This is so that the newly added dns_test (which uses twisted-based
server) within the posix_event_engine_test can run on those platforms.
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person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
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* remove gcc-multilib from base image
* remove useless "apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update" from docker images
* get rid of no-longer-useful python_debian11_base.include
* regenerate dockerfiles
six is necessary for making these scripts cross compatible
between python 2.x and 3.x
Add six to python_deps.include
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in test directory
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in stress_test directory
Include python_deps.include to all Dockerfile templates in interop_test directory
Replace print statements with print function calls (from futute..)
Replace .iteritems() with .items() wherever necessary
use six.moves to import BaseHTTPServer
Generate new dockerfiles using