@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
# include <utility>
# include "src/core/lib/gpr/useful.h"
# if __cplusplus > 201103l
# else
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ namespace grpc_core {
// Given a bit count as an integer, vend as member type `Type` a type with
// exactly that number of bits. Undefined if that bit count is not available.
template < std : : s ize_t kBits >
template < size_t kBits >
struct UintSelector ;
template < >
struct UintSelector < 8 > {
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ struct UintSelector<64> {
} ;
// An unsigned integer of some number of bits.
template < std : : s ize_t kBits >
template < size_t kBits >
using Uint = typename UintSelector < kBits > : : Type ;
// Given the total number of bits that need to be stored, choose the size of
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ using Uint = typename UintSelector<kBits>::Type;
// size and performance
// - the details will likely be tweaked into the future.
// Once we get over 96 bits, we just use uint64_t for everything.
constexpr std : : s ize_t ChooseUnitBitsForBitSet ( std : : size_t total_bits ) {
constexpr size_t ChooseUnitBitsForBitSet ( size_t total_bits ) {
return total_bits < = 8 ? 8
: total_bits < = 16 ? 16
: total_bits < = 24 ? 8
@ -74,11 +76,10 @@ constexpr std::size_t ChooseUnitBitsForBitSet(std::size_t total_bits) {
// kUnitBits. e.g. to store 72 bits in 8 bit chunks, we'd say BitSet<72, 8>.
// Since most users shouldn't care about the size of unit used, we default
// kUnitBits to whatever is selected by ChooseUnitBitsForBitSet
template < std : : s ize_t kTotalBits ,
std : : s ize_t kUnitBits = ChooseUnitBitsForBitSet ( kTotalBits ) >
template < size_t kTotalBits ,
size_t kUnitBits = ChooseUnitBitsForBitSet ( kTotalBits ) >
class BitSet {
static constexpr std : : size_t kUnits =
( kTotalBits + kUnitBits - 1 ) / kUnitBits ;
static constexpr size_t kUnits = ( kTotalBits + kUnitBits - 1 ) / kUnitBits ;
public :
// Initialize to all bits false
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ class BitSet {
if ( kTotalBits % kUnitBits = = 0 ) {
// kTotalBits is a multiple of kUnitBits ==> we can just check for all
// ones in each unit.
for ( std : : s ize_t i = 0 ; i < kUnits ; i + + ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < kUnits ; i + + ) {
if ( units_ [ i ] ! = all_ones ( ) ) return false ;
return true ;
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ class BitSet {
// kTotalBits is not a multiple of kUnitBits ==> we need special handling
// for checking partial filling of the last unit (since not all of its
// bits are used!)
for ( std : : s ize_t i = 0 ; i < kUnits - 1 ; i + + ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < kUnits - 1 ; i + + ) {
if ( units_ [ i ] ! = all_ones ( ) ) return false ;
return units_ [ kUnits - 1 ] = = n_ones ( kTotalBits % kUnitBits ) ;
@ -130,20 +131,27 @@ class BitSet {
// Return true if *no* bits are set.
bool none ( ) const {
for ( std : : s ize_t i = 0 ; i < kUnits ; i + + ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < kUnits ; i + + ) {
if ( units_ [ i ] ! = 0 ) return false ;
return true ;
// Return a count of how many bits are set.
uint32_t count ( ) const {
uint32_t count = 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < kUnits ; i + + ) {
count + = BitCount ( units_ [ i ] ) ;
return count ;
private :
// Given a bit index, return which unit it's stored in.
static constexpr std : : size_t unit_for ( std : : size_t bit ) {
return bit / kUnitBits ;
static constexpr size_t unit_for ( size_t bit ) { return bit / kUnitBits ; }
// Given a bit index, return a mask to access that bit within it's unit.
static constexpr Uint < kUnitBits > mask_for ( std : : size_t bit ) {
static constexpr Uint < kUnitBits > mask_for ( size_t bit ) {
return Uint < kUnitBits > { 1 } < < ( bit % kUnitBits ) ;
@ -153,7 +161,7 @@ class BitSet {
// Return a value with n bottom bits ones
static constexpr Uint < kUnitBits > n_ones ( std : : s ize_t n ) {
static constexpr Uint < kUnitBits > n_ones ( size_t n ) {
return n = = kUnitBits ? all_ones ( ) : ( Uint < kUnitBits > ( 1 ) < < n ) - 1 ;