// // // Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // #include "test/cpp/end2end/test_service_impl.h" #include #include #include #include "absl/log/check.h" #include "absl/log/log.h" #include #include #include #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/crash.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/notification.h" #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h" #include "test/cpp/util/string_ref_helper.h" using std::chrono::system_clock; namespace grpc { namespace testing { namespace internal { // When echo_deadline is requested, deadline seen in the ServerContext is set in // the response in seconds. void MaybeEchoDeadline(ServerContextBase* context, const EchoRequest* request, EchoResponse* response) { if (request->has_param() && request->param().echo_deadline()) { gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); if (context->deadline() != system_clock::time_point::max()) { Timepoint2Timespec(context->deadline(), &deadline); } response->mutable_param()->set_request_deadline(deadline.tv_sec); } } void CheckServerAuthContext(const ServerContextBase* context, const std::string& expected_transport_security_type, const std::string& expected_client_identity) { std::shared_ptr auth_ctx = context->auth_context(); std::vector tst = auth_ctx->FindPropertyValues("transport_security_type"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, tst.size()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_transport_security_type, ToString(tst[0])); if (expected_client_identity.empty()) { EXPECT_TRUE(auth_ctx->GetPeerIdentityPropertyName().empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(auth_ctx->GetPeerIdentity().empty()); EXPECT_FALSE(auth_ctx->IsPeerAuthenticated()); } else { auto identity = auth_ctx->GetPeerIdentity(); EXPECT_TRUE(auth_ctx->IsPeerAuthenticated()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, identity.size()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_client_identity, identity[0]); } } // Returns the number of pairs in metadata that exactly match the given // key-value pair. Returns -1 if the pair wasn't found. int MetadataMatchCount( const std::multimap& metadata, const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { int count = 0; for (const auto& metadatum : metadata) { if (ToString(metadatum.first) == key && ToString(metadatum.second) == value) { count++; } } return count; } int GetIntValueFromMetadataHelper( const char* key, const std::multimap& metadata, int default_value) { if (metadata.find(key) != metadata.end()) { std::istringstream iss(ToString(metadata.find(key)->second)); iss >> default_value; LOG(INFO) << key << " : " << default_value; } return default_value; } int GetIntValueFromMetadata( const char* key, const std::multimap& metadata, int default_value) { return GetIntValueFromMetadataHelper(key, metadata, default_value); } void ServerTryCancel(ServerContext* context) { EXPECT_FALSE(context->IsCancelled()); context->TryCancel(); LOG(INFO) << "Server called TryCancel() to cancel the request"; // Now wait until it's really canceled while (!context->IsCancelled()) { gpr_sleep_until(gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), gpr_time_from_micros(1000, GPR_TIMESPAN))); } } void ServerTryCancelNonblocking(CallbackServerContext* context) { EXPECT_FALSE(context->IsCancelled()); context->TryCancel(); LOG(INFO) << "Server called TryCancelNonblocking() to cancel the request"; } } // namespace internal ServerUnaryReactor* CallbackTestServiceImpl::Echo( CallbackServerContext* context, const EchoRequest* request, EchoResponse* response) { class Reactor : public grpc::ServerUnaryReactor { public: Reactor(CallbackTestServiceImpl* service, CallbackServerContext* ctx, const EchoRequest* request, EchoResponse* response) : service_(service), ctx_(ctx), req_(request), resp_(response) { // It should be safe to call IsCancelled here, even though we don't know // the result. Call it asynchronously to see if we trigger any data races. // Join it in OnDone (technically that could be blocking but shouldn't be // for very long). async_cancel_check_ = std::thread([this] { (void)ctx_->IsCancelled(); }); started_ = true; if (request->has_param() && request->param().server_notify_client_when_started()) { service->signaller_.SignalClientThatRpcStarted(); // Block on the "wait to continue" decision in a different thread since // we can't tie up an EM thread with blocking events. We can join it in // OnDone since it would definitely be done by then. rpc_wait_thread_ = std::thread([this] { service_->signaller_.ServerWaitToContinue(); StartRpc(); }); } else { StartRpc(); } } void StartRpc() { if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().server_sleep_us() > 0) { // Set an alarm for that much time alarm_.Set( gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), gpr_time_from_micros(req_->param().server_sleep_us() * grpc_test_slowdown_factor(), GPR_TIMESPAN)), [this](bool ok) { NonDelayed(ok); }); return; } NonDelayed(true); } void OnSendInitialMetadataDone(bool ok) override { EXPECT_TRUE(ok); initial_metadata_sent_ = true; } void OnCancel() override { EXPECT_TRUE(started_); EXPECT_TRUE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); on_cancel_invoked_ = true; std::lock_guard l(cancel_mu_); cancel_cv_.notify_one(); } void OnDone() override { if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().echo_metadata_initially()) { EXPECT_TRUE(initial_metadata_sent_); } EXPECT_EQ(ctx_->IsCancelled(), on_cancel_invoked_); // Validate that finishing with a non-OK status doesn't cause cancellation if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().has_expected_error()) { EXPECT_FALSE(on_cancel_invoked_); } async_cancel_check_.join(); if (rpc_wait_thread_.joinable()) { rpc_wait_thread_.join(); } if (finish_when_cancelled_.joinable()) { finish_when_cancelled_.join(); } delete this; } private: void NonDelayed(bool ok) { if (!ok) { EXPECT_TRUE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); Finish(Status::CANCELLED); return; } if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().server_die()) { LOG(ERROR) << "The request should not reach application handler."; CHECK(0); } if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().has_expected_error()) { const auto& error = req_->param().expected_error(); Finish(Status(static_cast(error.code()), error.error_message(), error.binary_error_details())); return; } int server_try_cancel = internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kServerTryCancelRequest, ctx_->client_metadata(), DO_NOT_CANCEL); if (server_try_cancel != DO_NOT_CANCEL) { // Since this is a unary RPC, by the time this server handler is called, // the 'request' message is already read from the client. So the // scenarios in server_try_cancel don't make much sense. Just cancel the // RPC as long as server_try_cancel is not DO_NOT_CANCEL EXPECT_FALSE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); ctx_->TryCancel(); LOG(INFO) << "Server called TryCancel() to cancel the request"; FinishWhenCancelledAsync(); return; } resp_->set_message(req_->message()); internal::MaybeEchoDeadline(ctx_, req_, resp_); if (service_->host_) { resp_->mutable_param()->set_host(*service_->host_); } else if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().echo_host_from_authority_header()) { auto authority = ctx_->ExperimentalGetAuthority(); std::string authority_str(authority.data(), authority.size()); resp_->mutable_param()->set_host(std::move(authority_str)); } if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().client_cancel_after_us()) { { std::unique_lock lock(service_->mu_); service_->signal_client_ = true; } FinishWhenCancelledAsync(); return; } else if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().server_cancel_after_us()) { alarm_.Set(gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), gpr_time_from_micros( req_->param().server_cancel_after_us() * grpc_test_slowdown_factor(), GPR_TIMESPAN)), [this](bool) { Finish(Status::CANCELLED); }); return; } else if (!req_->has_param() || !req_->param().skip_cancelled_check()) { EXPECT_FALSE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); } if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().echo_metadata_initially()) { const std::multimap& client_metadata = ctx_->client_metadata(); for (const auto& metadatum : client_metadata) { ctx_->AddInitialMetadata(ToString(metadatum.first), ToString(metadatum.second)); } StartSendInitialMetadata(); } if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().echo_metadata()) { const std::multimap& client_metadata = ctx_->client_metadata(); for (const auto& metadatum : client_metadata) { ctx_->AddTrailingMetadata(ToString(metadatum.first), ToString(metadatum.second)); } // Terminate rpc with error and debug info in trailer. if (req_->param().debug_info().stack_entries_size() || !req_->param().debug_info().detail().empty()) { std::string serialized_debug_info = req_->param().debug_info().SerializeAsString(); ctx_->AddTrailingMetadata(kDebugInfoTrailerKey, serialized_debug_info); Finish(Status::CANCELLED); return; } } if (req_->has_param() && (req_->param().expected_client_identity().length() > 0 || req_->param().check_auth_context())) { internal::CheckServerAuthContext( ctx_, req_->param().expected_transport_security_type(), req_->param().expected_client_identity()); } if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().response_message_length() > 0) { resp_->set_message( std::string(req_->param().response_message_length(), '\0')); } if (req_->has_param() && req_->param().echo_peer()) { resp_->mutable_param()->set_peer(ctx_->peer()); } Finish(Status::OK); } void FinishWhenCancelledAsync() { finish_when_cancelled_ = std::thread([this] { std::unique_lock l(cancel_mu_); cancel_cv_.wait(l, [this] { return ctx_->IsCancelled(); }); Finish(Status::CANCELLED); }); } CallbackTestServiceImpl* const service_; CallbackServerContext* const ctx_; const EchoRequest* const req_; EchoResponse* const resp_; Alarm alarm_; std::mutex cancel_mu_; std::condition_variable cancel_cv_; bool initial_metadata_sent_ = false; bool started_ = false; bool on_cancel_invoked_ = false; std::thread async_cancel_check_; std::thread rpc_wait_thread_; std::thread finish_when_cancelled_; }; return new Reactor(this, context, request, response); } ServerUnaryReactor* CallbackTestServiceImpl::CheckClientInitialMetadata( CallbackServerContext* context, const SimpleRequest*, SimpleResponse*) { class Reactor : public grpc::ServerUnaryReactor { public: explicit Reactor(CallbackServerContext* ctx) { EXPECT_EQ(internal::MetadataMatchCount(ctx->client_metadata(), kCheckClientInitialMetadataKey, kCheckClientInitialMetadataVal), 1); EXPECT_EQ(ctx->client_metadata().count(kCheckClientInitialMetadataKey), 1u); Finish(Status::OK); } void OnDone() override { delete this; } }; return new Reactor(context); } ServerReadReactor* CallbackTestServiceImpl::RequestStream( CallbackServerContext* context, EchoResponse* response) { // If 'server_try_cancel' is set in the metadata, the RPC is cancelled by // the server by calling ServerContext::TryCancel() depending on the // value: // CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING: The RPC is cancelled before the server // reads any message from the client CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING: The RPC // is cancelled while the server is reading messages from the client // CANCEL_AFTER_PROCESSING: The RPC is cancelled after the server reads // all the messages from the client int server_try_cancel = internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kServerTryCancelRequest, context->client_metadata(), DO_NOT_CANCEL); if (server_try_cancel == CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING) { internal::ServerTryCancelNonblocking(context); // Don't need to provide a reactor since the RPC is canceled return nullptr; } class Reactor : public grpc::ServerReadReactor { public: Reactor(CallbackServerContext* ctx, EchoResponse* response, int server_try_cancel) : ctx_(ctx), response_(response), server_try_cancel_(server_try_cancel) { EXPECT_NE(server_try_cancel, CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING); response->set_message(""); if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING) { ctx->TryCancel(); // Don't wait for it here } StartRead(&request_); setup_done_ = true; } void OnDone() override { delete this; } void OnCancel() override { EXPECT_TRUE(setup_done_); EXPECT_TRUE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); FinishOnce(Status::CANCELLED); } void OnReadDone(bool ok) override { if (ok) { response_->mutable_message()->append(request_.message()); num_msgs_read_++; StartRead(&request_); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Read: " << num_msgs_read_ << " messages"; if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING) { // Let OnCancel recover this return; } if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_AFTER_PROCESSING) { internal::ServerTryCancelNonblocking(ctx_); return; } FinishOnce(Status::OK); } } private: void FinishOnce(const Status& s) { std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); if (!finished_) { Finish(s); finished_ = true; } } CallbackServerContext* const ctx_; EchoResponse* const response_; EchoRequest request_; int num_msgs_read_{0}; int server_try_cancel_; std::mutex finish_mu_; bool finished_{false}; bool setup_done_{false}; }; return new Reactor(context, response, server_try_cancel); } // Return 'kNumResponseStreamMsgs' messages. // TODO(yangg) make it generic by adding a parameter into EchoRequest ServerWriteReactor* CallbackTestServiceImpl::ResponseStream( CallbackServerContext* context, const EchoRequest* request) { // If 'server_try_cancel' is set in the metadata, the RPC is cancelled by // the server by calling ServerContext::TryCancel() depending on the // value: // CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING: The RPC is cancelled before the server // reads any message from the client CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING: The RPC // is cancelled while the server is reading messages from the client // CANCEL_AFTER_PROCESSING: The RPC is cancelled after the server reads // all the messages from the client int server_try_cancel = internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kServerTryCancelRequest, context->client_metadata(), DO_NOT_CANCEL); if (server_try_cancel == CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING) { internal::ServerTryCancelNonblocking(context); } class Reactor : public grpc::ServerWriteReactor { public: Reactor(CallbackServerContext* ctx, const EchoRequest* request, int server_try_cancel) : ctx_(ctx), request_(request), server_try_cancel_(server_try_cancel) { server_coalescing_api_ = internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kServerUseCoalescingApi, ctx->client_metadata(), 0); server_responses_to_send_ = internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kServerResponseStreamsToSend, ctx->client_metadata(), kServerDefaultResponseStreamsToSend); if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING) { ctx->TryCancel(); } if (server_try_cancel_ != CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING) { if (num_msgs_sent_ < server_responses_to_send_) { NextWrite(); } } setup_done_ = true; } void OnDone() override { delete this; } void OnCancel() override { EXPECT_TRUE(setup_done_); EXPECT_TRUE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); FinishOnce(Status::CANCELLED); } void OnWriteDone(bool /*ok*/) override { if (num_msgs_sent_ < server_responses_to_send_) { NextWrite(); } else if (server_coalescing_api_ != 0) { // We would have already done Finish just after the WriteLast } else if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING) { // Let OnCancel recover this } else if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_AFTER_PROCESSING) { internal::ServerTryCancelNonblocking(ctx_); } else { FinishOnce(Status::OK); } } private: void FinishOnce(const Status& s) { std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); if (!finished_) { Finish(s); finished_ = true; } } void NextWrite() { response_.set_message(request_->message() + std::to_string(num_msgs_sent_)); if (num_msgs_sent_ == server_responses_to_send_ - 1 && server_coalescing_api_ != 0) { { std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); if (!finished_) { num_msgs_sent_++; StartWriteLast(&response_, WriteOptions()); } } // If we use WriteLast, we shouldn't wait before attempting Finish FinishOnce(Status::OK); } else { std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); if (!finished_) { num_msgs_sent_++; StartWrite(&response_); } } } CallbackServerContext* const ctx_; const EchoRequest* const request_; EchoResponse response_; int num_msgs_sent_{0}; int server_try_cancel_; int server_coalescing_api_; int server_responses_to_send_; std::mutex finish_mu_; bool finished_{false}; bool setup_done_{false}; }; return new Reactor(context, request, server_try_cancel); } ServerBidiReactor* CallbackTestServiceImpl::BidiStream(CallbackServerContext* context) { class Reactor : public grpc::ServerBidiReactor { public: explicit Reactor(CallbackServerContext* ctx) : ctx_(ctx) { // If 'server_try_cancel' is set in the metadata, the RPC is cancelled by // the server by calling ServerContext::TryCancel() depending on the // value: // CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING: The RPC is cancelled before the server // reads any message from the client CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING: The RPC // is cancelled while the server is reading messages from the client // CANCEL_AFTER_PROCESSING: The RPC is cancelled after the server reads // all the messages from the client server_try_cancel_ = internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kServerTryCancelRequest, ctx->client_metadata(), DO_NOT_CANCEL); server_write_last_ = internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kServerFinishAfterNReads, ctx->client_metadata(), 0); client_try_cancel_ = static_cast(internal::GetIntValueFromMetadata( kClientTryCancelRequest, ctx->client_metadata(), 0)); if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_BEFORE_PROCESSING) { internal::ServerTryCancelNonblocking(ctx); } else { if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING) { ctx->TryCancel(); } StartRead(&request_); } setup_done_ = true; } void OnDone() override { { // Use the same lock as finish to make sure that OnDone isn't inlined. std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); EXPECT_TRUE(finished_); finish_thread_.join(); } delete this; } void OnCancel() override { cancel_notification_.Notify(); EXPECT_TRUE(setup_done_); EXPECT_TRUE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); FinishOnce(Status::CANCELLED); } void OnReadDone(bool ok) override { if (ok) { num_msgs_read_++; response_.set_message(request_.message()); std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); if (!finished_) { if (num_msgs_read_ == server_write_last_) { StartWriteLast(&response_, WriteOptions()); // If we use WriteLast, we shouldn't wait before attempting Finish } else { StartWrite(&response_); return; } } } else if (client_try_cancel_) { cancel_notification_.WaitForNotificationWithTimeout(absl::Seconds(10)); EXPECT_TRUE(ctx_->IsCancelled()); } if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_DURING_PROCESSING) { // Let OnCancel handle this } else if (server_try_cancel_ == CANCEL_AFTER_PROCESSING) { internal::ServerTryCancelNonblocking(ctx_); } else { FinishOnce(Status::OK); } } void OnWriteDone(bool /*ok*/) override { std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); if (!finished_) { StartRead(&request_); } } private: void FinishOnce(const Status& s) { std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); if (!finished_) { finished_ = true; // Finish asynchronously to make sure that there are no deadlocks. finish_thread_ = std::thread([this, s] { std::lock_guard l(finish_mu_); Finish(s); }); } } CallbackServerContext* const ctx_; EchoRequest request_; EchoResponse response_; int num_msgs_read_{0}; int server_try_cancel_; int server_write_last_; std::mutex finish_mu_; bool finished_{false}; bool setup_done_{false}; std::thread finish_thread_; bool client_try_cancel_ = false; grpc_core::Notification cancel_notification_; }; return new Reactor(context); } } // namespace testing } // namespace grpc