Now the grpc_2_0 flag is no longer required for the only-generate-code- behavior and the grpc_1_0 flag is
required for the
files behavior.
Beta code elements are not generated at all in files.
This duplicates a lot of the in-test code generation done in
_split_definitions_test. In a future clean-up we may want to
deduplicate the common behavior, put it in a module available to all
other tests, and do all of our testing of generated code with in-test
code generation.
I made this mistake in 2010985ab2 but
only with yesterday's release of six 1.11.0 has it started failing
("TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclassof a derived class must
be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases").
We were mistaken before when we were testing files being
generated in one directory and files being generated in
another directory. Sure, that was a thing our code generator could do,
but because of the way paths and packages work in Python it wasn't a
realistic use case for actual users.
This test now tests files and files being
generated either together or independently of one another, and if
independently, in either order. Looking forward to an eventual
py_grpc_library Bazel rule, that's what actually matters.
- Move it out of the "unit" package, as it's not itself a unit test.
- Suffix the test class with "Test" as we do with every other subclass
of unittest.TestCase.
- Add a larger-than-we'll-need-any-time-soon maxDiff so that failures
are fully described.
- Relax the assertion from assertListEqual to assertSequenceEqual
since we don't actually care whether or not the sequences being
compared are list instances.
- Change the order of the assertions arguments to match the
"<expected>, <actual>" convention used in our assert*Equal calls
elsewhere throughout the test corpus.
- Internal implementation simplifications.
Were this not done these would break when the default behavior of gRPC
Python Protoc Plug-In is changed to be the put-gRPC-code-elements-only- behavior that currently happens only when the
grpc_2_0 flag is passed.