@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ def collect_perf(bm_name, args): |
jobset.run(profile_analysis, maxjobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) |
jobset.run(cleanup, maxjobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) |
def run_summary(cfg): |
def run_summary(bm_name, cfg, base_json_name): |
subprocess.check_call( |
['make', bm_name, |
'CONFIG=%s' % cfg, '-j', '%d' % multiprocessing.cpu_count()]) |
cmd = ['bins/%s/%s' % (cfg, bm_name), |
'--benchmark_out=out.%s.json' % cfg, |
'--benchmark_out=%s.%s.json' % (base_json_name, cfg), |
'--benchmark_out_format=json'] |
if args.summary_time is not None: |
cmd += ['--benchmark_min_time=%d' % args.summary_time] |
@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ def run_summary(cfg): |
def collect_summary(bm_name, args): |
heading('Summary: %s [no counters]' % bm_name) |
text(run_summary('opt')) |
text(run_summary(bm_name, 'opt', 'out')) |
heading('Summary: %s [with counters]' % bm_name) |
text(run_summary('counters')) |
text(run_summary(bm_name, 'counters', 'out')) |
if args.bigquery_upload: |
with open('out.csv', 'w') as f: |
f.write(subprocess.check_output(['tools/profiling/microbenchmarks/bm2bq.py', 'out.counters.json', 'out.opt.json'])) |
@ -233,8 +233,24 @@ for bm_name in args.benchmarks: |
for collect in args.collect: |
collectors[collect](bm_name, args) |
if args.diff_perf: |
pass |
for bm_name in args.benchmarks: |
run_summary(bm_name, 'opt', '%s.new' % bm_name) |
where_am_i = submodule.check_call(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']) |
submodule.check_call(['git', 'checkout', args.diff_perf]) |
comparables = [] |
try: |
for bm_name in args.benchmarks: |
try: |
run_summary(bm_name, 'opt', '%s.old' % bm_name) |
comparables.append(bm_name) |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: |
pass |
finally: |
submodule.check_call(['git', 'checkout', where_am_i]) |
for bm_name in comparables: |
submodule.check_call(['third_party/benchmark/tools/compare_bench.py', |
'%s.new.opt.json' % bm_name, |
'%s.old.opt.json' % bm_name]) |
index_html += "</body>\n</html>\n" |
with open('reports/index.html', 'w') as f: |