@ -28,10 +28,7 @@
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_api.h"
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_bootstrap.h"
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_client_stats.h"
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_cluster.h"
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_endpoint.h"
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_listener.h"
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_route_config.h"
# include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_resource_type.h"
# include "src/core/lib/channel/channelz.h"
# include "src/core/lib/gprpp/dual_ref_counted.h"
# include "src/core/lib/gprpp/memory.h"
@ -39,6 +36,7 @@
# include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h"
# include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
# include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h"
# include "src/core/lib/iomgr/work_serializer.h"
namespace grpc_core {
@ -48,6 +46,9 @@ extern TraceFlag grpc_xds_client_refcount_trace;
class XdsClient : public DualRefCounted < XdsClient > {
public :
// Resource watcher interface. Implemented by callers.
// Note: Most callers will not use this API directly but rather via a
// resource-type-specific wrapper API provided by the relevant
// XdsResourceType implementation.
class ResourceWatcherInterface : public RefCounted < ResourceWatcherInterface > {
public :
virtual void OnResourceChanged (
@ -59,67 +60,6 @@ class XdsClient : public DualRefCounted<XdsClient> {
ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED ( & work_serializer_ ) = 0 ;
} ;
// TODO(roth): Consider removing these resource-type-specific APIs in
// favor of some mechanism for automatic type-deduction for the generic
// API.
// Listener data watcher interface. Implemented by callers.
class ListenerWatcherInterface : public ResourceWatcherInterface {
public :
virtual void OnListenerChanged ( XdsListenerResource listener ) = 0 ;
private :
void OnResourceChanged (
const XdsResourceType : : ResourceData * resource ) override {
OnListenerChanged (
static_cast < const XdsListenerResourceType : : ListenerData * > ( resource )
- > resource ) ;
} ;
// RouteConfiguration data watcher interface. Implemented by callers.
class RouteConfigWatcherInterface : public ResourceWatcherInterface {
public :
virtual void OnRouteConfigChanged ( XdsRouteConfigResource route_config ) = 0 ;
private :
void OnResourceChanged (
const XdsResourceType : : ResourceData * resource ) override {
OnRouteConfigChanged (
static_cast < const XdsRouteConfigResourceType : : RouteConfigData * > (
resource )
- > resource ) ;
} ;
// Cluster data watcher interface. Implemented by callers.
class ClusterWatcherInterface : public ResourceWatcherInterface {
public :
virtual void OnClusterChanged ( XdsClusterResource cluster_data ) = 0 ;
private :
void OnResourceChanged (
const XdsResourceType : : ResourceData * resource ) override {
OnClusterChanged (
static_cast < const XdsClusterResourceType : : ClusterData * > ( resource )
- > resource ) ;
} ;
// Endpoint data watcher interface. Implemented by callers.
class EndpointWatcherInterface : public ResourceWatcherInterface {
public :
virtual void OnEndpointChanged ( XdsEndpointResource update ) = 0 ;
private :
void OnResourceChanged (
const XdsResourceType : : ResourceData * resource ) override {
OnEndpointChanged (
static_cast < const XdsEndpointResourceType : : EndpointData * > ( resource )
- > resource ) ;
} ;
// Factory function to get or create the global XdsClient instance.
// If *error is not GRPC_ERROR_NONE upon return, then there was
// an error initializing the client.
@ -146,12 +86,24 @@ class XdsClient : public DualRefCounted<XdsClient> {
void Orphan ( ) override ;
// Start and cancel watch for a resource.
// The XdsClient takes ownership of the watcher, but the caller may
// keep a raw pointer to the watcher, which may be used only for
// cancellation. (Because the caller does not own the watcher, the
// pointer must not be used for any other purpose.)
// If the caller is going to start a new watch after cancelling the
// old one, it should set delay_unsubscription to true.
// The resource type object must be a global singleton, since the first
// time the XdsClient sees a particular resource type object, it will
// store the pointer to that object as the authoritative implementation for
// its type URLs. The resource type object must outlive the XdsClient object,
// and it is illegal to start a subsequent watch for the same type URLs using
// a different resource type object.
// Note: Most callers will not use this API directly but rather via a
// resource-type-specific wrapper API provided by the relevant
// XdsResourceType implementation.
void WatchResource ( const XdsResourceType * type , absl : : string_view name ,
RefCountedPtr < ResourceWatcherInterface > watcher ) ;
void CancelResourceWatch ( const XdsResourceType * type ,
@ -159,58 +111,6 @@ class XdsClient : public DualRefCounted<XdsClient> {
ResourceWatcherInterface * watcher ,
bool delay_unsubscription = false ) ;
// Start and cancel listener data watch for a listener.
// The XdsClient takes ownership of the watcher, but the caller may
// keep a raw pointer to the watcher, which may be used only for
// cancellation. (Because the caller does not own the watcher, the
// pointer must not be used for any other purpose.)
// If the caller is going to start a new watch after cancelling the
// old one, it should set delay_unsubscription to true.
void WatchListenerData ( absl : : string_view listener_name ,
RefCountedPtr < ListenerWatcherInterface > watcher ) ;
void CancelListenerDataWatch ( absl : : string_view listener_name ,
ListenerWatcherInterface * watcher ,
bool delay_unsubscription = false ) ;
// Start and cancel route config data watch for a listener.
// The XdsClient takes ownership of the watcher, but the caller may
// keep a raw pointer to the watcher, which may be used only for
// cancellation. (Because the caller does not own the watcher, the
// pointer must not be used for any other purpose.)
// If the caller is going to start a new watch after cancelling the
// old one, it should set delay_unsubscription to true.
void WatchRouteConfigData ( absl : : string_view route_config_name ,
RefCountedPtr < RouteConfigWatcherInterface > watcher ) ;
void CancelRouteConfigDataWatch ( absl : : string_view route_config_name ,
RouteConfigWatcherInterface * watcher ,
bool delay_unsubscription = false ) ;
// Start and cancel cluster data watch for a cluster.
// The XdsClient takes ownership of the watcher, but the caller may
// keep a raw pointer to the watcher, which may be used only for
// cancellation. (Because the caller does not own the watcher, the
// pointer must not be used for any other purpose.)
// If the caller is going to start a new watch after cancelling the
// old one, it should set delay_unsubscription to true.
void WatchClusterData ( absl : : string_view cluster_name ,
RefCountedPtr < ClusterWatcherInterface > watcher ) ;
void CancelClusterDataWatch ( absl : : string_view cluster_name ,
ClusterWatcherInterface * watcher ,
bool delay_unsubscription = false ) ;
// Start and cancel endpoint data watch for a cluster.
// The XdsClient takes ownership of the watcher, but the caller may
// keep a raw pointer to the watcher, which may be used only for
// cancellation. (Because the caller does not own the watcher, the
// pointer must not be used for any other purpose.)
// If the caller is going to start a new watch after cancelling the
// old one, it should set delay_unsubscription to true.
void WatchEndpointData ( absl : : string_view eds_service_name ,
RefCountedPtr < EndpointWatcherInterface > watcher ) ;
void CancelEndpointDataWatch ( absl : : string_view eds_service_name ,
EndpointWatcherInterface * watcher ,
bool delay_unsubscription = false ) ;
// Adds and removes drop stats for cluster_name and eds_service_name.
RefCountedPtr < XdsClusterDropStats > AddClusterDropStats (
absl : : string_view lrs_server , absl : : string_view cluster_name ,
@ -350,6 +250,13 @@ class XdsClient : public DualRefCounted<XdsClient> {
void NotifyOnErrorLocked ( grpc_error_handle error )
void MaybeRegisterResourceTypeLocked ( const XdsResourceType * resource_type )
// Gets the type for resource_type, or null if the type is unknown.
const XdsResourceType * GetResourceTypeLocked ( absl : : string_view resource_type )
static absl : : StatusOr < XdsResourceName > ParseXdsResourceName (
absl : : string_view name , const XdsResourceType * type ) ;
static std : : string ConstructFullXdsResourceName (
@ -373,6 +280,13 @@ class XdsClient : public DualRefCounted<XdsClient> {
Mutex mu_ ;
// Stores resource type objects seen by type URL.
std : : map < absl : : string_view /*resource_type*/ , const XdsResourceType * >
resource_types_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY ( mu_ ) ;
std : : map < absl : : string_view /*v2_resource_type*/ , const XdsResourceType * >
v2_resource_types_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY ( mu_ ) ;
upb : : SymbolTable symtab_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY ( mu_ ) ;
// Map of existing xDS server channels.
std : : map < XdsBootstrap : : XdsServer , ChannelState * > xds_server_channel_map_