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/// \mainpage gRPC C++ API
/// The gRPC C++ API mainly consists of the following classes:
/// <br>
/// - grpc::Channel, which represents the connection to an endpoint. See [the
/// gRPC Concepts page](http://www.grpc.io/docs/guides/concepts.html) for more
/// details. Channels are created by the factory function grpc::CreateChannel.
/// - grpc::CompletionQueue, the producer-consumer queue used for all
/// asynchronous communication with the gRPC runtime.
/// - grpc::ClientContext and grpc::ServerContext, where optional configuration
/// for an RPC can be set, such as setting custom metadata to be conveyed to the
/// peer, compression settings, authentication, etc.
/// - grpc::Server, representing a gRPC server, created by grpc::ServerBuilder.
/// Streaming calls are handled with the streaming classes in