- Upgrade bazel
- Reduce the number of places where bazel version needs to be upgraded
in future.
- also make sure the list of bazel versions to test by bazelified tests
is loaded from supported_versions.txt (it was hardcoded before).
- ~~Try upgrading windows RBE build to bazel 6.3.2 as well.~~
The core idea:
- the source of truth for supported bazel versions is in
- the first version listed in `bazel/supported_versions.txt` is
considered to be the "primary" bazel version and is going to be used in
most places thoroughout the repo.
- use templates to include the primary bazel version in testing
dockerfiles and in a newly introduced `.bazelversion` files (which gets
loaded by our existing `tools/bazel` wrapper).
~~Supersedes https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/33880~~
Based on https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/34033
Bunch of cleanup and rebuilding many docker images from scratch
- consolidate the workaround for "dubious ownership" issue reported by
git. Other team members have run into this recently and used similar but
not identical workarounds so some cleanup is due.
- rebuilding many images increases the chance that we fix the "dubious
ownership" git issue early on rather than later on in the one-at-a-time
fashion in the future (and the former will prevent many teammembers from
wasting time on this weird issue).
- Newer version of ccache is needed for some portability tests to be
able to benefit from caching (e.g. the GCC 12 portability test to get
benefits of local disk caching) - this is a prerequisite for reenabling
the bazelified gcc12 portability test.
- upgrade node interop images to debian:11 (since debian jessie is long
past EOL).
Oops I missed important changes from
https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/32712. And it turned out that there
are two problems that I couldn't fix at this point.
- Windows Bazel RBE Linker Error: This may be caused by how new Bazel 6
invokes build tools chain but it's not clear. I put workaround to use
Bazel 5 by using `OVERRIDE_BAZEL_VERSION=5.4.1`
- Rule `rules_pods` to fetch CronetFramework from CocoaPod has
incompatibility with sort of built-in apple toolchain.
(https://github.com/bazel-xcode/PodToBUILD/issues/232): I couldn't find
a workaround to fix this so I ended up disabling all tests depending
this target.
* remove gcc-multilib from base image
* remove useless "apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update" from docker images
* get rid of no-longer-useful python_debian11_base.include
* regenerate dockerfiles
six is necessary for making these scripts cross compatible
between python 2.x and 3.x
Add six to python_deps.include
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in test directory
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in stress_test directory
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in interop_test directory
Replace print statements with print function calls (from futute..)
Replace .iteritems() with .items() wherever necessary
use six.moves to import BaseHTTPServer
Generate new dockerfiles using generate_projects.sh