Add Bazel rules for building and testing grpcio_health_checking.
An unofficial fork for rules_protobuf is used for now as it incorporates
a change (#196
An error occurred
by duduko on the upstream repo pubref/rules_protobuf)
which allows the protoc compiler to compile generated protos too. This
was not merged because the change was failing for golang, but works as
expected for Python.
This is needed because grpcio_health_checking fetches it's proto file
from a different directory (previously achived through and
thus needs to be moved to the required location within bazel-genfiles
using a genrule.
- Include new rules from bazelbuild/rules_python, which allow for
importing pip dependencies with Bazel.
- Make Cython BUILD file visible to WORKSPACE.
- Use a custom requirements file for Bazel python. This is added to
allow for requirements previously added only during build steps.
The WORKSPACE file now pulls third_party dependencies directly instead of requiring a git submodule init and update.
The git hashes pulled by Bazel are exactly the same as the git submodules checked into third_party.
A tiny bit of complexity comes from the c-ares project's use of ares_config.h.cmake and ares_build.c.cmake.
The current solution to this problem is to check in a valid ares_config.h and a few valid ares_config.h files.
This is the same general approach used still, but ares_config.h and ares_build.h are supplied to cares.BUILD
from the only remaining local_repository, which serves only to export these two header files.
The client binary can be built with 'bazel build //tools/grpcz:grpcz_client' and
can be invoked with bazel-bin/tools/grpcz/grpcz_client --server SERVER_ADDR:PORT
You can see the stats page at http://localhost:8000/grpcz