diff --git a/src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy/grpclb/grpclb.cc b/src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy/grpclb/grpclb.cc
index 9fc2b4db921..421feb8c162 100644
--- a/src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy/grpclb/grpclb.cc
+++ b/src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy/grpclb/grpclb.cc
@@ -235,6 +235,23 @@ class GrpcLb : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
     grpc_closure client_load_report_closure_;
+  class SubchannelWrapper : public DelegatingSubchannel {
+   public:
+    SubchannelWrapper(RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> subchannel,
+                      std::string lb_token,
+                      RefCountedPtr<GrpcLbClientStats> client_stats)
+        : DelegatingSubchannel(std::move(subchannel)),
+          lb_token_(std::move(lb_token)),
+          client_stats_(std::move(client_stats)) {}
+    const std::string& lb_token() const { return lb_token_; }
+    GrpcLbClientStats* client_stats() const { return client_stats_.get(); }
+   private:
+    std::string lb_token_;
+    RefCountedPtr<GrpcLbClientStats> client_stats_;
+  };
   class TokenAndClientStatsAttribute
       : public ServerAddress::AttributeInterface {
@@ -262,7 +279,9 @@ class GrpcLb : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
     const std::string& lb_token() const { return lb_token_; }
-    GrpcLbClientStats* client_stats() const { return client_stats_.get(); }
+    RefCountedPtr<GrpcLbClientStats> client_stats() const {
+      return client_stats_;
+    }
     std::string lb_token_;
@@ -310,21 +329,16 @@ class GrpcLb : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
   class Picker : public SubchannelPicker {
-    Picker(GrpcLb* parent, RefCountedPtr<Serverlist> serverlist,
+    Picker(RefCountedPtr<Serverlist> serverlist,
            std::unique_ptr<SubchannelPicker> child_picker,
            RefCountedPtr<GrpcLbClientStats> client_stats)
-        : parent_(parent),
-          serverlist_(std::move(serverlist)),
+        : serverlist_(std::move(serverlist)),
           client_stats_(std::move(client_stats)) {}
     PickResult Pick(PickArgs args) override;
-    // Storing the address for logging, but not holding a ref.
-    GrpcLb* parent_;
     // Serverlist to be used for determining drops.
     RefCountedPtr<Serverlist> serverlist_;
@@ -591,7 +605,8 @@ const char* GrpcLb::Serverlist::ShouldDrop() {
 GrpcLb::PickResult GrpcLb::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
   PickResult result;
   // Check if we should drop the call.
-  const char* drop_token = serverlist_->ShouldDrop();
+  const char* drop_token =
+      serverlist_ == nullptr ? nullptr : serverlist_->ShouldDrop();
   if (drop_token != nullptr) {
     // Update client load reporting stats to indicate the number of
     // dropped calls.  Note that we have to do this here instead of in
@@ -609,17 +624,11 @@ GrpcLb::PickResult GrpcLb::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
   // If pick succeeded, add LB token to initial metadata.
   if (result.type == PickResult::PICK_COMPLETE &&
       result.subchannel != nullptr) {
-    const TokenAndClientStatsAttribute* attribute =
-        static_cast<const TokenAndClientStatsAttribute*>(
-            result.subchannel->GetAttribute(kGrpcLbAddressAttributeKey));
-    if (attribute == nullptr) {
-      gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "[grpclb %p picker %p] No LB token for subchannel %p",
-              parent_, this, result.subchannel.get());
-      abort();
-    }
+    const SubchannelWrapper* subchannel_wrapper =
+        static_cast<SubchannelWrapper*>(result.subchannel.get());
     // Encode client stats object into metadata for use by
     // client_load_reporting filter.
-    GrpcLbClientStats* client_stats = attribute->client_stats();
+    GrpcLbClientStats* client_stats = subchannel_wrapper->client_stats();
     if (client_stats != nullptr) {
       client_stats->Ref().release();  // Ref passed via metadata.
       // The metadata value is a hack: we pretend the pointer points to
@@ -635,10 +644,14 @@ GrpcLb::PickResult GrpcLb::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
     // Create a new copy on the call arena, since the subchannel list
     // may get refreshed between when we return this pick and when the
     // initial metadata goes out on the wire.
-    char* lb_token = static_cast<char*>(
-        args.call_state->Alloc(attribute->lb_token().size() + 1));
-    strcpy(lb_token, attribute->lb_token().c_str());
-    args.initial_metadata->Add(kGrpcLbLbTokenMetadataKey, lb_token);
+    if (!subchannel_wrapper->lb_token().empty()) {
+      char* lb_token = static_cast<char*>(
+          args.call_state->Alloc(subchannel_wrapper->lb_token().size() + 1));
+      strcpy(lb_token, subchannel_wrapper->lb_token().c_str());
+      args.initial_metadata->Add(kGrpcLbLbTokenMetadataKey, lb_token);
+    }
+    // Unwrap subchannel to pass up to the channel.
+    result.subchannel = subchannel_wrapper->wrapped_subchannel();
   return result;
@@ -650,8 +663,21 @@ GrpcLb::PickResult GrpcLb::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
 RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> GrpcLb::Helper::CreateSubchannel(
     ServerAddress address, const grpc_channel_args& args) {
   if (parent_->shutting_down_) return nullptr;
-  return parent_->channel_control_helper()->CreateSubchannel(std::move(address),
-                                                             args);
+  const TokenAndClientStatsAttribute* attribute =
+      static_cast<const TokenAndClientStatsAttribute*>(
+          address.GetAttribute(kGrpcLbAddressAttributeKey));
+  if (attribute == nullptr) {
+    gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
+            "[grpclb %p] no TokenAndClientStatsAttribute for address %p",
+            parent_.get(), address.ToString().c_str());
+    abort();
+  }
+  std::string lb_token = attribute->lb_token();
+  RefCountedPtr<GrpcLbClientStats> client_stats = attribute->client_stats();
+  return MakeRefCounted<SubchannelWrapper>(
+      parent_->channel_control_helper()->CreateSubchannel(std::move(address),
+                                                          args),
+      std::move(lb_token), std::move(client_stats));
 void GrpcLb::Helper::UpdateState(grpc_connectivity_state state,
@@ -662,56 +688,37 @@ void GrpcLb::Helper::UpdateState(grpc_connectivity_state state,
   parent_->child_policy_ready_ = state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY;
   // Enter fallback mode if needed.
-  // There are three cases to consider here:
-  // 1. We're in fallback mode.  In this case, we're always going to use
-  //    the child policy's result, so we pass its picker through as-is.
-  // 2. The serverlist contains only drop entries.  In this case, we
-  //    want to use our own picker so that we can return the drops.
-  // 3. Not in fallback mode and serverlist is not all drops (i.e., it
-  //    may be empty or contain at least one backend address).  There are
-  //    two sub-cases:
-  //    a. The child policy is reporting state READY.  In this case, we wrap
-  //       the child's picker in our own, so that we can handle drops and LB
-  //       token metadata for each pick.
-  //    b. The child policy is reporting a state other than READY.  In this
-  //       case, we don't want to use our own picker, because we don't want
-  //       to process drops for picks that yield a QUEUE result; this would
-  //       result in dropping too many calls, since we will see the
-  //       queued picks multiple times, and we'd consider each one a
-  //       separate call for the drop calculation.
-  //
-  // Cases 1 and 3b: return picker from the child policy as-is.
-  if (parent_->serverlist_ == nullptr ||
-      (!parent_->serverlist_->ContainsAllDropEntries() &&
-       state != GRPC_CHANNEL_READY)) {
-    if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_glb_trace)) {
-      gpr_log(GPR_INFO,
-              "[grpclb %p helper %p] state=%s (%s) passing "
-              "child picker %p as-is",
-              parent_.get(), this, ConnectivityStateName(state),
-              status.ToString().c_str(), picker.get());
-    }
-    parent_->channel_control_helper()->UpdateState(state, status,
-                                                   std::move(picker));
-    return;
-  }
-  // Cases 2 and 3a: wrap picker from the child in our own picker.
-  if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_glb_trace)) {
-    gpr_log(GPR_INFO,
-            "[grpclb %p helper %p] state=%s (%s) wrapping child "
-            "picker %p",
-            parent_.get(), this, ConnectivityStateName(state),
-            status.ToString().c_str(), picker.get());
+  // We pass the serverlist to the picker so that it can handle drops.
+  // However, we don't want to handle drops in the case where the child
+  // policy is reporting a state other than READY (unless we are
+  // dropping *all* calls), because we don't want to process drops for picks
+  // that yield a QUEUE result; this would result in dropping too many calls,
+  // since we will see the queued picks multiple times, and we'd consider each
+  // one a separate call for the drop calculation.  So in this case, we pass
+  // a null serverlist to the picker, which tells it not to do drops.
+  RefCountedPtr<Serverlist> serverlist;
+  if (state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY ||
+      (parent_->serverlist_ != nullptr &&
+       parent_->serverlist_->ContainsAllDropEntries())) {
+    serverlist = parent_->serverlist_;
   RefCountedPtr<GrpcLbClientStats> client_stats;
   if (parent_->lb_calld_ != nullptr &&
       parent_->lb_calld_->client_stats() != nullptr) {
     client_stats = parent_->lb_calld_->client_stats()->Ref();
+  if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_glb_trace)) {
+    gpr_log(GPR_INFO,
+            "[grpclb %p helper %p] state=%s (%s) wrapping child "
+            "picker %p (serverlist=%p, client_stats=%p)",
+            parent_.get(), this, ConnectivityStateName(state),
+            status.ToString().c_str(), picker.get(), serverlist.get(),
+            client_stats.get());
+  }
       state, status,
-      absl::make_unique<Picker>(parent_.get(), parent_->serverlist_,
-                                std::move(picker), std::move(client_stats)));
+      absl::make_unique<Picker>(std::move(serverlist), std::move(picker),
+                                std::move(client_stats)));
 void GrpcLb::Helper::RequestReresolution() {