# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Includes fuzzer rules. """ load("//bazel:grpc_build_system.bzl", "grpc_cc_test", "grpc_proto_library") def grpc_fuzzer(name, corpus, srcs = [], tags = [], external_deps = [], deps = [], data = [], size = "large", **kwargs): """Instantiates a fuzzer test. Args: name: The name of the test. corpus: The corpus for the test. srcs: The source files for the test. external_deps: External deps. deps: The dependencies of the test. data: The data dependencies of the test. size: The size of the test. tags: The tags for the test. **kwargs: Other arguments to supply to the test. """ CORPUS_DIR = native.package_name() + "/" + corpus grpc_cc_test( name = name, srcs = srcs, tags = tags + ["grpc-fuzzer", "no-cache"], deps = deps + select({ "//:grpc_build_fuzzers": [], "//conditions:default": ["//test/core/util:fuzzer_corpus_test"], }), data = data + native.glob([corpus + "/**"]), external_deps = external_deps + [ "gtest", ], size = size, args = select({ "//:grpc_build_fuzzers": [CORPUS_DIR, "-runs=20000", "-max_total_time=300"], "//conditions:default": ["--directory=" + CORPUS_DIR], }), **kwargs ) def grpc_proto_fuzzer(name, corpus, proto, proto_deps = [], external_deps = [], srcs = [], tags = [], deps = [], data = [], size = "large", **kwargs): """Instantiates a protobuf mutator fuzzer test. Args: name: The name of the test. corpus: The corpus for the test. proto: The proto for the test. If empty, it assumes the proto dependency is already included in the target deps. Otherwise it creates a new grpc_proto_library with name "_{name}_proto" and makes the fuzz target depend on it. proto_deps: Deps for proto. Only used if proto is not empty. external_deps: External deps. srcs: The source files for the test. deps: The dependencies of the test. data: The data dependencies of the test. size: The size of the test. tags: The tags for the test. **kwargs: Other arguments to supply to the test. """ CORPUS_DIR = native.package_name() + "/" + corpus deps = deps + ["@com_google_libprotobuf_mutator//:libprotobuf_mutator"] if "gtest" not in external_deps: external_deps = external_deps + ["gtest"] if proto != None: PROTO_LIBRARY = "_%s_proto" % name grpc_proto_library( name = PROTO_LIBRARY, srcs = [proto], deps = proto_deps, has_services = False, ) deps = deps + [PROTO_LIBRARY] grpc_cc_test( name = name, srcs = srcs, tags = tags + ["grpc-fuzzer", "no-cache"], deps = deps + select({ "//:grpc_build_fuzzers": [], "//conditions:default": ["//test/core/util:fuzzer_corpus_test"], }), data = data + native.glob([corpus + "/**"]), external_deps = external_deps, size = size, args = select({ "//:grpc_build_fuzzers": [CORPUS_DIR, "-runs=20000", "-max_total_time=300"], "//conditions:default": ["--directory=" + CORPUS_DIR], }), **kwargs )