Based on
Bunch of cleanup and rebuilding many docker images from scratch
- consolidate the workaround for "dubious ownership" issue reported by
git. Other team members have run into this recently and used similar but
not identical workarounds so some cleanup is due.
- rebuilding many images increases the chance that we fix the "dubious
ownership" git issue early on rather than later on in the one-at-a-time
fashion in the future (and the former will prevent many teammembers from
wasting time on this weird issue).
- Newer version of ccache is needed for some portability tests to be
able to benefit from caching (e.g. the GCC 12 portability test to get
benefits of local disk caching) - this is a prerequisite for reenabling
the bazelified gcc12 portability test.
- upgrade node interop images to debian:11 (since debian jessie is long
past EOL).
Fix `python_alpine` test failure with
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/var/local/jenkins/grpc'
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add /var/local/jenkins/grpc
using ccache when building under a docker image isn't useful when
building on kokoro as each build runs on a fresh VM.
Originally ccache builds were used to speed up jenkins builds,
now removing to guarantee build isolation and simplify stuff.
six is necessary for making these scripts cross compatible
between python 2.x and 3.x
Add six to python_deps.include
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in test directory
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in stress_test directory
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in interop_test directory
Replace print statements with print function calls (from futute..)
Replace .iteritems() with .items() wherever necessary
use six.moves to import BaseHTTPServer
Generate new dockerfiles using
The source code is moved from src/python to
src/python/src. A is added at
src/python. The and scripts are updated to build
and run the Python tests by building a
package and installing it in the developer's
Python 2.7 virtual environment.