@ -233,3 +233,16 @@ gsutil -m cp -r "$LOCAL_STAGING_TEMPDIR/${BUILD_RELPATH%%/*}" "$GCS_ARCHIVE_ROOT |
) |
# Upload the new /index.xml |
gsutil -h "Content-Type:application/xml" cp "$NEW_INDEX" "$GCS_INDEX" |
# Upload C# nugets to the dev nuget feed |
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:2.1 |
for nugetfile in *.nupkg |
do |
echo "Going to push $nugetfile" |
# use nuget from a docker container to push the nupkg |
set +x # IMPORTANT: avoid revealing the nuget api key by the command echo |
docker run -v "$(pwd):/nugets:ro" --rm=true mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:2.1 bash -c "dotnet nuget push /nugets/$nugetfile -k $(cat ${KOKORO_GFILE_DIR}/artifactory_grpc_nuget_dev_api_key) --source https://grpc.jfrog.io/grpc/api/nuget/v3/grpc-nuget-dev" |
set -ex |
done |
popd |