replace gawk with awk, so as not to introduce an extra dependency

Hannah Shi 5 years ago
parent c69c06b8d6
commit d3c1cbf4cb
  1. 103
  2. 10
  3. 2
  4. 2

@ -12,26 +12,51 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# the spaces in the parameter list are necessary to separate out local variables
function sed_gensub(regexp, replacement, how, target, cmd_, ret_) { # arguments and local variables
if (!target) {
target = $0
gsub(/'/, "'\"'\"'", target);
gsub(/\\\\/, "\\", regexp);
cmd_ = "printf '" target "' | sed -E 's/" regexp "/" replacement "/" tolower(how) "'";
if (cmd_ | getline ret_ != 1) {
error = "ERROR: running command: " cmd_ ", ret_: " ret_;
return ret_;
namespace = "Grpc";
className = "";
classDocComment = "";
delete methods; # methods[method][doc|args|static]
delete constants; # constants[i][name|doc]
delete methodNames; # i => methodName
delete methodArgs; # methodName => concatenatedArgsStr
delete methodDocs; # methodName => methodDocCommentStr
delete methodStatics; # methodName => 1 if static
methodsCount = 0;
delete constantNames; # i => constantName
delete constantDocs; # constantName => constantDocCommentStr
constantsCount = 0;
# * class className
classLineRegex = "^ \\* class (\\S+)$";
classLineRegex = "^ \\* class ([^ \t]+)$";
# @param type name [= default]
paramLineRegex = "^.*@param\\s+\\S+\\s+(\\$\\S+(\\s+=\\s+\\S+)?)\\s+.*$";
paramLineRegex = "^.*@param[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+(\\$[^ \t]+([ \t]+=[ \t]+[^ \t]+)?)[ \t]+.*$";
# PHP_METHOD(class, function)
phpMethodLineRegex = "^PHP_METHOD\\((\\S+),\\s*(\\S+)\\).*$";
phpMethodLineRegex = "^PHP_METHOD\\(([^ \t]+),[ \t]*([^ \t]+)\\).*$";
# PHP_ME(class, function, arginfo, flags)
phpMeLineRegex = "^\\s*PHP_ME\\((\\S+),\\s*(\\S+),.*$";
phpMeLineRegex = "^[ \t]*PHP_ME\\(([^ \t]+),[ \t]*([^ \t]+),.*$";
# REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("namespace\\constant", grpcConstant, ..)
phpConstantLineRegs = "^\\s*REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT\\(\"Grpc\\\\\\\\(\\S+)\",.*$";
phpConstantLineRegs = "^[ \t]*REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT\\(\"Grpc\\\\\\\\([^ \t]+)\",.*$";
error = "";
@ -39,11 +64,10 @@ BEGIN {
hideMethods["Channel::getChannelInfo"] = 1;
hideMethods["Channel::cleanPersistentList"] = 1;
hideMethods["Channel::getPersistentList"] = 1;
# '/**' document comment start
/^\s*\/\*\*/ {
/^[ \t]*\/\*\*/ {
inDocComment = 1;
docComment = "";
delete args;
@ -57,7 +81,7 @@ inDocComment==1 {
# class document, must match ' * class <clasName>'
inDocComment==1 && $0 ~ classLineRegex {
className = gensub(classLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
className = sed_gensub(classLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
# end of class document
@ -68,9 +92,8 @@ inDocComment==1 && /\*\// && classDocComment == "" {
# param line
inDocComment==1 && $0 ~ paramLineRegex {
arg = gensub(paramLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
arg = sed_gensub(paramLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
# '*/' document comment end
@ -80,18 +103,25 @@ inDocComment==1 && /\*\// {
$0 ~ phpMethodLineRegex {
class = gensub(phpMethodLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
class = sed_gensub(phpMethodLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
if (class != className) {
error = "ERROR: Missing or mismatch class names, in class comment block: " \
className ", in PHP_METHOD: " class;
method = gensub(phpMethodLineRegex, "\\2", "g");
methods[method]["doc"] = docComment;
for (i in args) {
methods[method]["args"][i] = args[i];
method = sed_gensub(phpMethodLineRegex, "\\2", "g");
methodNames[methodsCount++] = method;
methodDocs[method] = docComment;
# concat args
if (argsCount > 0) {
methodArgs[method] = args[0];
for (i = 1; i < argsCount; i++) {
methodArgs[method] = methodArgs[method] ", " args[i];
docComment = "";
@ -99,18 +129,18 @@ $0 ~ phpMethodLineRegex {
$0 ~ phpMeLineRegex {
inPhpMe = 1;
class = gensub(phpMeLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
class = sed_gensub(phpMeLineRegex, "\\1", "g");
if (class != className) {
error = "ERROR: Missing or mismatch class names, in class comment block: " \
className ", in PHP_ME: " class;
method = gensub(phpMeLineRegex, "\\2", "g");
method = sed_gensub(phpMeLineRegex, "\\2", "g");
inPhpMe && /ZEND_ACC_STATIC/ {
methods[method]["static"] = 1;
methodStatics[method] = 1;
# closing bracet of PHP_ME(...)
@ -121,14 +151,13 @@ iinPhpMe && /\)$/ {
$0 ~ phpConstantLineRegs {
inPhpConstant = 1;
constant = gensub(phpConstantLineRegs, "\\1", "g");
constants[constantsCount]["name"] = constant;
constants[constantsCount]["doc"] = docComment;
constant = sed_gensub(phpConstantLineRegs, "\\1", "g");
constantNames[constantsCount++] = constant;
constantDocs[constant] = docComment;
# closing bracet of PHP_ME(...)
inPhpConstant && /\)\s*;\s*$/ {
# closing bracet of REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT(...)
inPhpConstant && /\)[ \t]*;[ \t]*$/ {
inPhpConstant = 0;
docComment = "";
@ -145,27 +174,23 @@ END {
if (className != "") {
print classDocComment
print "class " className " {";
for (m in methods) {
for (i = 0; i < methodsCount; i++) {
m = methodNames[i];
if (hideMethods[className"::"m]) continue;
print methods[m]["doc"];
print methodDocs[m];
printf "public"
if (methods[m]["static"]) printf " static"
if (methodStatics[m]) printf " static"
printf " function " m "("
if (isarray(methods[m]["args"])) {
printf methods[m]["args"][0];
for (i = 1; i < length(methods[m]["args"]); i++) {
printf ", " methods[m]["args"][i];
printf methodArgs[m];
print ") {}";
print "\n}";
for (i in constants) {
print constants[i]["doc"];
print "const " constants[i]["name"] " = 0;";
for (i = 0; i < constantsCount; i++) {
print constantDocs[constantNames[i]];
print "const " constantNames[i] " = 0;";
print "\n}";

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
set -euo pipefail
if ! command -v gawk > /dev/null; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: 'gawk' not installed"
if ! command -v awk > /dev/null; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: 'awk' not installed"
exit 1
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ COMMAND="${1:-}"
# parse class and methods
for FILENAME in call_credentials.c call.c channel.c channel_credentials.c \
server_credentials.c server.c timeval.c ; do
CLASS_NAME=$(sed -r 's/(^|_)(\w)/\U\2/g' <<< "${FILENAME%.*}")
CLASS_NAME=$(sed -E 's/(^|_)(\w)/\U\2/g' <<< "${FILENAME%.*}")
if [[ "$COMMAND" == "generate" ]]; then
echo Generating lib/Grpc/$CLASS_NAME.php ...
gawk -f php_extension_doxygen_filter.awk ../ext/grpc/$FILENAME \
awk -f php_extension_doxygen_filter.awk ../ext/grpc/$FILENAME \
> ../lib/Grpc/$CLASS_NAME.php
elif [[ "$COMMAND" == "cleanup" ]]; then
rm ../lib/Grpc/$CLASS_NAME.php
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ done
# parse constants
if [[ "$COMMAND" == "generate" ]]; then
echo Generating lib/Grpc/Constants.php ...
gawk -f php_extension_doxygen_filter.awk ../ext/grpc/php_grpc.c \
awk -f php_extension_doxygen_filter.awk ../ext/grpc/php_grpc.c \
> ../lib/Grpc/Constants.php
elif [[ "$COMMAND" == "cleanup" ]]; then
rm ../lib/Grpc/Constants.php

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# Sanity test dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t buster install -y python3.7 python3-all-dev gawk
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t buster install -y python3.7 python3-all-dev
RUN curl | python3.7
# Make Python 3.7 the default Python 3 version

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev libc++-dev c
# Sanity test dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t buster install -y python3.7 python3-all-dev gawk
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -t buster install -y python3.7 python3-all-dev
RUN curl | python3.7
# Make Python 3.7 the default Python 3 version
