/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include <grpc++/support/slice.h> #include <grpcpp/impl/grpc_library.h> #include <grpc/grpc.h> #include <grpc/slice.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> namespace grpc { static internal::GrpcLibraryInitializer g_gli_initializer; namespace { const char* kContent = "hello xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx world"; class SliceTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: static void SetUpTestCase() { grpc_init(); } static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); } void CheckSliceSize(const Slice& s, const grpc::string& content) { EXPECT_EQ(content.size(), s.size()); } void CheckSlice(const Slice& s, const grpc::string& content) { EXPECT_EQ(content.size(), s.size()); EXPECT_EQ(content, grpc::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(s.begin()), s.size())); } }; TEST_F(SliceTest, Empty) { Slice empty_slice; CheckSlice(empty_slice, ""); } TEST_F(SliceTest, Sized) { Slice sized_slice(strlen(kContent)); CheckSliceSize(sized_slice, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, String) { Slice spp(kContent); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, Buf) { Slice spp(kContent, strlen(kContent)); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, StaticBuf) { Slice spp(kContent, strlen(kContent), Slice::STATIC_SLICE); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, SliceNew) { char* x = new char[strlen(kContent) + 1]; strcpy(x, kContent); Slice spp(x, strlen(x), [](void* p) { delete[] static_cast<char*>(p); }); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, SliceNewDoNothing) { Slice spp(const_cast<char*>(kContent), strlen(kContent), [](void* /*p*/) {}); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, SliceNewWithUserData) { struct stest { char* x; int y; }; auto* t = new stest; t->x = new char[strlen(kContent) + 1]; strcpy(t->x, kContent); Slice spp(t->x, strlen(t->x), [](void* p) { auto* t = static_cast<stest*>(p); delete[] t->x; delete t; }, t); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, SliceNewLen) { Slice spp(const_cast<char*>(kContent), strlen(kContent), [](void* /*p*/, size_t l) { EXPECT_EQ(l, strlen(kContent)); }); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, Steal) { grpc_slice s = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(kContent); Slice spp(s, Slice::STEAL_REF); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, Add) { grpc_slice s = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(kContent); Slice spp(s, Slice::ADD_REF); grpc_slice_unref(s); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); } TEST_F(SliceTest, Cslice) { grpc_slice s = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(kContent); Slice spp(s, Slice::STEAL_REF); CheckSlice(spp, kContent); grpc_slice c_slice = spp.c_slice(); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(s), GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(c_slice)); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_SLICE_END_PTR(s), GRPC_SLICE_END_PTR(c_slice)); grpc_slice_unref(c_slice); } } // namespace } // namespace grpc int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); return ret; }