8 changed files with 0 additions and 234 deletions
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
load("@grpc_python_dependencies//:requirements.bzl", "requirement") |
load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//python:rules.bzl", "py_proto_library") |
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
py_proto_library( |
name = "empty2_proto", |
protos = [ |
"empty2.proto", |
], |
with_grpc = True, |
deps = [ |
requirement('protobuf'), |
], |
) |
py_proto_library( |
name = "empty2_extensions_proto", |
protos = [ |
"empty2_extensions.proto", |
], |
proto_deps = [ |
":empty2_proto", |
], |
with_grpc = True, |
deps = [ |
requirement('protobuf'), |
], |
) |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ |
load("@grpc_python_dependencies//:requirements.bzl", "requirement") |
load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//python:rules.bzl", "py_proto_library") |
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
genrule( |
name = "mv_reflection_proto", |
srcs = [ |
"//src/proto/grpc/reflection/v1alpha:reflection_proto_file", |
], |
outs = ["reflection.proto",], |
cmd = "cp $< $@", |
) |
py_proto_library( |
name = "py_reflection_proto", |
protos = [":mv_reflection_proto",], |
with_grpc = True, |
deps = [ |
requirement('protobuf'), |
], |
) |
py_library( |
name = "grpc_reflection", |
srcs = ["",], |
deps = [ |
":py_reflection_proto", |
"//src/python/grpcio/grpc:grpcio", |
requirement('protobuf'), |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
) |
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ |
load("@grpc_python_dependencies//:requirements.bzl", "requirement") |
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
py_library( |
name = "_intraop_test_case", |
srcs = [""], |
deps = [ |
":methods", |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
) |
py_library( |
name = "client", |
srcs = [""], |
deps = [ |
"//src/python/grpcio/grpc:grpcio", |
":methods", |
":resources", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_test_proto", |
requirement('google-auth'), |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
) |
py_library( |
name = "methods", |
srcs = [""], |
deps = [ |
"//src/python/grpcio/grpc:grpcio", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_empty_proto", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_messages_proto", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_test_proto", |
requirement('google-auth'), |
requirement('requests'), |
requirement('enum34'), |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
) |
py_library( |
name = "resources", |
srcs = [""], |
data = [ |
"//src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/interop/credentials", |
], |
) |
py_library( |
name = "server", |
srcs = [""], |
deps = [ |
"//src/python/grpcio/grpc:grpcio", |
":methods", |
":resources", |
"//src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/unit:test_common", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_test_proto", |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
) |
py_test( |
name="_insecure_intraop_test", |
size="small", |
srcs=["",], |
main="", |
deps=[ |
"//src/python/grpcio/grpc:grpcio", |
":_intraop_test_case", |
":methods", |
":server", |
"//src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/unit:test_common", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_test_proto", |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
data=[ |
"//src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/unit/credentials", |
], |
) |
py_test( |
name="_secure_intraop_test", |
size="small", |
srcs=["",], |
main="", |
deps=[ |
"//src/python/grpcio/grpc:grpcio", |
":_intraop_test_case", |
":methods", |
":server", |
"//src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/unit:test_common", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_test_proto", |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
) |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
filegroup( |
name="credentials", |
srcs=glob([ |
"**", |
]), |
) |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
load("@grpc_python_dependencies//:requirements.bzl", "requirement") |
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) |
py_test( |
name="_reflection_servicer_test", |
size="small", |
timeout="moderate", |
srcs=["",], |
main="", |
deps=[ |
"//src/python/grpcio/grpc:grpcio", |
"//src/python/grpcio_reflection/grpc_reflection/v1alpha:grpc_reflection", |
"//src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/unit:test_common", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing:py_empty_proto", |
"//src/proto/grpc/testing/proto2:empty2_extensions_proto", |
requirement('protobuf'), |
], |
imports=["../../",], |
) |
Reference in new issue