@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# This file can be regenerated from the template by running
# tools/buildgen/generate_projects.sh
# Copyright 2015, Google Inc.
# Copyright 2015-2016 , Google Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ CC_tsan = clang
CXX_tsan = clang++
LD_tsan = clang
LDXX_tsan = clang++
CFLAGS_tsan = -O0 -fsanitize= thread -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wno-unused-command-line-argument
CXXFLAGS_tsan = -O0 -fsanitize= thread -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wno-unused-command-line-argument
LDFLAGS_tsan = -fsanitize= thread
CFLAGS_tsan = -O0 -fsanitize= thread -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -fPIE
CXXFLAGS_tsan = -O0 -fsanitize= thread -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -fPIE
LDFLAGS_tsan = -fsanitize= thread -pie
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ CC_msan = clang
CXX_msan = clang++-libc++
LD_msan = clang
LDXX_msan = clang++-libc++
CFLAGS_msan = -O0 -fsanitize= memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE= 0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE= 1 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument
CXXFLAGS_msan = -O0 -fsanitize= memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE= 0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE= 1 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument
LDFLAGS_msan = -fsanitize= memory -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE= 0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE= 1
CFLAGS_msan = -O0 -fsanitize= memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE= 0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE= 1 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -fPIE
CXXFLAGS_msan = -O0 -fsanitize= memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE= 0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE= 1 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -fPIE
LDFLAGS_msan = -fsanitize= memory -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE= 0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE= 1 -pie
VALID_CONFIG_ubsan = 1
@ -1710,180 +1710,180 @@ $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pkgconfig/grpc++_unsecure.pc:
$( Q) echo " $( GRPCXX_UNSECURE_PC_FILE) " | tr , '\n' >$@
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db.pb.cc : test /cpp /qps /perf_db .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /control .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db.grpc.pb.cc : test /cpp /qps /perf_db .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /control .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc : test /cpp /util /echo .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_messages .pb .cc
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo.grpc.pb.cc : test /cpp /util /echo .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_messages .grpc .pb .cc
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc : test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_messages .pb .cc
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.grpc.pb.cc : test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_messages .grpc .pb .cc
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ messages.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ messages.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_ messages.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_ messages.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc : test /cpp /util / messages .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/messages.grpc.pb.cc : test /cpp /util / messages .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/control .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/control .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/control.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /control .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/control.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /control .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/payload s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/payload s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/message s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/message s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/payloads.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /payload s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /message s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/payloads.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /payload s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /message s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/service s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/service s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/metric s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/metric s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/services.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /service s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /metric s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/services.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /service s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /metric s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/stat s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/stat s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payload s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payload s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/stats.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /stat s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /payload s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/benchmarks/stats.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /benchmarks /stat s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /payload s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/empty .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/empty .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/perf_db .pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/perf_db .grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/empty.pb.cc : test /proto /empty .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/perf_db.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/empty.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /empty .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/perf_db.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/messag es.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/messag es.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/servic es.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/servic es.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/messages.pb.cc : test /proto /messag es .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/services.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /servic es .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/messages.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /messag es .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/services.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /servic es .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/metric s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/metric s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stat s.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stat s.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/metrics.pb.cc : test /proto /metric s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /stat s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/metrics.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /metric s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /stat s .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( NO_PROTOC ) , t r u e )
$(GENDIR)/test/proto /test.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/proto /test.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing /test.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing /test.grpc.pb.cc : protoc_dep_error
e l s e
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/test.pb.cc : test /proto /test .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/test.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /test .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc
$( E) " [PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --cpp_out= $( GENDIR) $<
$(GENDIR)/test/proto/test.grpc.pb.cc : test /proto /test .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS )
$(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/test.grpc.pb.cc : src /proto /grpc /testing /test .proto $( PROTOBUF_DEP ) $( PROTOC_PLUGINS ) $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc
$( E) " [GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $< "
$( Q) mkdir -p ` dirname $@ `
$( Q) $( PROTOC) --grpc_out= $( GENDIR) --plugin= protoc-gen-grpc= $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /grpc_cpp_plugin $<
@ -3146,9 +3146,9 @@ endif
L I B G R P C + + _TEST_UTIL_SRC = \
$( GENDIR) /test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/cpp/util/ messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/cpp/util /echo.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/cpp/util /echo_duplicate.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_ messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /echo.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate /echo_duplicate.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/util/cli_call.cc \
test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc \
test/cpp/util/string_ref_helper.cc \
@ -3197,10 +3197,10 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/cli_call.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/string_ref_helper.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/subprocess.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /util /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/cli_call.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/string_ref_helper.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/subprocess.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo_ messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /duplicate /echo_duplicate .grpc .pb .cc
@ -3384,7 +3384,7 @@ endif
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/interop/client_helper.cc \
@ -3430,13 +3430,13 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBINTEROP_CLIENT_HELPER_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/client_helper.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/client_helper.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /test.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /test.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/interop/client.cc \
test/cpp/interop/interop_client.cc \
@ -3483,8 +3483,8 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBINTEROP_CLIENT_MAIN_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/client.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/client.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
@ -3536,9 +3536,9 @@ endif
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /test.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /test.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/interop/server.cc \
@ -3584,16 +3584,16 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBINTEROP_SERVER_MAIN_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/server.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/server.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks/control.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks /control.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks/payloads.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks /payloads.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks/services.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks /services.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks/stats.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto/benchmarks /stats.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/cpp/qps/perf_db.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/cpp/qps /perf_db.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/control.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /control.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /payloads.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/services.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /services.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /stats.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/perf_db.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /perf_db.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc \
test/cpp/qps/client_sync.cc \
test/cpp/qps/driver.cc \
@ -3648,16 +3648,16 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBQPS_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/client_async.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/client_sync.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/driver.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qps_worker.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/report.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/server_async.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/server_sync.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/timer.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/benchmark_config.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /benchmarks /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /cpp /qps /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/client_async.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/client_sync.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/driver.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qps_worker.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/report.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/server_async.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/server_sync.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/timer.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/benchmark_config.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /control .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /payloads .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /services .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /stats .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /perf_db .grpc .pb .cc
@ -9672,7 +9672,7 @@ endif
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/metrics.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /metrics.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /metrics.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/interop/metrics_client.cc \
METRICS_CLIENT_OBJS = $( addprefix $( OBJDIR) /$( CONFIG) /, $( addsuffix .o, $( basename $( METRICS_CLIENT_SRC) ) ) )
@ -9704,7 +9704,7 @@ endif
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /metrics.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /metrics.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/metrics_client.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
@ -9715,7 +9715,7 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(METRICS_CLIENT_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/metrics_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/metrics_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .grpc .pb .cc
@ -9977,9 +9977,9 @@ endif
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /test.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /test.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_client.cc \
RECONNECT_INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS = $( addprefix $( OBJDIR) /$( CONFIG) /, $( addsuffix .o, $( basename $( RECONNECT_INTEROP_CLIENT_SRC) ) ) )
@ -10011,11 +10011,11 @@ endif
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /empty.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /messages.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /test.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /test.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_client.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
@ -10026,13 +10026,13 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(RECONNECT_INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /test.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /test.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_server.cc \
RECONNECT_INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS = $( addprefix $( OBJDIR) /$( CONFIG) /, $( addsuffix .o, $( basename $( RECONNECT_INTEROP_SERVER_SRC) ) ) )
@ -10064,11 +10064,11 @@ endif
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /empty.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libreconnect_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libtest_tcp_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libreconnect_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libtest_tcp_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /messages.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libreconnect_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libtest_tcp_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libreconnect_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libtest_tcp_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /test.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libreconnect_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libtest_tcp_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /test.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libreconnect_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libtest_tcp_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_server.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libreconnect_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libtest_tcp_server .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
@ -10079,7 +10079,7 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(RECONNECT_INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_server.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/reconnect_interop_server.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
@ -10384,10 +10384,10 @@ endif
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/metrics.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /metrics.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /test/proto/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /test/proto /test.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /metrics.grpc.pb.cc \
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/test.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing /test.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/interop/interop_client.cc \
test/cpp/interop/stress_interop_client.cc \
test/cpp/interop/stress_test.cc \
@ -10422,13 +10422,13 @@ endif
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /empty.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /empty.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /messages.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /messages.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /metrics.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /metrics.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/proto /test.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing /test.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/interop_client.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_config .a
@ -10445,10 +10445,10 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(STRESS_TEST_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/stress_interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/stress_test.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/metrics_server.o : $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /test /proto /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/stress_interop_client.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/stress_test.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/metrics_server.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /empty .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /messages .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /metrics .grpc .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /test .grpc .pb .cc
@ -10581,6 +10581,7 @@ endif
$( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.pb.cc $( GENDIR) /src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.cc \
test/cpp/end2end/zookeeper_test.cc \
ZOOKEEPER_TEST_OBJS = $( addprefix $( OBJDIR) /$( CONFIG) /, $( addsuffix .o, $( basename $( ZOOKEEPER_TEST_SRC) ) ) )
@ -10612,6 +10613,8 @@ endif
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_zookeeper .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/zookeeper_test.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc ++.a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_zookeeper .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_zookeeper_test : $( ZOOKEEPER_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
@ -10621,6 +10624,7 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ZOOKEEPER_TEST_OBJS : .o =.dep )
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/zookeeper_test.o : $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .pb .cc $( GENDIR ) /src /proto /grpc /testing /echo .grpc .pb .cc
@ -11653,6 +11657,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_census_test: $(H2_CENSUS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/l
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_census.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_census_test : $( H 2_CENSUS_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11684,6 +11689,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_compress_test: $(H2_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFI
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_compress.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_compress_test : $( H 2_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11715,6 +11721,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_fakesec_test: $(H2_FAKESEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_fakesec.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_fakesec_test : $( H 2_FAKESEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11746,6 +11753,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full_test: $(H2_FULL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/liben
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full_test : $( H 2_FULL_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11777,6 +11785,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full+pipe_test: $(H2_FULL+PIPE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CON
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full+pipe.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full+pipe_test : $( H 2_FULL +PIPE_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11808,6 +11817,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full+poll_test: $(H2_FULL+POLL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CON
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full+poll.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full+poll_test : $( H 2_FULL +POLL_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11839,6 +11849,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full+poll+pipe_test: $(H2_FULL+POLL+PIPE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIB
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full+poll+pipe.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full+poll+pipe_test : $( H 2_FULL +POLL +PIPE_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11870,6 +11881,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_oauth2_test: $(H2_OAUTH2_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/l
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_oauth2.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_oauth2_test : $( H 2_OAUTH 2_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11901,6 +11913,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_proxy_test: $(H2_PROXY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lib
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_proxy.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_proxy_test : $( H 2_PROXY_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11932,6 +11945,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_test: $(H2_SOCKPAIR_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFI
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_sockpair.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_sockpair_test : $( H 2_SOCKPAIR_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11963,6 +11977,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_test: $(H2_SOCKPAIR+TRACE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIB
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_sockpair+trace.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_sockpair+trace_test : $( H 2_SOCKPAIR +TRACE_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -11994,6 +12009,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_test: $(H2_SOCKPAIR_1BYTE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIB
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_sockpair_1byte.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_sockpair_1byte_test : $( H 2_SOCKPAIR_ 1BYTE_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -12025,6 +12041,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_ssl_test: $(H2_SSL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_ssl.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_ssl_test : $( H 2_SSL_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -12056,6 +12073,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_ssl+poll_test: $(H2_SSL+POLL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFI
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_ssl+poll.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_ssl+poll_test : $( H 2_SSL +POLL_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -12087,6 +12105,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_ssl_proxy_test: $(H2_SSL_PROXY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CON
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_ssl_proxy.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_ssl_proxy_test : $( H 2_SSL_PROXY_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -12118,6 +12137,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_test: $(H2_UCHANNEL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFI
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_uchannel.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_uchannel_test : $( H 2_UCHANNEL_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -12149,6 +12169,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_test: $(H2_UDS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_uds.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_uds_test : $( H 2_UDS_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -12180,6 +12201,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_test: $(H2_UDS+POLL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFI
e n d i f
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_uds+poll.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_certs .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_uds+poll_test : $( H 2_UDS +POLL_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_SECURE ) , t r u e )
@ -12201,6 +12223,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_census_nosec_test: $(H2_CENSUS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_CENSUS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_census_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_census.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_census_nosec_test : $( H 2_CENSUS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12220,6 +12243,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_compress_nosec_test: $(H2_COMPRESS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIB
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_COMPRESS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_compress_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_compress.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_compress_nosec_test : $( H 2_COMPRESS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12239,6 +12263,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full_nosec_test: $(H2_FULL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(C
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_FULL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_full_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full_nosec_test : $( H 2_FULL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12258,6 +12283,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full+pipe_nosec_test: $(H2_FULL+PIPE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(L
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_FULL+PIPE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_full+pipe_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full+pipe.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full+pipe_nosec_test : $( H 2_FULL +PIPE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12277,6 +12303,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full+poll_nosec_test: $(H2_FULL+POLL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(L
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_FULL+POLL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_full+poll_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full+poll.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full+poll_nosec_test : $( H 2_FULL +POLL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12296,6 +12323,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_full+poll+pipe_nosec_test: $(H2_FULL+POLL+PIPE_NOSEC_TEST
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_FULL+POLL+PIPE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_full+poll+pipe_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_full+poll+pipe.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_full+poll+pipe_nosec_test : $( H 2_FULL +POLL +PIPE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12315,6 +12343,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_proxy_nosec_test: $(H2_PROXY_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_PROXY_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_proxy_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_proxy.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_proxy_nosec_test : $( H 2_PROXY_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12334,6 +12363,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_nosec_test: $(H2_SOCKPAIR_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIB
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_SOCKPAIR_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_sockpair_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_sockpair.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_sockpair_nosec_test : $( H 2_SOCKPAIR_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12353,6 +12383,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_nosec_test: $(H2_SOCKPAIR+TRACE_NOSEC_TEST
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_SOCKPAIR+TRACE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_sockpair+trace_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_sockpair+trace.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_sockpair+trace_nosec_test : $( H 2_SOCKPAIR +TRACE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12372,6 +12403,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_nosec_test: $(H2_SOCKPAIR_1BYTE_NOSEC_TEST
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_SOCKPAIR_1BYTE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_sockpair_1byte_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_sockpair_1byte.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_sockpair_1byte_nosec_test : $( H 2_SOCKPAIR_ 1BYTE_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12391,6 +12423,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_nosec_test: $(H2_UCHANNEL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIB
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_UCHANNEL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_uchannel_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_uchannel.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_uchannel_nosec_test : $( H 2_UCHANNEL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12410,6 +12443,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_nosec_test: $(H2_UDS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CON
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_UDS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_uds_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_uds.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_uds_nosec_test : $( H 2_UDS_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )
@ -12429,6 +12463,7 @@ $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_nosec_test: $(H2_UDS+POLL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIB
$( Q) $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( H2_UDS+POLL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS) $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libend2end_nosec_tests.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgrpc_unsecure.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr_test_util.a $( LIBDIR) /$( CONFIG) /libgpr.a $( LDLIBS) -o $( BINDIR) /$( CONFIG) /h2_uds+poll_nosec_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/fixtures/h2_uds+poll.o : $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libend 2end_nosec_tests .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_test_util_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgrpc_unsecure .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr_test_util .a $( LIBDIR ) /$( CONFIG ) /libgpr .a
deps_h2_uds+poll_nosec_test : $( H 2_UDS +POLL_NOSEC_TEST_OBJS :.o =.dep )
i f n e q ( $( NO_DEPS ) , t r u e )