setStatus(\Grpc\Status::unimplemented()); return null; } /** * A server-to-client streaming RPC. * * Obtains the Features available within the given Rectangle. Results are * streamed rather than returned at once (e.g. in a response message with a * repeated field), as the rectangle may cover a large area and contain a * huge number of features. * @param \Routeguide\Rectangle $request client request * @param \Grpc\ServerCallWriter $writer write response data of \Routeguide\Feature * @param \Grpc\ServerContext $context server request context * @return void */ public function ListFeatures( \Routeguide\Rectangle $request, \Grpc\ServerCallWriter $writer, \Grpc\ServerContext $context ): void { $context->setStatus(\Grpc\Status::unimplemented()); $writer->finish(); } /** * A client-to-server streaming RPC. * * Accepts a stream of Points on a route being traversed, returning a * RouteSummary when traversal is completed. * @param \Grpc\ServerCallReader $reader read client request data of \Routeguide\Point * @param \Grpc\ServerContext $context server request context * @return \Routeguide\RouteSummary for response data, null if if error occurred * initial metadata (if any) and status (if not ok) should be set to $context */ public function RecordRoute( \Grpc\ServerCallReader $reader, \Grpc\ServerContext $context ): ?\Routeguide\RouteSummary { $context->setStatus(\Grpc\Status::unimplemented()); return null; } /** * A Bidirectional streaming RPC. * * Accepts a stream of RouteNotes sent while a route is being traversed, * while receiving other RouteNotes (e.g. from other users). * @param \Grpc\ServerCallReader $reader read client request data of \Routeguide\RouteNote * @param \Grpc\ServerCallWriter $writer write response data of \Routeguide\RouteNote * @param \Grpc\ServerContext $context server request context * @return void */ public function RouteChat( \Grpc\ServerCallReader $reader, \Grpc\ServerCallWriter $writer, \Grpc\ServerContext $context ): void { $context->setStatus(\Grpc\Status::unimplemented()); $writer->finish(); } /** * Get the method descriptors of the service for server registration * * @return array of \Grpc\MethodDescriptor for the service methods */ public final function getMethodDescriptors(): array { return [ '/routeguide.RouteGuide/GetFeature' => new \Grpc\MethodDescriptor( $this, 'GetFeature', '\Routeguide\Point', \Grpc\MethodDescriptor::UNARY_CALL ), '/routeguide.RouteGuide/ListFeatures' => new \Grpc\MethodDescriptor( $this, 'ListFeatures', '\Routeguide\Rectangle', \Grpc\MethodDescriptor::SERVER_STREAMING_CALL ), '/routeguide.RouteGuide/RecordRoute' => new \Grpc\MethodDescriptor( $this, 'RecordRoute', '\Routeguide\Point', \Grpc\MethodDescriptor::CLIENT_STREAMING_CALL ), '/routeguide.RouteGuide/RouteChat' => new \Grpc\MethodDescriptor( $this, 'RouteChat', '\Routeguide\RouteNote', \Grpc\MethodDescriptor::BIDI_STREAMING_CALL ), ]; } }