local upb = require "lupb" local lunit = require "lunit" local upb_test = require "tests.test_pb" local test_messages_proto3 = require "google.protobuf.test_messages_proto3_pb" local descriptor = require "google.protobuf.descriptor_pb" if _VERSION >= 'Lua 5.2' then _ENV = lunit.module("testupb", "seeall") else module("testupb", lunit.testcase, package.seeall) end function iter_to_array(iter) local arr = {} for v in iter do arr[#arr + 1] = v end return arr end function test_def_readers() local m = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3 assert_equal("TestAllTypesProto3", m:name()) assert_equal("protobuf_test_messages.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3", m:full_name()) -- field local f = m:field("optional_int32") local f2 = m:field(1) assert_equal(f, f2) assert_equal(1, f:number()) assert_equal("optional_int32", f:name()) assert_equal(upb.LABEL_OPTIONAL, f:label()) assert_equal(upb.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INT32, f:descriptor_type()) assert_equal(upb.TYPE_INT32, f:type()) assert_nil(f:containing_oneof()) assert_equal(m, f:containing_type()) assert_equal(0, f:default()) -- enum local e = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3.NestedEnum'] assert_true(#e > 3 and #e < 10) assert_equal(2, e:value("BAZ")) end function test_msg_map() msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10 msg.map_int32_int32[6] = 12 assert_equal(10, msg.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6]) -- Test overwrite. msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 20 assert_equal(20, msg.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6]) msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10 -- Test delete. msg.map_int32_int32[5] = nil assert_nil(msg.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6]) msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10 local serialized = upb.encode(msg) assert_true(#serialized > 0) local msg2 = upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized) assert_equal(10, msg2.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg2.map_int32_int32[6]) end function test_string_double_map() msg = upb_test.MapTest() msg.map_string_double["one"] = 1.0 msg.map_string_double["two point five"] = 2.5 assert_equal(1, msg.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg.map_string_double["two point five"]) -- Test overwrite. msg.map_string_double["one"] = 2 assert_equal(2, msg.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg.map_string_double["two point five"]) msg.map_string_double["one"] = 1.0 -- Test delete. msg.map_string_double["one"] = nil assert_nil(msg.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg.map_string_double["two point five"]) msg.map_string_double["one"] = 1 local serialized = upb.encode(msg) assert_true(#serialized > 0) local msg2 = upb.decode(upb_test.MapTest, serialized) assert_equal(1, msg2.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg2.map_string_double["two point five"]) end function test_msg_string_map() msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar" msg.map_string_string["baz"] = "quux" assert_nil(msg.map_string_string["abc"]) assert_equal("bar", msg.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"]) -- Test overwrite. msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "123" assert_equal("123", msg.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"]) msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar" -- Test delete msg.map_string_string["foo"] = nil assert_nil(msg.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"]) msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar" local serialized = upb.encode(msg) assert_true(#serialized > 0) local msg2 = upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized) assert_equal("bar", msg2.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg2.map_string_string["baz"]) end function test_msg_array() msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() assert_not_nil(msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(msg.repeated_int32, msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(0, #msg.repeated_int32) msg.repeated_int32[1] = 2 assert_equal(1, #msg.repeated_int32); assert_equal(2, msg.repeated_int32[1]); -- Can't assign a scalar; array is expected. assert_error_match("lupb.array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = 5 end) -- Can't assign array of the wrong type. local function assign_int64() msg.repeated_int32 = upb.Array(upb.TYPE_INT64) end assert_error_match("array type mismatch", assign_int64) local arr = upb.Array(upb.TYPE_INT32) arr[1] = 6 assert_equal(1, #arr) msg.repeated_int32 = arr assert_equal(msg.repeated_int32, msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(arr, msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(1, #msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(6, msg.repeated_int32[1]) -- Can't assign other Lua types. assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = "abc" end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = true end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = false end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = nil end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = {} end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = print end) end function test_msg_submsg() --msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3']() assert_nil(msg.optional_nested_message) -- Can't assign message of the wrong type. local function assign_int64() msg.optional_nested_message = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() end assert_error_match("message type mismatch", assign_int64) local nested = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3.NestedMessage']() msg.optional_nested_message = nested assert_equal(nested, msg.optional_nested_message) -- Can't assign other Lua types. assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = "abc" end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = true end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = false end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = nil end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = {} end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = print end) end -- Lua 5.1 and 5.2 have slightly different semantics for how a finalizer -- can be defined in Lua. if _VERSION >= 'Lua 5.2' then function defer(fn) setmetatable({}, { __gc = fn }) end else function defer(fn) getmetatable(newproxy(true)).__gc = fn end end function test_finalizer() -- Tests that we correctly handle a call into an already-finalized object. -- Collectible objects are finalized in the opposite order of creation. do local t = {} defer(function() assert_error_match("called into dead object", function() -- Generic def call. t[1]:lookup_msg("abc") end) end) t = { upb.SymbolTable(), } end collectgarbage() end -- in-range of 64-bit types but not exactly representable as double local bad64 = 2^68 - 1 local numeric_types = { [upb.TYPE_UINT32] = { valid_val = 2^32 - 1, too_big = 2^32, too_small = -1, other_bad = 5.1 }, [upb.TYPE_UINT64] = { valid_val = 2^63, too_big = 2^64, too_small = -1, other_bad = bad64 }, [upb.TYPE_INT32] = { valid_val = 2^31 - 1, too_big = 2^31, too_small = -2^31 - 1, other_bad = 5.1 }, -- Enums don't exist at a language level in Lua, so we just represent enum -- values as int32s. [upb.TYPE_ENUM] = { valid_val = 2^31 - 1, too_big = 2^31, too_small = -2^31 - 1, other_bad = 5.1 }, [upb.TYPE_INT64] = { valid_val = 2^62, too_big = 2^63, too_small = -2^64, other_bad = bad64 }, [upb.TYPE_FLOAT] = { valid_val = 340282306073709652508363335590014353408 }, [upb.TYPE_DOUBLE] = { valid_val = 10^101 }, } function test_msg_primitives() local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3{ optional_int32 = 10, optional_uint32 = 20, optional_int64 = 30, optional_uint64 = 40, optional_double = 50, optional_float = 60, optional_sint32 = 70, optional_sint64 = 80, optional_fixed32 = 90, optional_fixed64 = 100, optional_sfixed32 = 110, optional_sfixed64 = 120, optional_bool = true, optional_string = "abc", optional_nested_message = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3.NestedMessage']{a = 123}, } -- Attempts to access non-existent fields fail. assert_error_match("no such field", function() msg.no_such = 1 end) assert_equal(10, msg.optional_int32) assert_equal(20, msg.optional_uint32) assert_equal(30, msg.optional_int64) assert_equal(40, msg.optional_uint64) assert_equal(50, msg.optional_double) assert_equal(60, msg.optional_float) assert_equal(70, msg.optional_sint32) assert_equal(80, msg.optional_sint64) assert_equal(90, msg.optional_fixed32) assert_equal(100, msg.optional_fixed64) assert_equal(110, msg.optional_sfixed32) assert_equal(120, msg.optional_sfixed64) assert_equal(true, msg.optional_bool) assert_equal("abc", msg.optional_string) assert_equal(123, msg.optional_nested_message.a) end function test_string_array() local function test_for_string_type(upb_type) local array = upb.Array(upb_type) assert_equal(0, #array) -- 0 is never a valid index in Lua. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[0] end) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[1] end) array[1] = "foo" assert_equal("foo", array[1]) assert_equal(1, #array) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[2] end) local array2 = upb.Array(upb_type) assert_equal(0, #array2) array[2] = "bar" assert_equal("foo", array[1]) assert_equal("bar", array[2]) assert_equal(2, #array) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[3] end) -- Can't assign other Lua types. assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = 123 end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = true end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = false end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = nil end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = {} end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = print end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = array end) end test_for_string_type(upb.TYPE_STRING) test_for_string_type(upb.TYPE_BYTES) end function test_numeric_array() local function test_for_numeric_type(upb_type) local array = upb.Array(upb_type) local vals = numeric_types[upb_type] assert_equal(0, #array) -- 0 is never a valid index in Lua. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[0] end) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[1] end) array[1] = vals.valid_val assert_equal(vals.valid_val, array[1]) assert_equal(1, #array) assert_equal(vals.valid_val, array[1]) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[2] end) array[2] = 10 assert_equal(vals.valid_val, array[1]) assert_equal(10, array[2]) assert_equal(2, #array) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[3] end) -- Values that are out of range. local errmsg = "not an integer or out of range" if vals.too_small then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = vals.too_small end) end if vals.too_big then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = vals.too_big end) end if vals.other_bad then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = vals.other_bad end) end -- Can't assign other Lua types. errmsg = "bad argument #3" assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = "abc" end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = true end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = false end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = nil end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = {} end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = print end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = array end) end for k in pairs(numeric_types) do test_for_numeric_type(k) end end function test_numeric_map() local function test_for_numeric_types(key_type, val_type) local map = upb.Map(key_type, val_type) local key_vals = numeric_types[key_type] local val_vals = numeric_types[val_type] assert_equal(0, #map) -- Unset keys return nil assert_nil(map[key_vals.valid_val]) map[key_vals.valid_val] = val_vals.valid_val assert_equal(1, #map) assert_equal(val_vals.valid_val, map[key_vals.valid_val]) i = 0 for k, v in pairs(map) do assert_equal(key_vals.valid_val, k) assert_equal(val_vals.valid_val, v) end -- Out of range key/val local errmsg = "not an integer or out of range" if key_vals.too_small then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[key_vals.too_small] = 1 end) end if key_vals.too_big then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[key_vals.too_big] = 1 end) end if key_vals.other_bad then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[key_vals.other_bad] = 1 end) end if val_vals.too_small then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[1] = val_vals.too_small end) end if val_vals.too_big then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[1] = val_vals.too_big end) end if val_vals.other_bad then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[1] = val_vals.other_bad end) end end for k in pairs(numeric_types) do for v in pairs(numeric_types) do test_for_numeric_types(k, v) end end end function test_foo() local symtab = upb.SymbolTable() local filename = "external/com_google_protobuf/descriptor_proto-descriptor-set.proto.bin" local file = io.open(filename, "rb") or io.open("bazel-bin/" .. filename, "rb") assert_not_nil(file) local descriptor = file:read("*a") assert_true(#descriptor > 0) symtab:add_set(descriptor) local FileDescriptorSet = symtab:lookup_msg("google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet") assert_not_nil(FileDescriptorSet) set = FileDescriptorSet() assert_equal(#set.file, 0) assert_error_match("lupb.array expected", function () set.file = 1 end) set = upb.decode(FileDescriptorSet, descriptor) -- Test that we can at least call this without crashing. set_textformat = tostring(set) -- print(set_textformat) assert_equal(#set.file, 1) assert_equal(set.file[1].name, "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto") end function test_gc() local top = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() local n = 100 local m for i=1,n do local inner = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() m = inner for j=1,n do local tmp = m m = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() -- This will cause the arenas to fuse. But we stop referring to the child, -- so the Lua object is eligible for collection (and therefore its original -- arena can be collected too). Only the fusing will keep the C mem alivd. m.recursive_message = tmp end top.recursive_message = m end collectgarbage() for i=1,n do -- Verify we can touch all the messages again and without accessing freed -- memory. m = m.recursive_message assert_not_nil(m) end end local stats = lunit.main() if stats.failed > 0 or stats.errors > 0 then error("One or more errors in test suite") end