@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ from grpc.framework.base.packets import interfaces as ticket_interfaces
from grpc . framework . base . packets import null
from grpc . framework . base . packets import packets as tickets
from grpc . framework . foundation import activated
from grpc . framework . foundation import logging_pool
@enum . unique
@ -353,3 +356,90 @@ class ForeLink(ticket_interfaces.ForeLink, activated.Activated):
self . _complete ( ticket . operation_id , ticket . payload )
else :
self . _cancel ( ticket . operation_id )
class _ActivatedForeLink ( ticket_interfaces . ForeLink , activated . Activated ) :
def __init__ (
self , port , request_deserializers , response_serializers ,
root_certificates , key_chain_pairs ) :
self . _port = port
self . _request_deserializers = request_deserializers
self . _response_serializers = response_serializers
self . _root_certificates = root_certificates
self . _key_chain_pairs = key_chain_pairs
self . _lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . _pool = None
self . _fore_link = None
self . _rear_link = null . NULL_REAR_LINK
def join_rear_link ( self , rear_link ) :
with self . _lock :
self . _rear_link = null . NULL_REAR_LINK if rear_link is None else rear_link
if self . _fore_link is not None :
self . _fore_link . join_rear_link ( rear_link )
def _start ( self ) :
with self . _lock :
self . _pool = logging_pool . pool ( _THREAD_POOL_SIZE )
self . _fore_link = ForeLink (
self . _pool , self . _request_deserializers , self . _response_serializers ,
self . _root_certificates , self . _key_chain_pairs , port = self . _port )
self . _fore_link . join_rear_link ( self . _rear_link )
self . _fore_link . start ( )
return self
def _stop ( self ) :
with self . _lock :
self . _fore_link . stop ( )
self . _fore_link = None
self . _pool . shutdown ( wait = True )
self . _pool = None
def __enter__ ( self ) :
return self . _start ( )
def __exit__ ( self , exc_type , exc_val , exc_tb ) :
self . _stop ( )
return False
def start ( self ) :
return self . _start ( )
def stop ( self ) :
self . _stop ( )
def port ( self ) :
with self . _lock :
return None if self . _fore_link is None else self . _fore_link . port ( )
def accept_back_to_front_ticket ( self , ticket ) :
with self . _lock :
if self . _fore_link is not None :
self . _fore_link . accept_back_to_front_ticket ( ticket )
def activated_fore_link (
port , request_deserializers , response_serializers , root_certificates ,
key_chain_pairs ) :
""" Creates a ForeLink that is also an activated.Activated.
The returned object is only valid for use between calls to its start and stop
methods ( or in context when used as a context manager ) .
Args :
port : The port on which to serve RPCs , or None for a port to be
automatically selected .
request_deserializers : A dictionary from RPC method names to request object
deserializer behaviors .
response_serializers : A dictionary from RPC method names to response object
serializer behaviors .
root_certificates : The PEM - encoded client root certificates as a bytestring
or None .
key_chain_pairs : A sequence of PEM - encoded private key - certificate chain
pairs .
return _ActivatedForeLink (
port , request_deserializers , response_serializers , root_certificates ,
key_chain_pairs )