@ -79,27 +79,6 @@ def _wait_once_until(condition, until):
condition . wait ( timeout = remaining )
' Internal gRPC call error %d . ' +
' Please report to https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues ' )
def _check_call_error ( call_error , metadata ) :
if call_error == cygrpc . CallError . invalid_metadata :
raise ValueError ( ' metadata was invalid: %s ' % metadata )
elif call_error != cygrpc . CallError . ok :
raise ValueError ( _INTERNAL_CALL_ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT % call_error )
def _call_error_set_RPCstate ( state , call_error , metadata ) :
if call_error == cygrpc . CallError . invalid_metadata :
_abort ( state , grpc . StatusCode . INTERNAL ,
' metadata was invalid: %s ' % metadata )
else :
_abort ( state , grpc . StatusCode . INTERNAL ,
class _RPCState ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , due , initial_metadata , trailing_metadata , code , details ) :
@ -163,7 +142,7 @@ def _handle_event(event, state, response_deserializer):
return callbacks
def _event_handler ( state , call , response_deserializer ) :
def _event_handler ( state , response_deserializer ) :
def handle_event ( event ) :
with state . condition :
@ -172,40 +151,47 @@ def _event_handler(state, call, response_deserializer):
done = not state . due
for callback in callbacks :
callback ( )
return call if done else N one
return done
return handle_event
def _consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call ,
request_serializer ) :
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , call , None )
def _consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call , request_serializer ,
event_handler ) :
def consume_request_iterator ( ) :
def consume_request_iterator ( ) : # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
while True :
try :
request = next ( request_iterator )
except StopIteration :
except Exception : # pylint: disable=broad-except
logging . exception ( " Exception iterating requests! " )
call . cancel ( )
_abort ( state , grpc . StatusCode . UNKNOWN ,
" Exception iterating requests! " )
code = grpc . StatusCode . UNKNOWN
details = ' Exception iterating requests! '
logging . exception ( details )
call . cancel ( _common . STATUS_CODE_TO_CYGRPC_STATUS_CODE [ code ] ,
details )
_abort ( state , code , details )
serialized_request = _common . serialize ( request , request_serializer )
with state . condition :
if state . code is None and not state . cancelled :
if serialized_request is None :
call . cancel ( )
code = grpc . StatusCode . INTERNAL # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
details = ' Exception serializing request! '
_abort ( state , grpc . StatusCode . INTERNAL , details )
call . cancel (
details )
_abort ( state , code , details )
else :
operations = ( cygrpc . SendMessageOperation (
serialized_request , _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , )
call . start_client_batch ( operations , event_handler )
state . due . add ( cygrpc . OperationType . send_message )
operating = call . operate ( operations , event_handler )
if operating :
state . due . add ( cygrpc . OperationType . send_message )
else :
while True :
state . condition . wait ( )
if state . code is None :
@ -219,15 +205,19 @@ def _consume_request_iterator(request_iterator, state, call,
if state . code is None :
operations = (
cygrpc . SendCloseFromClientOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , )
call . start_client_batch ( operations , event_handler )
state . due . add ( cygrpc . OperationType . send_close_from_client )
operating = call . operate ( operations , event_handler )
if operating :
state . due . add ( cygrpc . OperationType . send_close_from_client )
def stop_consumption_thread ( timeout ) : # pylint: disable=unused-argument
with state . condition :
if state . code is None :
call . cancel ( )
code = grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED
details = ' Consumption thread cleaned up! '
call . cancel ( _common . STATUS_CODE_TO_CYGRPC_STATUS_CODE [ code ] ,
details )
state . cancelled = True
_abort ( state , grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED , ' Cancelled! ' )
_abort ( state , code , details )
state . condition . notify_all ( )
consumption_thread = _common . CleanupThread (
@ -247,9 +237,12 @@ class _Rendezvous(grpc.RpcError, grpc.Future, grpc.Call):
def cancel ( self ) :
with self . _state . condition :
if self . _state . code is None :
self . _call . cancel ( )
code = grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED
details = ' Locally cancelled by application! '
self . _call . cancel (
_common . STATUS_CODE_TO_CYGRPC_STATUS_CODE [ code ] , details )
self . _state . cancelled = True
_abort ( self . _state , grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED , ' Cancelled! ' )
_abort ( self . _state , code , details )
self . _state . condition . notify_all ( )
return False
@ -318,12 +311,13 @@ class _Rendezvous(grpc.RpcError, grpc.Future, grpc.Call):
def _next ( self ) :
with self . _state . condition :
if self . _state . code is None :
event_handler = _event_handler ( self . _state , self . _call ,
event_handler = _event_handler ( self . _state ,
self . _response_deserializer )
self . _call . start_client_batch (
operating = self . _call . operate (
( cygrpc . ReceiveMessageOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) ,
event_handler )
self . _state . due . add ( cygrpc . OperationType . receive_message )
if operating :
self . _state . due . add ( cygrpc . OperationType . receive_message )
elif self . _state . code is grpc . StatusCode . OK :
raise StopIteration ( )
else :
@ -408,9 +402,12 @@ class _Rendezvous(grpc.RpcError, grpc.Future, grpc.Call):
def __del__ ( self ) :
with self . _state . condition :
if self . _state . code is None :
self . _call . cancel ( )
self . _state . cancelled = True
self . _state . code = grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED
self . _state . details = ' Cancelled upon garbage collection! '
self . _state . cancelled = True
self . _call . cancel (
_common . STATUS_CODE_TO_CYGRPC_STATUS_CODE [ self . _state . code ] ,
self . _state . details )
self . _state . condition . notify_all ( )
@ -437,6 +434,24 @@ def _end_unary_response_blocking(state, call, with_call, deadline):
raise _Rendezvous ( state , None , None , deadline )
def _stream_unary_invocation_operationses ( metadata ) :
return (
cygrpc . SendInitialMetadataOperation ( metadata , _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveMessageOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveStatusOnClientOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
) ,
( cygrpc . ReceiveInitialMetadataOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) ,
def _stream_unary_invocation_operationses_and_tags ( metadata ) :
return tuple ( (
operations ,
None ,
) for operations in _stream_unary_invocation_operationses ( metadata ) )
class _UnaryUnaryMultiCallable ( grpc . UnaryUnaryMultiCallable ) :
def __init__ ( self , channel , managed_call , method , request_serializer ,
@ -448,8 +463,8 @@ class _UnaryUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.UnaryUnaryMultiCallable):
self . _response_deserializer = response_deserializer
def _prepare ( self , request , timeout , metadata ) :
deadline , serialized_request , rendezvous = ( _start_unary_request (
request , timeout , self . _request_serializer ) )
deadline , serialized_request , rendezvous = _start_unary_request (
request , timeout , self . _request_serializer )
if serialized_request is None :
return None , None , None , rendezvous
else :
@ -467,48 +482,38 @@ class _UnaryUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.UnaryUnaryMultiCallable):
def _blocking ( self , request , timeout , metadata , credentials ) :
state , operations , deadline , rendezvous = self . _prepare (
request , timeout , metadata )
if rendezvous :
if state is None :
raise rendezvous
else :
completion_queue = cygrpc . CompletionQueue ( )
call = self . _channel . create_call ( None , 0 , completion_queue ,
self . _method , None , deadline )
if credentials is not None :
call . set_credentials ( credentials . _credentials )
call_error = call . start_client_batch ( operations , None )
_check_call_error ( call_error , metadata )
_handle_event ( completion_queue . poll ( ) , state ,
self . _response_deserializer )
return state , call , deadline
call = self . _channel . segregated_call (
0 , self . _method , None , deadline , metadata , None
if credentials is None else credentials . _credentials , ( (
operations ,
None ,
) , ) )
event = call . next_event ( )
_handle_event ( event , state , self . _response_deserializer )
return state , call ,
def __call__ ( self , request , timeout = None , metadata = None , credentials = None ) :
state , call , deadline = self . _blocking ( request , timeout , metadata ,
credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , False , deadline )
state , call , = self . _blocking ( request , timeout , metadata , credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , False , None )
def with_call ( self , request , timeout = None , metadata = None , credentials = None ) :
state , call , deadline = self . _blocking ( request , timeout , metadata ,
credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , True , deadline )
state , call , = self . _blocking ( request , timeout , metadata , credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , True , None )
def future ( self , request , timeout = None , metadata = None , credentials = None ) :
state , operations , deadline , rendezvous = self . _prepare (
request , timeout , metadata )
if rendezvous :
return rendezvous
if state is None :
rais e rendezvous
else :
call , drive_call = self . _managed_call ( None , 0 , self . _method , None ,
deadline )
if credentials is not None :
call . set_credentials ( credentials . _credentials )
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , call ,
self . _response_deserializer )
with state . condition :
call_error = call . start_client_batch ( operations , event_handler )
if call_error != cygrpc . CallError . ok :
_call_error_set_RPCstate ( state , call_error , metadata )
return _Rendezvous ( state , None , None , deadline )
drive_call ( )
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , self . _response_deserializer )
call = self . _managed_call (
0 , self . _method , None , deadline , metadata , None
if credentials is None else credentials . _credentials ,
( operations , ) , event_handler )
return _Rendezvous ( state , call , self . _response_deserializer ,
deadline )
@ -524,34 +529,27 @@ class _UnaryStreamMultiCallable(grpc.UnaryStreamMultiCallable):
self . _response_deserializer = response_deserializer
def __call__ ( self , request , timeout = None , metadata = None , credentials = None ) :
deadline , serialized_request , rendezvous = ( _start_unary_request (
request , timeout , self . _request_serializer ) )
deadline , serialized_request , rendezvous = _start_unary_request (
request , timeout , self . _request_serializer )
if serialized_request is None :
raise rendezvous
else :
state = _RPCState ( _UNARY_STREAM_INITIAL_DUE , None , None , None , None )
call , drive_call = self . _managed_call ( None , 0 , self . _method , None ,
deadline )
if credentials is not None :
call . set_credentials ( credentials . _credentials )
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , call ,
self . _response_deserializer )
with state . condition :
call . start_client_batch (
( cygrpc . ReceiveInitialMetadataOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) ,
event_handler )
operations = (
operationses = (
cygrpc . SendInitialMetadataOperation ( metadata , _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . SendMessageOperation ( serialized_request ,
cygrpc . SendCloseFromClientOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveStatusOnClientOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
call_error = call . start_client_batch ( operations , event_handler )
if call_error != cygrpc . CallError . ok :
_call_error_set_RPCstate ( state , call_error , metadata )
return _Rendezvous ( state , None , None , deadline )
drive_call ( )
) ,
( cygrpc . ReceiveInitialMetadataOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) ,
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , self . _response_deserializer )
call = self . _managed_call (
0 , self . _method , None , deadline , metadata , None
if credentials is None else credentials . _credentials ,
operationses , event_handler )
return _Rendezvous ( state , call , self . _response_deserializer ,
deadline )
@ -569,49 +567,38 @@ class _StreamUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.StreamUnaryMultiCallable):
def _blocking ( self , request_iterator , timeout , metadata , credentials ) :
deadline = _deadline ( timeout )
state = _RPCState ( _STREAM_UNARY_INITIAL_DUE , None , None , None , None )
completion_queue = cygrpc . CompletionQueue ( )
call = self . _channel . create_call ( None , 0 , completion_queue ,
self . _method , None , deadline )
if credentials is not None :
call . set_credentials ( credentials . _credentials )
with state . condition :
call . start_client_batch (
( cygrpc . ReceiveInitialMetadataOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) , None )
operations = (
cygrpc . SendInitialMetadataOperation ( metadata , _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveMessageOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveStatusOnClientOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
call_error = call . start_client_batch ( operations , None )
_check_call_error ( call_error , metadata )
_consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call ,
self . _request_serializer )
call = self . _channel . segregated_call (
0 , self . _method , None , deadline , metadata , None
if credentials is None else credentials . _credentials ,
_stream_unary_invocation_operationses_and_tags ( metadata ) )
_consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call ,
self . _request_serializer , None )
while True :
event = completion_queue . poll ( )
event = call . next_event ( )
with state . condition :
_handle_event ( event , state , self . _response_deserializer )
state . condition . notify_all ( )
if not state . due :
return state , call , deadline
return state , call ,
def __call__ ( self ,
request_iterator ,
timeout = None ,
metadata = None ,
credentials = None ) :
state , call , deadline = self . _blocking ( request_iterator , timeout ,
metadata , credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , False , deadli ne)
state , call , = self . _blocking ( request_iterator , timeout , metadata ,
credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , False , No ne)
def with_call ( self ,
request_iterator ,
timeout = None ,
metadata = None ,
credentials = None ) :
state , call , deadline = self . _blocking ( request_iterator , timeout ,
metadata , credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , True , deadli ne)
state , call , = self . _blocking ( request_iterator , timeout , metadata ,
credentials )
return _end_unary_response_blocking ( state , call , True , No ne)
def future ( self ,
request_iterator ,
@ -620,27 +607,13 @@ class _StreamUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.StreamUnaryMultiCallable):
credentials = None ) :
deadline = _deadline ( timeout )
state = _RPCState ( _STREAM_UNARY_INITIAL_DUE , None , None , None , None )
call , drive_call = self . _managed_call ( None , 0 , self . _method , None ,
deadline )
if credentials is not None :
call . set_credentials ( credentials . _credentials )
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , call , self . _response_deserializer )
with state . condition :
call . start_client_batch (
( cygrpc . ReceiveInitialMetadataOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) ,
event_handler )
operations = (
cygrpc . SendInitialMetadataOperation ( metadata , _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveMessageOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveStatusOnClientOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
call_error = call . start_client_batch ( operations , event_handler )
if call_error != cygrpc . CallError . ok :
_call_error_set_RPCstate ( state , call_error , metadata )
return _Rendezvous ( state , None , None , deadline )
drive_call ( )
_consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call ,
self . _request_serializer )
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , self . _response_deserializer )
call = self . _managed_call (
0 , self . _method , None , deadline , metadata , None
if credentials is None else credentials . _credentials ,
_stream_unary_invocation_operationses ( metadata ) , event_handler )
_consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call ,
self . _request_serializer , event_handler )
return _Rendezvous ( state , call , self . _response_deserializer , deadline )
@ -661,26 +634,20 @@ class _StreamStreamMultiCallable(grpc.StreamStreamMultiCallable):
credentials = None ) :
deadline = _deadline ( timeout )
state = _RPCState ( _STREAM_STREAM_INITIAL_DUE , None , None , None , None )
call , drive_call = self . _managed_call ( None , 0 , self . _method , None ,
deadline )
if credentials is not None :
call . set_credentials ( credentials . _credentials )
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , call , self . _response_deserializer )
with state . condition :
call . start_client_batch (
( cygrpc . ReceiveInitialMetadataOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) ,
event_handler )
operations = (
operationses = (
cygrpc . SendInitialMetadataOperation ( metadata , _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
cygrpc . ReceiveStatusOnClientOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) ,
call_error = call . start_client_batch ( operations , event_handler )
if call_error != cygrpc . CallError . ok :
_call_error_set_RPCstate ( state , call_error , metadata )
return _Rendezvous ( state , None , None , deadline )
drive_call ( )
_consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call ,
self . _request_serializer )
) ,
( cygrpc . ReceiveInitialMetadataOperation ( _EMPTY_FLAGS ) , ) ,
event_handler = _event_handler ( state , self . _response_deserializer )
call = self . _managed_call (
0 , self . _method , None , deadline , metadata , None
if credentials is None else credentials . _credentials , operationses ,
event_handler )
_consume_request_iterator ( request_iterator , state , call ,
self . _request_serializer , event_handler )
return _Rendezvous ( state , call , self . _response_deserializer , deadline )
@ -689,28 +656,25 @@ class _ChannelCallState(object):
def __init__ ( self , channel ) :
self . lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . channel = channel
self . completion_queue = cygrpc . CompletionQueue ( )
self . managed_calls = None
self . managed_calls = 0
def _run_channel_spin_thread ( state ) :
def channel_spin ( ) :
while True :
event = state . completion_queue . poll ( )
completed_call = event . tag ( event )
if completed_call is not None :
event = state . channel . next_call_event ( )
call_c ompleted = event . tag ( event )
if call_completed :
with state . lock :
state . managed_calls . remove ( completed_call )
if not state . managed_calls :
state . managed_calls = None
state . managed_calls - = 1
if state . managed_calls == 0 :
def stop_channel_spin ( timeout ) : # pylint: disable=unused-argument
with state . lock :
if state . managed_calls is not None :
for call in state . managed_calls :
call . cancel ( )
state . channel . close ( cygrpc . StatusCode . cancelled ,
' Channel spin thread cleaned up! ' )
channel_spin_thread = _common . CleanupThread (
stop_channel_spin , target = channel_spin )
@ -719,37 +683,41 @@ def _run_channel_spin_thread(state):
def _channel_managed_call_management ( state ) :
def create ( parent , flags , method , host , deadline ) :
""" Creates a managed cygrpc.Call and a function to call to drive it.
If operations are successfully added to the returned cygrpc . Call , the
returned function must be called . If operations are not successfully added
to the returned cygrpc . Call , the returned function must not be called .
Args :
parent : A cygrpc . Call to be used as the parent of the created call .
flags : An integer bitfield of call flags .
method : The RPC method .
host : A host string for the created call .
deadline : A float to be the deadline of the created call or None if the
call is to have an infinite deadline .
Returns :
A cygrpc . Call with which to conduct an RPC and a function to call if
operations are successfully started on the call .
call = state . channel . create_call ( parent , flags , state . completion_queue ,
method , host , deadline )
def drive ( ) :
with state . lock :
if state . managed_calls is None :
state . managed_calls = set ( ( call , ) )
_run_channel_spin_thread ( state )
else :
state . managed_calls . add ( call )
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def create ( flags , method , host , deadline , metadata , credentials ,
operationses , event_handler ) :
""" Creates a cygrpc.IntegratedCall.
return call , drive
Args :
flags : An integer bitfield of call flags .
method : The RPC method .
host : A host string for the created call .
deadline : A float to be the deadline of the created call or None if
the call is to have an infinite deadline .
metadata : The metadata for the call or None .
credentials : A cygrpc . CallCredentials or None .
operationses : An iterable of iterables of cygrpc . Operations to be
started on the call .
event_handler : A behavior to call to handle the events resultant from
the operations on the call .
Returns :
A cygrpc . IntegratedCall with which to conduct an RPC .
operationses_and_tags = tuple ( (
operations ,
event_handler ,
) for operations in operationses )
with state . lock :
call = state . channel . integrated_call ( flags , method , host , deadline ,
metadata , credentials ,
operationses_and_tags )
if state . managed_calls == 0 :
state . managed_calls = 1
_run_channel_spin_thread ( state )
else :
state . managed_calls + = 1
return call
return create
@ -819,12 +787,9 @@ def _poll_connectivity(state, channel, initial_try_to_connect):
callback_and_connectivity [ 1 ] = state . connectivity
if callbacks :
_spawn_delivery ( state , callbacks )
completion_queue = cygrpc . CompletionQueue ( )
while True :
channel . watch_connectivity_state ( connectivity ,
time . time ( ) + 0.2 , completion_queue ,
None )
event = completion_queue . poll ( )
event = channel . watch_connectivity_state ( connectivity ,
time . time ( ) + 0.2 )
with state . lock :
if not state . callbacks_and_connectivities and not state . try_to_connect :
state . polling = False