Implement the minimal stuff for making a unary call with the new
experimental gRPC Python implementation for Asyncio, called Aio.
What has been added:
- Minimal iomgr code for performing the required network and timer
- Minimal Cython code implementing the channel, call and the callback
- Minimal Python code that mimics the synchronous implementation but
designed to be asynchronous.
Testing considerations:
Tests have to be executed using the `GRPC_ENABLE_FORK_SUPPORT=0`
environment variable for skipping the fork handles installed by
the core library. This is due to the usage of a syncrhonous server
used as a fixture executed in another process.
Co-authored-by: Manuel Miranda <>
Co-authored-by: Mariano Anaya <>
Co-authored-by: Zhanghui Mao <>
Co-authored-by: Lidi Zheng <>