Add interop tests for gRPC Python. py_proto_library rules are added to
src/proto/grpc/testing/BUILD since grpc_proto_library is not compatible
with py_* rules.
'requests' python module is added to requirements.bazel.txt as it is a
dependency for google-auth. Previously, this was installed through
tools/run_tests/helper_scripts/ before running tests.
Add interop tests for gRPC Python. py_proto_library rules are added to
src/proto/grpc/testing/BUILD since grpc_proto_library is not compatible
with py_* rules.
'requests' python module is added to requirements.bazel.txt as it is a
dependency for google-auth. Previously, this was installed through
tools/run_tests/helper_scripts/ before running tests.
Add Bazel rules for building and testing grpcio_health_checking.
An unofficial fork for rules_protobuf is used for now as it incorporates
a change (#196 by duduko on the upstream repo pubref/rules_protobuf)
which allows the protoc compiler to compile generated protos too. This
was not merged because the change was failing for golang, but works as
expected for Python.
This is needed because grpcio_health_checking fetches it's proto file
from a different directory (previously achived through and
thus needs to be moved to the required location within bazel-genfiles
using a genrule.
Every thread intitiates multiple RPCs. The Callback of the unary RPC then issues a new RPC and this goes until the benchmark shuts down. For shutdown the main thread waits on a conditional variable. After shutdown the callbacks increment a rpcs done variable and once the the rpcs done equate the the total number of outstanding rpcs, the last callback performing the increment operation also issues a signal to wake up the main thread. The mainthread process to join the other threads and perform cleanup