As part of the call-v3 work I'll be making a call to this code via a different path shortly, and separating the C-style callback piece out helps that work
These will be used in upcoming changes to allow easy spawning of promises into parties that properly cancel out things when those promises fail.
Will be used during this transition time to run 5-pipe style filters somewhat more natively. Once everything is getting closer to 5-pipes, we'll drop this method and have the channel stack understand how to create an interception-map that can be reused per-call, instead of creating the interception-map every time a call is created.
Removes noise from the cleanup/teardown ops.
#### GCP APIs
In GCP APIs, change log level for delete operations that failed because the resource doesn't exist (API 404) from `info` to `debug`. Framework's logging philosophy is to only log external operations (e.g. APIs, RPCs). If no error logged, the op is assumed successful.
In the deletion case, is still possible to discriminate between whether the op was actually performed by observing the `Waiting %s sec for %s operation id: %s` log message.
#### K8s APIs
In K8s APIs:
- For delete operations that failed because the resource doesn't exist (API 404) the log level is changed from `info` to `debug`
- For delete operations that failed for any other reason, the log level is changed from `info` to `warning`
- When `wait_for_deletion` is enabled (it's the default) the delete operation will be confirmed with `"<resource_kind> %s deleted", name)`. Previously it logged at the `debug` level.
The old name has been deprecated for a while so this should be safe. Also update variable names accordingly.
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lang label.
We dont need this check anymore .
Deleting the check from the yaml and the sh file.
If you know who should review your pull request, please assign it to that
person, otherwise the pull request would get assigned randomly.
If your pull request is for a specific language, please add the appropriate
lang label.
ChannelArgs shared_ptr only supports types that extend `enable_shared_from_this`. `args.SetObject<shared_ptr<X>>(x)` with a non-comforming type X will now fail with something like:
./src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h:453:12: error: no matching member function for call to 'Set'
return Set(ChannelArgNameTraits<T>::ChannelArgName(), std::move(p));
test/core/channel/ note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'grpc_core::ChannelArgs::SetObject<X>' requested here
grpc_core::ChannelArgs b = a.SetObject(x);
We have no cert providers today that actually use iomgr polling, so this API is not actually used anywhere. And even if we wanted to add a cert provider that did use iomgr polling, I don't think it would work correctly, because we are plumbing the pollset_set linkage only for XdsCredentials, not for normal TlsCredentials.
This hack temporarily quiets the flaky test report for a known race.
This is the only end2end test that shuts down & restarts a server in the same test execution. The PosixEventEngine's Listener implementation asynchronously shuts down listening ports after Listener destruction. Some changes can possibly be made here to only proceed in server restart after the `on_shutdown` callback is called, ensuring all ports are closed before proceeding.
Seeing a rare flake where a fixture address is already in use. This PR adds sockaddr->string conversion for the address, in case some of this address is being truncated before attempting to bind. It's very odd to see this exact-time-based address string generated twice in succession.
`E1116 21:34:56.431768483 17] UNKNOWN:No address added out of total 1 resolved for 'unix-abstract:grpc_fullstack_test.%00.17.974.661825339.14468088171934000544.7442035989947845277' {created_time:"2023-11-16T21:34:56.431729283+00:00", children:[FAILED_PRECONDITION:Error in bind: Address already in use]}
`test_client.wait_for_server_channel_ready` was not called in `SecurityXdsKubernetesTestCase` and `XdsUrlMapTestCase`.
Initial PR:
Add a variant of `Spawn` that returns a promise that can be awaited by another activity.
This allows us to simply implement complex cross-activity synchronization.
(necessary building block for #34740
An error occurred
Also adds an inter-activity latch as a building block to test this work.