved, remove this. "src/core/ext/upbdefs-gen", # Once upb code-gen issue is resolved, remove this. ], alwayslink = alwayslink, data = data, tags = tags, linkstatic = linkstatic, ) def grpc_proto_plugin(name, srcs = [], deps = []): native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, deps = deps, ) def grpc_proto_library( name, srcs = [], deps = [], well_known_protos = False, has_services = True, use_external = False, generate_mocks = False): cc_grpc_library( name = name, srcs = srcs, deps = deps, well_known_protos = well_known_protos, proto_only = not has_services, use_external = use_external, generate_mocks = generate_mocks, ) def ios_cc_test( name, tags = [], **kwargs): """An ios C++ test target. Args: name: The name of the test. tags: The tags to apply to the test. **kwargs: All other arguments to apply. """ test_lib_ios = name + "_test_lib_ios" ios_tags = tags + ["manual", "ios_cc_test"] test_runner = "ios_x86_64_sim_runner_" + name ios_test_runner( name = test_runner, device_type = "iPhone X", ) if not any([t for t in tags if t.startswith("no_test_ios")]): native.objc_library( name = test_lib_ios, srcs = kwargs.get("srcs"), deps = kwargs.get("deps"), copts = kwargs.get("copts"), data = kwargs.get("data"), tags = ios_tags, alwayslink = 1, testonly = 1, ) ios_test_deps = [":" + test_lib_ios] ios_unit_test( name = name + "_on_ios", size = kwargs.get("size"), data = kwargs.get("data"), tags = ios_tags, minimum_os_version = "9.0", runner = test_runner, deps = ios_test_deps, ) def expand_tests(name, srcs, deps, tags, args, exclude_pollers, uses_polling, uses_event_engine, flaky): """Common logic used to parameterize tests for every poller and EventEngine and experiment. Args: name: base name of the test srcs: source files deps: base deps tags: base tags args: base args flaky: base flaky exclude_pollers: list of poller names to exclude for this set of tests. uses_polling: set to False if the test is not sensitive to polling methodology. uses_event_engine: set to False if the test is not sensitive to EventEngine implementation differences Returns: A list of dictionaries containing modified values of name, srcs, deps, tags, and args. """ poller_config = [] if not uses_polling: tags = tags + ["no_uses_polling"] poller_config.append({ "name": name, "srcs": srcs, "deps": deps, "tags": tags, "args": args, "flaky": flaky, "env": {}, }) else: # On linux we run the same test with the default EventEngine, once for each # poller for poller in POLLERS: if poller in exclude_pollers: continue poller_config.append({ "name": name + "@poller=" + poller, "srcs": srcs, "deps": deps, "tags": (tags + EVENT_ENGINES["default"]["tags"] + [ "no_windows", "no_mac", "bazel_only", ]), "args": args, "env": { "GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY": poller, }, "flaky": flaky, }) # Now generate one test for each subsequent EventEngine, all using the # default poller. These tests will have `@engine=<name>` appended to the # test target name. If a test target name has no `@engine=<name>` component, # that indicates that the default EventEngine is being used. if not uses_event_engine: # The poller tests exercise the default engine on Linux. This test # handles other platforms. poller_config.append({ "name": name, "srcs": srcs, "deps": deps, "tags": tags + ["no_linux"], "args": args, "env": {}, "flaky": flaky, }) else: for engine_name, engine in EVENT_ENGINES.items(): test_name = name + "@engine=" + engine_name test_tags = tags + engine["tags"] + ["bazel_only"] test_args = args + ["--engine=" + engine_name] if engine_name == "default": # The poller tests exercise the default engine on Linux. # This test handles other platforms. test_name = name test_tags = tags + engine["tags"] + ["no_linux"] test_args = args poller_config.append({ "name": test_name, "srcs": srcs, "deps": deps, "tags": test_tags, "args": test_args, "env": {}, "flaky": flaky, }) experiments = {} # buildifier: disable=uninitialized def _populate_experiments_platform_config(config, platform_experiments_map): for platform, experiments_on_platform in platform_experiments_map.items(): for mode, tag_to_experiments in experiments_on_platform.items(): if mode not in config: config[mode] = {} for tag in tags: if tag not in tag_to_experiments: continue for experiment in tag_to_experiments[tag]: if experiment not in config[mode]: config[mode][experiment] = [] config[mode][experiment].append(platform) _populate_experiments_platform_config(experiments, EXPERIMENTS) _populate_experiments_platform_config(experiments, TEST_EXPERIMENTS) mode_config = { # format: <mode>: (enabled_target_tags, disabled_target_tags) "on": (None, []), "off": ([], None), } must_have_tags = [ # We don't run experiments on cmake builds "bazel_only", # Nor on mac "no_mac", # Nor on arm64 "no_arm64", ] def _update_experiments_platform_test_tags(tags, platforms): if "posix" not in platforms: if "no_linux" not in tags: tags.append("no_linux") if "no_mac" not in tags: tags.append("no_mac") if "windows" not in platforms: if "no_windows" not in tags: tags.append("no_windows") if "ios" not in platforms: if "no_test_ios" not in tags: tags.append("no_test_ios") return tags experiment_config = list(poller_config) experiment_enables = {k: v for k, v in EXPERIMENT_ENABLES.items() + TEST_EXPERIMENT_ENABLES.items()} for mode, config in mode_config.items(): enabled_tags, disabled_tags = config if enabled_tags != None: for experiment in experiments[mode].keys(): for config in poller_config: config = dict(config) config["name"] = config["name"] + "@experiment=" + experiment env = dict(config["env"]) env["GRPC_EXPERIMENTS"] = experiment_enables[experiment] env["GRPC_CI_EXPERIMENTS"] = "1" config["env"] = env tags = config["tags"] + ["experiment_variation"] for tag in must_have_tags + enabled_tags: if tag not in tags: tags = tags + [tag] config["tags"] = _update_experiments_platform_test_tags(tags, experiments[mode][experiment]) config["flaky"] = True experiment_config.append(config) if disabled_tags != None: for experiment in experiments[mode].keys(): for config in poller_config: config = dict(config) config["name"] = config["name"] + "@experiment=no_" + experiment env = dict(config["env"]) env["GRPC_EXPERIMENTS"] = "-" + experiment env["GRPC_CI_EXPERIMENTS"] = "1" config["env"] = env tags = config["tags"] + ["experiment_variation"] for tag in must_have_tags + disabled_tags: if tag not in tags: tags = tags + [tag] config["tags"] = _update_experiments_platform_test_tags(tags, experiments[mode][experiment]) experiment_config.append(config) return experiment_config def grpc_cc_test(name, srcs = [], deps = [], external_deps = [], args = [], data = [], uses_polling = True, language = "C++", size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], exec_properties = {}, shard_count = None, flaky = None, copts = [], linkstatic = None, exclude_pollers = [], uses_event_engine = True): """A cc_test target for use in the gRPC repo. Args: name: The name of the test. srcs: The source files. deps: The target deps. external_deps: The external deps. args: The args to supply to the test binary. data: Data dependencies. uses_polling: Whether the test uses polling. language: The language of the test, e.g C, C++. size: The size of the test. timeout: The test timeout. tags: The tags for the test. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. exec_properties: A dictionary of strings that will be added to the exec_properties of a platform selected for this target. shard_count: The number of shards for this test. flaky: Whether this test is flaky. copts: Add these to the compiler invocation. linkstatic: link the binary in static mode exclude_pollers: list of poller names to exclude for this set of tests. uses_event_engine: set to False if the test is not sensitive to EventEngine implementation differences """ if language.upper() == "C": copts = copts + if_not_windows(["-std=c11"]) core_deps = deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps) + ["//test/core/util:grpc_suppressions"] # Test args for all tests test_args = { "data": data, "copts": GRPC_DEFAULT_COPTS + copts, "linkopts": if_not_windows(["-pthread"]) + if_windows(["-defaultlib:ws2_32.lib"]), "size": size, "timeout": timeout, "exec_compatible_with": exec_compatible_with, "exec_properties": exec_properties, "shard_count": shard_count, "linkstatic": linkstatic, } if "grpc-fuzzer" not in tags and "no_test_ios" not in tags: ios_cc_test( name = name, srcs = srcs, tags = tags, deps = core_deps, args = args, flaky = True, **test_args ) for poller_config in expand_tests(name, srcs, core_deps, tags, args, exclude_pollers, uses_polling, uses_event_engine, flaky): native.cc_test( name = poller_config["name"], srcs = poller_config["srcs"], deps = poller_config["deps"], tags = poller_config["tags"], args = poller_config["args"], env = poller_config["env"], flaky = poller_config["flaky"], **test_args ) def grpc_cc_binary(name, srcs = [], deps = [], external_deps = [], args = [], data = [], language = "C++", testonly = False, linkshared = False, linkopts = [], tags = [], features = [], visibility = None): """Generates a cc_binary for use in the gRPC repo. Args: name: The name of the target. srcs: The source files. deps: The dependencies. external_deps: The external dependencies. args: The arguments to supply to the binary. data: The data dependencies. language: The language of the binary, e.g. C, C++. testonly: Whether the binary is for tests only. linkshared: Enables linkshared on the binary. linkopts: linkopts to supply to the cc_binary. tags: Tags to apply to the target. features: features to be supplied to the cc_binary. visibility: The visibility of the target. """ visibility = _update_visibility(visibility) copts = [] if language.upper() == "C": copts = ["-std=c11"] native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, testonly = testonly, linkshared = linkshared, deps = deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps) + ["//test/core/util:grpc_suppressions"], copts = GRPC_DEFAULT_COPTS + copts, linkopts = if_not_windows(["-pthread"]) + linkopts, tags = tags, features = features, ) # buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro def grpc_generate_one_off_targets(): # In open-source, grpc_objc* libraries depend directly on //:grpc native.alias( name = "grpc_objc", actual = "//:grpc", ) native.config_setting( name = "windows_other", values = {"define": "GRPC_WINDOWS_OTHER=1"}, ) def grpc_generate_objc_one_off_targets(): pass def grpc_generate_one_off_internal_targets(): pass def grpc_sh_test(name, srcs = [], args = [], data = [], uses_polling = True, size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], exec_properties = {}, shard_count = None, flaky = None, exclude_pollers = [], uses_event_engine = True): """Execute an sh_test for every <poller> x <EventEngine> combination Args: name: The name of the test. srcs: The source files. args: The args to supply to the test binary. data: Data dependencies. uses_polling: Whether the test uses polling. size: The size of the test. timeout: The test timeout. tags: The tags for the test. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. exec_properties: A dictionary of strings that will be added to the exec_properties of a platform selected for this target. shard_count: The number of shards for this test. flaky: Whether this test is flaky. exclude_pollers: list of poller names to exclude for this set of tests. uses_event_engine: set to False if the test is not sensitive to EventEngine implementation differences """ test_args = { "data": data, "size": size, "timeout": timeout, "exec_compatible_with": exec_compatible_with, "exec_properties": exec_properties, "shard_count": shard_count, } for poller_config in expand_tests(name, srcs, [], tags, args, exclude_pollers, uses_polling, uses_event_engine, flaky): native.sh_test( name = poller_config["name"], srcs = poller_config["srcs"], deps = poller_config["deps"], tags = poller_config["tags"], args = poller_config["args"], env = poller_config["env"], flaky = poller_config["flaky"], **test_args ) def grpc_sh_binary(name, srcs, data = []): native.sh_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, data = data, ) def grpc_py_binary( name, srcs, data = [], deps = [], external_deps = [], testonly = False, python_version = "PY2", **kwargs): native.py_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, testonly = testonly, data = data, deps = deps + _get_external_deps(external_deps), python_version = python_version, **kwargs ) def grpc_package(name, visibility = "private", features = []): """Creates a package. Args: name: The name of the target visibility: The visibility of the target. features: The features to enable. """ if visibility == "tests": visibility = ["//test:__subpackages__"] elif visibility == "public": visibility = ["//visibility:public"] elif visibility == "private": visibility = [] else: fail("Unknown visibility " + visibility) if len(visibility) != 0: # buildifier: disable=native-package native.package( default_visibility = visibility, features = features, ) def grpc_objc_library( name, srcs = [], hdrs = [], non_arc_srcs = [], textual_hdrs = [], testonly = False, data = [], deps = [], defines = [], sdk_frameworks = [], includes = [], visibility = ["//visibility:public"]): """The grpc version of objc_library, only used for the Objective-C library compilation Args: name: name of target hdrs: public headers srcs: all source files (.m) non_arc_srcs: list of Objective-C files that DO NOT use ARC. textual_hdrs: private headers testonly: Whether the binary is for tests only. data: any other bundle resources defines: preprocessors sdk_frameworks: sdks includes: added to search path, always [the path to objc directory] deps: dependencies visibility: visibility, default to public """ native.objc_library( name = name, hdrs = hdrs, srcs = srcs, non_arc_srcs = non_arc_srcs, textual_hdrs = textual_hdrs, copts = GRPC_DEFAULT_COPTS + ["-ObjC++", "-std=gnu++14"], testonly = testonly, data = data, deps = deps, defines = defines, includes = includes, sdk_frameworks = sdk_frameworks, visibility = visibility, ) def grpc_upb_proto_library(name, deps): upb_proto_library(name = name, deps = deps) def grpc_upb_proto_reflection_library(name, deps): upb_proto_reflection_library(name = name, deps = deps) # buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro def python_config_settings(): native.config_setting( name = "python3", flag_values = {"@bazel_tools//tools/python:python_version": "PY3"}, )