From cc641688296a3cf7efbfd30b942b4cdf8d8049e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jan Tattermusch Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:59:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] cmake support for generating from .proto files --- templates/CMakeLists.txt.template | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/templates/CMakeLists.txt.template b/templates/CMakeLists.txt.template index 028c1b8c328..7868d412290 100644 --- a/templates/CMakeLists.txt.template +++ b/templates/CMakeLists.txt.template @@ -40,6 +40,17 @@ # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. <%! + + import re + + proto_re = re.compile('(.*)\\.proto') + + def proto_replace_ext(filename, ext): + m = proto_re.match(filename) + if not m: + return filename + return '${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/' + + ext + def get_deps(target_dict): deps = [] if target_dict.get('baselib', False): @@ -140,6 +151,9 @@ if(TARGET libprotoc) set(_gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROTOC_LIBRARIES libprotoc) endif() + if(TARGET protoc) + set(_gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROTOC protoc) + endif() else() message(WARNING "gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROVIDER is \"module\" but PROTOBUF_ROOT_DIR is wrong") endif() @@ -152,6 +166,9 @@ if(TARGET protobuf::libprotoc) set(_gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROTOC_LIBRARIES protobuf::libprotoc) endif() + if(TARGET protobuf::protoc) + set(_gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROTOC protobuf::protoc) + endif() set(_gRPC_FIND_PROTOBUF "if(NOT protobuf_FOUND)\n find_package(protobuf CONFIG)\nendif()") else() find_package(Protobuf MODULE) @@ -192,16 +209,60 @@ if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR "<%text>${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/gRPC") endif() - + + # Create directory for generated .proto files + set(_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR <%text>${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gens) + file(MAKE_DIRECTORY <%text>${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}) + + # protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp + # -------------------------- + # + # Add custom commands to process ``.proto`` files to C++ using protoc and + # GRPC plugin:: + # + # protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp [...] + # + # ``ARGN`` + # ``.proto`` files + # + function(protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp) + if(NOT ARGN) + message(SEND_ERROR "Error: PROTOBUF_GENERATE_GRPC_CPP() called without any proto files") + return() + endif() + + set(_protobuf_include_path -I .) + foreach(FIL <%text>${ARGN}) + get_filename_component(ABS_FIL <%text>${FIL} ABSOLUTE) + get_filename_component(FIL_WE <%text>${FIL} NAME_WE) + file(RELATIVE_PATH REL_FIL <%text>${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} <%text>${ABS_FIL}) + get_filename_component(REL_DIR <%text>${REL_FIL} DIRECTORY) + set(RELFIL_WE "<%text>${REL_DIR}/${FIL_WE}") + + add_custom_command( + OUTPUT <%text>"${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}" + <%text>"${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}.grpc.pb.h" + <%text>"${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}" + <%text>"${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}.pb.h" + COMMAND <%text>${_gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROTOC} + ARGS --grpc_out=<%text>${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR} + --cpp_out=<%text>${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR} + --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$ + <%text>${_protobuf_include_path} + <%text>${REL_FIL} + DEPENDS <%text>${ABS_FIL} <%text>${_gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROTOC} grpc_cpp_plugin + WORKING_DIRECTORY <%text>${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} + COMMENT "Running gRPC C++ protocol buffer compiler on <%text>${FIL}" + VERBATIM) + + <%text>set_source_files_properties("${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}" "${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}.grpc.pb.h" "${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}" "${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}/${RELFIL_WE}.pb.h" PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) + endforeach() + endfunction() + % for lib in libs: % if in ["all", "protoc", "tool"] and lib.language in ['c', 'c++']: - ## TODO(jtattermusch): grpc++_reflection includes .proto files - ## which is not yet supported and thus fails the entire build. - ## Re-enable once fixed. - % if != 'grpc++_reflection': - ${cc_library(lib)} - ${cc_install(lib)} - % endif + ${cc_library(lib)} + ${cc_install(lib)} % endif % endfor @@ -215,9 +276,24 @@ <%def name="cc_library(lib)"> add_library(${} % for src in lib.src: + % if not proto_re.match(src): ${src} + % else: + ${proto_replace_ext(src, '')} + ${proto_replace_ext(src, '')} + ${proto_replace_ext(src, '.pb.h')} + ${proto_replace_ext(src, '.grpc.pb.h')} + % endif % endfor ) + + % for src in lib.src: + % if proto_re.match(src): + protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp( + ${src} + ) + % endif + % endfor target_include_directories(${} PRIVATE <%text>${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} @@ -226,6 +302,9 @@ PRIVATE <%text>${PROTOBUF_ROOT_DIR}/src PRIVATE <%text>${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} PRIVATE <%text>${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/third_party/zlib + % if any(proto_re.match(src) for src in lib.src): + PRIVATE <%text>${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR} + % endif ) % if len(get_deps(lib)) > 0: