* Remove the toolchains //third_party/toolchains:local and //third_party/toolchains:local_large.
* Remove the platforms :rbe_ubuntu1604, :rbe_ubuntu1604_large, :local and :local_large.
* No longer inherit from @rbe_default//config:platform but instead use it directly. It is now the only non-windows platform.
* When creating @rbe_default//config:platform directly with rbe_autoconfig, set dockerAddCapabilities and dockerPrivileged directly in the exec_properties field. No need to set dockerNetwork to "off" and dockerSiblingContainers to false since these are the defaults.
* Also set gceMachineType = "n1-highmem-2" on the default platform. This value can be overridden by specific targets that want to use LARGE_MACHINE.
* Use create_exec_properties_dict where appropriate.
* Use custom_exec_properties to define LARGE_MACHINE.
I wasn't able to test thoroughly that this PR does not break any existing targets. I was not able to run anything on windows/mac and I also don't have access to gRPC's RBE setup.
By popular demand, we'll now be offering separate py_grpc_library and
py_proto_library targets sharing the same interface as within google3.
This change necessitated some modifications to how we pull in our own
Python-level dependencies and how we make those available to those
pulling in our project via Bazel.
There is now a grpc_python_deps() Bazel workspace rule that pulls in the
appropriate dependencies, which should be called from the client
project's WORKSPACE file. A test has been added to the bazel/test/
directory to verify that this behavior works as intended.
It's worth noting that the protobuf repository's usage of Starlark
bind() caused a great deal of trouble in ensuring that we could also
pull in six.
This change also required a change in the way generated proto code is
imported in the channelz and health-check modules, as well as in their
associated tests. We were importing them two different ways, each
relative. This resulted in two different module objects being imported
into the process, which were incompatible. I am not sure exactly what
caused this behavior to begin, as this should have been possible before
this PR. As a workaround, I am simply trying two different absolute
imports and using the one that works. This should function both inside
and outside of Bazel environments.
This commit resolves... another TODO that apparently didn't have an
associated github issue.
We swap out pubref's implementation of py_proto_library with our own,
which more closely mirrors the interface of the internal
py_proto_library, taking the descriptor file output of a proto_library
rule as input.
One minor change in behavior was introduced for simplicity. When a
py_proto_library depends on a proto_library with a source proto file in
a subdirectory of the bazel package, the import module of the resultant
python library will reflect the package, *not* the full directory of the
proto file, including both the bazel package and the subdirectories, as
pubref did previously. This behavior also more closely mirrors google
internal behavior.
This commit also introduces a slightly more stringent bazel format
script. Buildifier on its own will not take care of long lines, but by
running yapf first, we end up with a more legible file. At the moment,
there is no sanity check associated with this formatter.
This should fix Bazel Basic Tests for Python (Local) and other
local CI runs that are now failing.
I also have a plan to fix Bazel RBE Opt C/C++.
Bazel RBE UBSAN C/C++ might need to wait for gRPC to upgrade to
using 0.23.0
Add Bazel rules for building and testing grpcio_health_checking.
An unofficial fork for rules_protobuf is used for now as it incorporates
a change (#196
An error occurred
by duduko on the upstream repo pubref/rules_protobuf)
which allows the protoc compiler to compile generated protos too. This
was not merged because the change was failing for golang, but works as
expected for Python.
This is needed because grpcio_health_checking fetches it's proto file
from a different directory (previously achived through setup.py) and
thus needs to be moved to the required location within bazel-genfiles
using a genrule.
- Include new rules from bazelbuild/rules_python, which allow for
importing pip dependencies with Bazel.
- Make Cython BUILD file visible to WORKSPACE.
- Use a custom requirements file for Bazel python. This is added to
allow for requirements previously added only during build steps.