I'm opening this PR to (hopefully!) stimulate a discussion. In brief,
I'd like to amend the gRPC-Web protocol docs to encourage
implementations to follow HTTP semantics and compare HTTP field names
The gRPC-Web specification is a nicely-designed way for proxies to
expose standard HTTP/2 gRPC servers to clients using less
tightly-controlled HTTP stacks, such as web browsers. To serve that
goal, it seems valuable to have the gRPC-Web specification follow [RFC
9110 (HTTP
Like previous RFCs, 9110 specifies that "field names are
case-insensitive." However, the current gRPC-Web specification requires
that servers and proxies "use lower-case header/trailer names" on the
wire. In principle, mandating casing on the wire is normal for HTTP/2
and fine (if unusual) for HTTP/1.1; however, it encourages
implementations to violate HTTP semantics and require lower-case names
when _reading_ headers and trailers.
I'd like to loosen the gRPC-Web specification to permit any casing on
the wire for HTTP/1.1. I'd also like to emphasize that gRPC-Web
implementations ought to follow standard HTTP semantics when _reading_
fields and compare names case-insensitively. Implementations that can't
treat names case-insensitively without breaking backward compatibility
should instead normalize field names to lowercase. Among the
Google-maintained gRPC implementations, at least `grpc-go` and
`grpc-java` already compare names case-insensitively (even though
they're HTTP/2-only). `grpc-dart` does the opposite and compares names
case-sensitively. `grpc-web` is sometimes case-insensitive (when reading
`grpc-status` and `grpc-message` from trailers-only responses) and
sometimes case-sensitive (when hand-parsing a block of length-prefixed
The proposed amendment does not affect the correctness of Envoy (which
may continue to use lower-case field names). It partially affects
`grpc-web`, which would require a small patch to always normalize names.
(Both patched and unpatched versions of `grpc-web` would work with
Envoy.) `grpc-dart` would need to either begin treating field names
case-insensitively or normalize names, depending on what's possible in
Dart without breaking backward compatibility.
Relates to https://github.com/improbable-eng/grpc-web/issues/228,
https://github.com/bufbuild/connect-go/issues/453/, and
Looking for something else I made some test additions, code tweaks to
make `Poll<>` better.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
Prior to this change, we invoke aycnio interceptors by converting them
to `iterator` first, which means we can only call them once before
they're exhausted.
This PR changes the implementation to use `list`, thus the interceptors
can be called multiple times.
This file changes every time the set of core files changes. This PR
leaves the `lang/python` label off of these PRs and therefore leaves
them out of our attention set.
We currently take named metrics recorded per-request only. Instead we
should merge field-wise.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
1. Make channel creation lazy. This allows test cases to update the
configuration before the connection is made.
2. Pass load reports tracker when creating the policy. This way other
test cases do not see any changes to ChannelArguments.
Using grpc_core::CoreConfiguration::RunWithSpecialConfiguration was
considered but did not work as it removes other builders setup prior to
starting the test cases.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
Co-authored-by: ctiller <ctiller@users.noreply.github.com>
This change mostly aims to get OpenCensus to use the new
ServerCallTracer interface. Note that the interfaces nor the code are in
their final states. There are a bunch of moving pieces, but I thought
this might be a nice mid-step to check-in and make sure that our
internal traces can also work with these changes.
Overall changes -
1) call_tracer.h shows what the hierarchy of new call tracer interfaces
looks like. Open to renaming suggestions.
2) Moved most of the common interface between `CallAttemptTracer` and
`ServerCallTracer` into a common `CallTracerInterface`. We should be
able to eventually move `RecordReceivedTrailingMetadata` and `RecordEnd`
as well to these common interfaces, but it requires some additional
3) The compression filter is now responsible for recording the recv and
send messages for both the subchannel call and the server, and adds in
ability to record compressed and decompressed messages as well.
4) The OpenCensus server filter now uses the new `ServerCallTracer`
interface, and so doesn't need to be a filter anymore.
5) A new ServerCallTracerFilter was added. Ideally, we should be able to
move it to the current connected filter, but it is in a bit of an
interesting state right now, so I would prefer making those changes in a
separate PR with Craig's eyes on it.
was created that replaces the old `GRPC_CONTEXT_CALL_TRACER`, and the
new `GRPC_CONTEXT_CALL_TRACER` is mainly to pass the `CallAttemptTracer`
down the stack. This should go away in the new promise-based world.
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- Increase kubernetes library default for urlib3 retries to 10
- Add custom retry logic to all API calls made by framework.k8s
Custom retry logic handles various errors we're experienced over
two years, and based on ~140 failure reports:
1. Errors returned by the k8s API server itself:
- 401 Unauthorized
- 409 Conflict
- 429 Too Many Requests
- 500 Internal Server Error
2. Connection errors that might indicate k8s API server is temporarily
unavailable (such as a restart, upgrade, etc):
- All `NewConnectionError`s, f.e. "Connection timed out",
"Connection refused"
- All "connection aborted" `ProtocolError`s, f.e. "Remote end
closed connection without response", "Connection reset by peer"
ref b/178378578, b/258546394
Built on https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/32560
When calling EventEngine::Read, if a synchronous WSARecv call completes
successfully and 1) the read buffer is not full, and 2) the stream
remains open, then the endpoint will now chain execution of more
synchronous WSARecvs. The chain is broken and the on_read callback is
called when either there are errors, the next call would block, the
buffer is full, or the stream is closed.
Something like this is helpful to prevent excessive read callback
execution under a flood of tiny payloads, presuming messages are not
being combined as one would usually expect (see
`//test/core/iomgr:endpoint_pair_test`, and Nagle's algorithm).
Note that there is no behavior change associated with this PR. In other
behavior as before.
The actual change - The compression filter will always be added to the
filter stack for HTTP transports even if it is a no-op due to the above
channel args.
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lang label.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
`bazel query deps(//src/proto/...)` seems unnecessary (regenerated
projects are identical) and causes trouble with protobuf 22.x (since it
basically breaks `tools/buildgen/generate_projects.sh` run and that
makes upgrade experiments painful).
It is reported in https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/32356 that there
is a race on vptr for `UnimplementedAsyncRequest` which would cause
crashes for multi-threaded server if clients send unimplemented RPC
request to the server.
The cause is that the server requests a call for
`UnimplementedAsyncRequest` in its base class `GenericAsyncRequest` when
the `vptr` still points to the base class's `vtable`. If the call went
in and another server thread picks up the tag before the `vptr` points
back to the derived class's `vtable`, it would call the wrong virtual
function and also this is a data race. This fix makes the request of the
call inside the derived class's constructor.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
PSM Interop: Local dev various improvements
- Cleanup resources on ctrl+c
- Add startup probes to address the issue with port forwarding starting
before the workload listens on a port
- Remove misleading restartPolicy: it's silently ignored by k8s
- Extra debug message with port-forwarding command
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lang label.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
- sort source files to ensure stable ordering
- generate one source file per line
together this should produce diffs that are much more readable by humans
when sources get added/removed to/from protobuf (and
make_grpcio_tools.py is used to regenerate).
First step in the modernization of our RBE stack (see
- Get rid of the deprecated rbe_autoconfig and start using
+ check in the generated toolchain configs.
- Switch from marketplace.gcr.io/google/rbe-ubuntu16-04 to
marketplace.gcr.io/google/rbe-ubuntu18-04 (this image is still not owned
by us, but at least it's newer and demonstrates how a switch to a newer
docker image is done).
- provide script for generating the linux RBE toolchain configs.
- cleanup RBE configuration in the bazelrc files used for remote build
This check only works if all handshake RPCs have an OK status, and it's
racey e.g. if the client is cancelling handshake RPCs (being when an RPC
is cancelled, termination of the RPC at the client is asynchronous from
termination at the server, so the client can resume the queue before the
server RPC completes).
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
With iomgr, this test is effectively rate limited by ExecCtx and the
single thread running pollset_work, which results in thousands of tiny
writes happening before every read. A small set of _synchronous_ 8k
reads then dominate the read-side of the test. This is an efficient
With the Windows EventEngine, the fully asynchronous, multi-threaded
reads and writes end up alternating roughly 1:1, meaning that a read
callback is executed for every tiny handful of bytes, tens of thousands
of times. Compared to the Posix EventEngine, without things like TCP_INQ
and/or recvmsg's timeout, I don't know of any great signal for how much
data can safely be received in a batch (e.g., we don't want to wait for
data that will never come, and we don't want to run callbacks for 2
bytes over and over again if we have KB in the pipe).
I believe the Windows EventEngine is WAI. I can significantly improve
this test performance by artificially slowing the reader down (adding a
>= 1ms sleep), but I believe that improves this use case to the
detriment of all others.
This fixes a bug where connections cannot be made in IPv4-only
environments. To test, hard-code `IsIpv6LoopbackAvailable` to return
Example Error:
D0309 00:29:49.514359445 235 tcp_client.cc:67] (event_engine)
EventEngine::Connect Status: INTERNAL: socket: Address family not
supported by protocol
This can also be reproduced in gRPC's benchmark environment, which does
not have IPv6 enabled.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
To support TPC feature for BYOID (3PI), we need to remove the validation
the pattern of impersonation endpoints, sts endpoints and token info
endpoints since they are different in TPC regions.
A security review is already passed at b/261634871
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
When the handshaker_service_url is in "host:port" format such as it
normally is when using ALTS in GCE (in which case it comes from then
this makes no difference as the authority and the URL are the same. But
when different URLs are used, the correct authority to use is not always
the same as the URL. For example if the URL is unix:///some/path then
the correct authority is "localhost". This is correctly computed by
grpc_core::UnixResolverFactory and stored as the channel's default
authority, but we throw that away when we override the authority for
individual RPCs.
Note indeed that the majority of other callers of grpc_channel_create_*
pass nullptr for the host/authority argument.
It looks like nobody ever created ALTS redentials from Python with a
list of accepted service accounts before.
Simple reproduction:
import grpc
grpc.alts_channel_credentials(None) # works
grpc.alts_channel_credentials(['foo']) # fails
Without this change, generates this error:
File "src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/credentials.pyx.pxi", line 414, in _cython.cygrpc.channel_credentials_alts
File "src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/credentials.pyx.pxi", line 403, in _cython.cygrpc.ALTSChannelCredentials.__cinit__
TypeError: expected bytes, str found
(And the error cannot be worked around by the caller by passing a bytes
object from the Python side: you still get the same error.)
PR #32215 added the verified root cert subject to the lower level
`tsi_peer`. This PR is a companion to that and completes the feature by
bubbling the information up to the `TsiCustomVerificationCheckRequest`
which is part of the user facing API for implementing custom
verification callbacks.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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lang label.
Discovered via `bazel test
//test/core/iomgr:endpoint_pair_test`. CI experiments can be enabled
generally on Windows once a few fixes and improvements are completed.