@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import os
import select
import signal
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import unittest
@ -43,72 +44,47 @@ import uuid
from tests import _loader
from tests import _result
# This number needs to be large enough to outpace output on stdout and stderr
# from the gRPC core, otherwise we could end up in a potential deadlock. This
# stems from the OS waiting on someone to clear a filled pipe buffer while the
# GIL is held from a write to stderr from gRPC core, but said someone is in
# Python code thus necessitating GIL acquisition.
_READ_BYTES = 2 * * 20
class CaptureFile ( object ) :
""" A context-managed file to redirect output to a byte array.
class CapturePipe ( object ) :
""" A context-manager pipe to redirect output to a byte array.
Use by invoking ` start ` ( ` __enter__ ` ) and at some point invoking ` stop `
( ` __exit__ ` ) . At any point after the initial call to ` start ` call ` output ` to
get the current redirected output . Note that we don ' t currently use file
locking , so calling ` output ` between calls to ` start ` and ` stop ` may muddle
the result ( you should only be doing this during a Python - handled interrupt as
a last ditch effort to provide output to the user ) .
Attributes :
_redirect_fd ( int ) : File descriptor of file to redirect writes from .
_redirected _fd ( int ) : File descriptor of file to redirect writes from .
_saved_fd ( int ) : A copy of the original value of the redirected file
descriptor .
_read_thread ( threading . Thread or None ) : Thread upon which reads through the
pipe are performed . Only non - None when self is started .
_read_fd ( int or None ) : File descriptor of the read end of the redirect
pipe . Only non - None when self is started .
_write_fd ( int or None ) : File descriptor of the write end of the redirect
pipe . Only non - None when self is started .
output ( bytearray or None ) : Redirected output from writes to the redirected
file descriptor . Only valid during and after self has started .
_into_file ( TemporaryFile or None ) : File to which writes are redirected .
Only non - None when self is started .
def __init__ ( self , fd ) :
self . _redirect_fd = fd
self . _saved_fd = os . dup ( self . _redirect_fd )
self . _read_thread = None
self . _read_fd = None
self . _write_fd = None
self . output = None
self . _redirected_fd = fd
self . _saved_fd = os . dup ( self . _redirected_fd )
self . _into_file = None
def output ( self ) :
""" Get all output from the redirected-to file if it exists. """
if self . _into_file :
self . _into_file . seek ( 0 )
return bytes ( self . _into_file . read ( ) )
else :
return bytes ( )
def start ( self ) :
""" Start redirection of writes to the file descriptor. """
self . _read_fd , self . _write_fd = os . pipe ( )
os . dup2 ( self . _write_fd , self . _redirect_fd )
flags = fcntl . fcntl ( self . _read_fd , fcntl . F_GETFL )
fcntl . fcntl ( self . _read_fd , fcntl . F_SETFL , flags | os . O_NONBLOCK )
self . _read_thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . _read )
# If the user wants to exit from the Python program and hits ctrl-C and the
# read thread is somehow deadlocked with something else, the Python code may
# refuse to exit. This prevents that by making the read thread second-class.
self . _read_thread . daemon = True
self . _read_thread . start ( )
self . _into_file = tempfile . TemporaryFile ( )
os . dup2 ( self . _into_file . fileno ( ) , self . _redirected_fd )
def stop ( self ) :
""" Stop redirection of writes to the file descriptor. """
os . close ( self . _write_fd )
os . dup2 ( self . _saved_fd , self . _redirect_fd ) # auto-close self._redirect_fd
self . _read_thread . join ( )
self . _read_thread = None
# we waited for the read thread to finish, so _read_fd has been read and we
# can close it.
os . close ( self . _read_fd )
def _read ( self ) :
""" Read-thread target for self. """
self . output = bytearray ( )
while True :
select . select ( [ self . _read_fd ] , [ ] , [ ] )
read_bytes = os . read ( self . _read_fd , _READ_BYTES )
if read_bytes :
self . output . extend ( read_bytes )
else :
# n.b. this dup2 call auto-closes self._redirected_fd
os . dup2 ( self . _saved_fd , self . _redirected_fd )
def write_bypass ( self , value ) :
""" Bypass the redirection and write directly to the original file.
@ -170,8 +146,8 @@ class Runner(object):
result_out = StringIO . StringIO ( )
result = _result . TerminalResult (
result_out , id_map = lambda case : case_id_by_case [ case ] )
stdout_pipe = CapturePip e ( sys . stdout . fileno ( ) )
stderr_pipe = CapturePip e ( sys . stderr . fileno ( ) )
stdout_pipe = CaptureFil e ( sys . stdout . fileno ( ) )
stderr_pipe = CaptureFil e ( sys . stderr . fileno ( ) )
kill_flag = [ False ]
def sigint_handler ( signal_number , frame ) :
@ -182,7 +158,8 @@ class Runner(object):
def fault_handler ( signal_number , frame ) :
stdout_pipe . write_bypass (
' Received fault signal {} \n stdout: \n {} \n \n stderr: {} \n '
. format ( signal_number , stdout_pipe . output , stderr_pipe . output ) )
. format ( signal_number , stdout_pipe . output ( ) ,
stderr_pipe . output ( ) ) )
os . _exit ( 1 )
def check_kill_self ( ) :
@ -191,9 +168,9 @@ class Runner(object):
result . stopTestRun ( )
stdout_pipe . write_bypass ( result_out . getvalue ( ) )
stdout_pipe . write_bypass (
' \n interrupted stdout: \n {} \n ' . format ( stdout_pipe . output ) )
' \n interrupted stdout: \n {} \n ' . format ( stdout_pipe . output ( ) ) )
stderr_pipe . write_bypass (
' \n interrupted stderr: \n {} \n ' . format ( stderr_pipe . output ) )
' \n interrupted stderr: \n {} \n ' . format ( stderr_pipe . output ( ) ) )
os . _exit ( 1 )
signal . signal ( signal . SIGINT , sigint_handler )
signal . signal ( signal . SIGSEGV , fault_handler )
@ -223,7 +200,7 @@ class Runner(object):
# re-raise the exception after forcing the with-block to end
result . set_output (
augmented_case . case , stdout_pipe . output , stderr_pipe . output )
augmented_case . case , stdout_pipe . output ( ) , stderr_pipe . output ( ) )
sys . stdout . write ( result_out . getvalue ( ) )
sys . stdout . flush ( )
result_out . truncate ( 0 )