@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
require 'rake/extensiontask'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
require 'rubocop/rake_task'
require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
desc 'Run Rubocop to check for style violations'
# Add rubocop style checking tasks
RuboCop :: RakeTask . new
# Add the extension compiler task
Rake :: ExtensionTask . new 'grpc' do | ext |
ext . lib_dir = File . join ( 'lib' , 'grpc' )
# Define the test suites
{ id : :wrapper , title : 'wrapper layer' , files : %w( spec/*.rb ) } ,
{ id : :idiomatic , title : 'idiomatic layer' , dir : %w( spec/generic ) ,
@ -19,36 +22,34 @@ SPEC_SUITES = [
{ id : :server , title : 'rpc server thread tests' , dir : %w( spec/generic ) ,
tag : 'server' }
namespace :suite do
SPEC_SUITES . each do | suite |
desc " Run all specs in the #{ suite [ :title ] } spec suite "
RSpec :: Core :: RakeTask . new ( suite [ :id ] ) do | t |
spec_files = [ ]
suite [ :files ] . each { | f | spec_files += Dir [ f ] } if suite [ :files ]
if suite [ :dir ]
suite [ :dir ] . each { | f | spec_files += Dir [ " #{ f } /**/*_spec.rb " ] }
helper = 'spec/spec_helper.rb'
spec_files << helper unless spec_files . include? ( helper )
desc 'Run all RSpec tests'
namespace :spec do
namespace :suite do
SPEC_SUITES . each do | suite |
desc " Run all specs in #{ suite [ :title ] } spec suite "
RSpec :: Core :: RakeTask . new ( suite [ :id ] ) do | t |
spec_files = [ ]
suite [ :files ] . each { | f | spec_files += Dir [ f ] } if suite [ :files ]
if suite [ :dirs ]
suite [ :dirs ] . each { | f | spec_files += Dir [ " #{ f } /**/*_spec.rb " ] }
t . pattern = spec_files
t . rspec_opts = " --tag #{ suite [ :tag ] } " if suite [ :tag ]
if suite [ :tags ]
t . rspec_opts = suite [ :tags ] . map { | x | " --tag #{ x } " } . join ( ' ' )
t . pattern = spec_files
t . rspec_opts = " --tag #{ suite [ :tag ] } " if suite [ :tag ]
if suite [ :tags ]
t . rspec_opts = suite [ :tags ] . map { | x | " --tag #{ x } " } . join ( ' ' )
desc 'Compiles the extension then runs all the tests'
task :all
# Define dependencies between the suites.
task 'suite:wrapper' = > [ :compile , :rubocop ]
task 'suite:idiomatic' = > 'suite:wrapper'
task 'suite:bidi' = > 'suite:wrapper'
task 'suite:server' = > 'suite:wrapper'
desc 'Compiles the gRPC extension then runs all the tests'
task all : [ 'suite:idiomatic' , 'suite:bidi' , 'suite:server' ]
task default : :all
task 'spec:suite:wrapper' = > [ :compile , :rubocop ]
task 'spec:suite:idiomatic' = > 'spec:suite:wrapper'
task 'spec:suite:bidi' = > 'spec:suite:wrapper'
task 'spec:suite:server' = > 'spec:suite:wrapper'
task all : [ 'spec:suite:idiomatic' , 'spec:suite:bidi' , 'spec:suite:server' ]